Source code for partset

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -- Components
# -- parts_set library
# -- Python classes that creates useful sets of parts for FreeCAD
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -- (c) Felipe Machado
# -- Area of Electronic Technology. Rey Juan Carlos University (
# -- July-2018
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- LGPL Licence
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import FreeCAD
import Part
import logging
import os
import inspect
import Draft
import DraftGeomUtils
import DraftVecUtils
import math
#import copy;
#import Mesh;

# ---------------------- can be taken away after debugging
# directory this file is
filepath = os.getcwd()
import sys
# to get the components
# In FreeCAD can be added: Preferences->General->Macro->Macro path
# ---------------------- can be taken away after debugging

import kcomp # before, it was called mat_cte
import fcfun
import comps
import shp_clss
import fc_clss
import parts

from fcfun import V0, VX, VY, VZ
from fcfun import VXN, VYN, VZN

                    format='%(%(levelname)s - %(message)s')

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BearWashSet (fc_clss.PartsSet):
    """ A set of bearings and washers, usually to make idle pulleys

    metric : int
        Metric (diameter) of the bolt that holds the set
    axis_h : FreeCAD.Vector
        vector along the cylinder height
    pos_h : int
        location of pos along axis_h (0,1,2,3)
        0: pos is centered along its height
        1: pos is at the base of the bearing
        2: pos is at the base of the regular washer
        3: pos is at the base of the large washer (this is the bottom)
    axis_d : FreeCAD.Vector
        vector perpendicular to the axis_h, along the radius
    pos_d : int
        location of pos along axis_d (0,1,2,3)
        0: pos is centered at the cylinder axis
        1: pos is at the bearing internal radius (defined by netric)
        2: pos is at the bearing external radius
        3: pos is at the large washer external radius
    axis_w : FreeCAD.Vector
        vector perpendicular to the axis_h and axis_d, along the radius
    pos_w : int
        location of pos along axis_w (0,1,2,3)
        0: pos is centered at the cylinder axis
        1: pos is at the bearing internal radius (defined by netric)
        2: pos is at the bearing external radius
        3: pos is at the large washer external radius
    group : int
        1: make a group
        0: leave as individual componentes
    pos : FreeCAD.Vector
        Position of the cylinder, taking into account where the center is

    metric : int or float (in case of M2.5) or even str for inches ?
        Metric of the washer

    pos_o : FreeCAD.Vector
        Position of the origin of the shape
    h_o : dictionary of FreeCAD.Vector
        vectors from the origin to the different points along axis_h
    d_o : dictionary of FreeCAD.Vector
        vectors from the origin to the different points along axis_d
    w_o : dictionary of FreeCAD.Vector
        vectors from the origin to the different points along axis_w
    h0_cen : int
    d0_cen : int
    w0_cen : int
        indicates if pos_h = 0 (pos_d, pos_w) is at the center along
        axis_h, axis_d, axis_w, or if it is at the end.
        1 : at the center (symmetrical, or almost symmetrical)
        0 : at the end

    tot_h : float
        Total height of the set: idler pulley
    r_in : float
        inner radius, the radius of the bearing
    r_ext : float
        external radius, the radius of the large washer

    idler pulley without the washer for the bolt because it is between a holder,
    The holder is in dots, not in the group
    pos_o is at the center of symmetry: see o in the drawing

                   :            pos_h
                :     :                  bolt head
                               :         Holder for the pulley group
          |_________________|     3      large washer
              |_________|         2      regular washer
              |         |         1
              |    o    |         0      bearing
              |_________|        -1
           ___|_________|___     -2      regular washer
      ....|_________________|..  -3      large washer
      .........................:         Holder for the pulley group
                :.....:                  nut
                  :.:                    bolt shank
                   01   2   3   pos_d, pos_w

    # large washer (din9021) metric
    lwash_m_dict = { 3: 4, 4: 6}
    # regular washer (din125) has the same metric as the pulley
    # bearing tipe
    bear_m_dict = { 3: 603, 4: 624}

    def __init__(self, metric,
                 axis_h, pos_h,
                 axis_d = None, pos_d = 0,
                 axis_w = None, pos_w = 0,
                 pos = V0,
                 group = 1,
                 name = ''):

        default_name = 'bearing_idlpulley_m' + str(metric)
        self.set_name (name, default_name, change = 0)

                          axis_d = axis_d, axis_w = axis_w, axis_h = axis_h)

        # save the arguments as attributes:
        frame = inspect.currentframe()
        args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame)
        for i in args:
            if not hasattr(self,i): # so we keep the attributes by CylHole
                setattr(self, i, values[i])

            # lwash_m is the size (metric) of the large washer
            self.lwash_m = self.lwash_m_dict[metric]
            # bear_type is the type of bearing, such as 603, 624,...
            self.bear_type = self.bear_m_dict[metric]
            # lwash_dict is the dictionary with the dimensions of large washer
            self.lwash_dict = kcomp.D9021[self.lwash_m]
            # rwash_dict is the dictionary with the dimensions of regular washer
            self.rwash_dict = kcomp.D125[metric]
            # bear is the dictionary with the dimensions of the bearing
            self.bear_dict = kcomp.BEARING[self.bear_type]
        except KeyError:
            logger.error('Bearing/washer key not found: ' + str(metric))
            # dimensions of each element
            # height, along axis_h
            self.lwash_h     = self.lwash_dict['t'] # height (thickness)
            self.lwash_r_out = self.lwash_dict['do']/2.
            self.rwash_h     = self.rwash_dict['t'] # height (thickness)
            self.rwash_r_out = self.rwash_dict['do']/2.
            self.bear_h      = self.bear_dict['t'] # height (thickness)
            self.bear_r_out  = self.bear_dict['do']/2.
            # total height:
            self.tot_h = 2 * (self.lwash_h + self.rwash_h) + self.bear_h
            #  inner radius of the pulley, the radius of the bearing
            self.r_in = self.bear_r_out
            # external radius, the radius of the large washer
            self.r_ext = self.lwash_r_out

            # pos_h/d/w = 0 are at the center
            self.h0_cen = 1
            self.d0_cen = 1
            self.w0_cen = 1

            # the origin (pos_o) is at the center of symmetry
            # vectors from o (orig) along axis_h, to the pos_h points
            # h_o is a dictionary created in Obj3D.__init__
            self.h_o[0] = V0
            self.h_o[1] = self.vec_h(-self.bear_h/2.)
            self.h_o[2] = self.vec_h(-self.bear_h/2. - self.rwash_h)
            self.h_o[3] = self.vec_h(- self.bear_h/2.
                                     - self.rwash_h
                                     - self.lwash_h)

            self.d_o[0] = V0
            if self.axis_d is not None:
                self.d_o[1] = self.vec_d(-metric/2.)
                self.d_o[2] = self.vec_d(-self.bear_r_out)
                self.d_o[3] = self.vec_d(-self.lwash_r_out)
            elif pos_d != 0:
                logger.error('axis_d not defined while pos_d != 0')

            self.w_o[0] = V0
            if self.axis_d is not None:
                self.w_o[1] = self.vec_w(-self.metric/2.)
                self.w_o[2] = self.vec_w(-self.bear_r_out)
                self.w_o[3] = self.vec_w(-self.lwash_r_out)
            elif pos_w != 0:
                logger.error('axis_w not defined while pos_w != 0')

            # calculates the position of the origin, and keeps it in attribute
            # pos_o

            # creation of the bearing
            bearing = fc_clss.BearingOutl(bearing_nb = self.bear_type,
                                  axis_h = self.axis_h,
                                  pos_h = 0,
                                  axis_d = self.axis_d,
                                  axis_w = self.axis_w,
                                  pos = self.pos_o,
                                  #pos = rwash_b.get_pos_h(1),
                                  name = 'idlpull_bearing')
            # creation of the bottom regular washer
            rwash_b = fc_clss.Din125Washer(metric= metric,
                                   axis_h = self.axis_h,
                                   pos_h = 1,
                                   pos = bearing.get_pos_h(-1),
                                   name = 'idlpull_rwash_bt')
            # creation of the bottom large washer
            lwash_b = fc_clss.Din9021Washer(metric= self.lwash_m,
                                    axis_h = self.axis_h,
                                    pos_h = 1,
                                    pos = rwash_b.get_pos_h(-1),
                                    name = 'idlpull_lwash_bt')
            # creation of the top regular washer
            rwash_t = fc_clss.Din125Washer(metric= metric,
                                   axis_h = self.axis_h,
                                   pos_h = -1,
                                   pos = bearing.get_pos_h(1),
                                   name = 'idlpull_rwash_tp')
            # creation of the top large washer
            lwash_t = fc_clss.Din9021Washer(metric= self.lwash_m,
                                    axis_h = self.axis_h,
                                    pos_h = -1,
                                    pos = rwash_t.get_pos_h(1),
                                    name = 'idlpull_lwash_tp')

            if group == 1:
                self.make_group ()

#doc = FreeCAD.newDocument()
#idle_pulley = BearWashSet( metric=3,
#                 axis_h = VZ, pos_h = 0,
#                 axis_d = None, pos_d = 0,
#                 axis_w = None, pos_w = 0,
#                 pos = V0,
#                 name = '')

class Din912BoltWashSet (fc_clss.PartsSet):
    """ A din 912 bolt and a wahser set 

    metric : int (could be 2.5)
        Metric (diameter) of the bolt
    shank_l : float
        length of the bolt, not including the head
        the real length depends on shank_l_adjust
    wide_washer : int
        0: normal washer (default) din 125
        1: wide washer din 9021
    shank_l_adjust : int
         0: shank length will be the size of the parameter shank_l
        -1: shank length will be the size of the closest shorter or equal
            to shank_l available lengths for this type of bolts
         1: shank length will be the size of the closest larger or equal
            to shank_l available lengths for this type of bolts
        -2: shank length will be the size of the closest shorter or equal
            to shank_l + washer thick available lengths for this type of bolts
            available lengths for this type of bolts
         2: shank length will be the size of the closest larger or equal
            to shank_l + washer thick available lengths for this type of bolts
    shank_out : float
        0: default
        distance to the end of the shank, just for positioning, it doesnt
        change shank_l
        I dont think it is necessary, but just in case
    head_out : float
        0: default
        distance to the end of the head, just for positioning, it doesnt
        change head_l
        I dont think it is necessary, but just in case

    axis_h : FreeCAD.Vector
        vector along the bolt axis
    axis_d : FreeCAD.Vector
        vector along the radius, a direction perpendicular to axis_h
        if head is hexagonal or the socket, it will point the direction of a
    axis_w : FreeCAD.Vector
        vector along the other radius, a direction perpendicular to axis_h
        and axis_d
        it is not necessary if pos_w == 0
        It can be None
   pos_h : int
        location of pos along axis_h
        0: top of the head, considering head_out,
        1: position of the head not considering head_out
           if head_out = 0, it will be the same as pos_h = 0
        2: union of the head and the shank, beginning of the washer
        3: end of the washer
        4: where the screw starts, if all the shank is screwed, it will be
           the same as pos_h = 2
        5: end of the shank, not considering shank_out
        6: end of the shank, if shank_out = 0, will be the same as pos_h = 5
        6: top of the head, considering xtr_head_l, if xtr_head_l = 0
           will be the same as pos_h = 0
    pos_d : int
        location of pos along axis_d (symmetric)
        0: pos is at the central axis
        1: radius of the shank
        2: radius of the head
        3: outer radius of the washer
    pos_w : int
        location of pos along axis_d (symmetric)
        0: pos is at the central axis
        1: radius of the shank
        2: radius of the head
        3: outer radius of the washer

    axis_w : FreeCAD.Vector
        vector perpendicular to the axis_h and axis_d, along the radius
    pos_w : int
        location of pos along axis_w (0,1,2,3)
        0: pos is centered at the cylinder axis
        1: pos is at the bearing internal radius (defined by netric)
        2: pos is at the bearing external radius
        3: pos is at the large washer external radius
    group : int
        1: make a group
        0: leave as individual componentes
    pos : FreeCAD.Vector
        Position of the cylinder, taking into account where the center is

                                     : shank_r
                                     : :
                                     : :
                     ....6......... _:_:...................
           shank_out+....5.........| : |    :             :
                                   | : |    + thread_l    :
                                   | : |    :             :
                                   | : |    :             :
                                   | : |    :             + shank_l
                         4         |.:.|....:             :
                                   | : |                  :
                                   | : |                  :
                    .... 3  _______|_:_|_______           :
      washer_thick  :      |      :: : ::      |          :
                    :... 2 |______::_:_::______|..........:
                                |    :    |               :
                                |  ..:..  |               + head_l
                      ...1......|  : : :  |               :
             head_out+...0......|__:_:_:__|...............:.... axis_d
                                     0 1  2    3
                                     :    :    :
                                     :....:    :
                                     :  +      :
                                     : head_r  :
                                     :         :
                                        + washer_ro

    def __init__(self, metric,
                 wide_washer = 0,
                 shank_l_adjust = 0,
                 shank_out = 0,
                 head_out = 0,
                 axis_h = VZ,
                 axis_d = None, axis_w = None,
                 pos_h  = 0, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0,
                 pos    = V0,
                 group  = 1, # 1: make a group
                 name = ''):

        default_name = 'd912bolt_washer_m' + str(int(metric))
        self.set_name (name, default_name, change=0)

                          axis_d = axis_d, axis_w = axis_w, axis_h = axis_h)

        frame = inspect.currentframe()
        args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame)
        for i in args:
            if not hasattr(self,i): # so we keep the attributes by CylHole
                setattr(self, i, values[i])

        self.bolt_dict = kcomp.D912[metric]

        if wide_washer == 0:
            self.washer_dict = kcomp.D125[metric]
            self.washer_dict = kcomp.D9021[metric]
        self.washer_thick = self.washer_dict['t']
        self.washer_do = self.washer_dict['do']
        self.washer_ro = self.washer_do/2.

        if shank_l_adjust == 0:
            self.shank_l = shank_l
            sh_l_list = self.bolt_dict['shank_l_list']
            if shank_l_adjust == -1: # smaller closest to shank_l
                self.shank_l = [sh_l for sh_l in sh_l_list if sh_l<=shank_l][-1]
            elif shank_l_adjust == 1: # larger closest to shank_l
                self.shank_l = [sh_l for sh_l in sh_l_list if sh_l>=shank_l][0]
            elif shank_l_adjust == -2: # smaller closest to shank_l, washer
                self.shank_l = [sh_l for sh_l in sh_l_list
                                if sh_l<=shank_l+self.washer_thick][-1]
            elif shank_l_adjust == 2: # larger closest to shank_l + washer_thick
                self.shank_l = [sh_l for sh_l in sh_l_list
                                if sh_l>=shank_l+self.washer_thick][0]
                logger.error('wrong value for parameter shank_l_adjust')
                self.shank_l = shank_l

        if self.bolt_dict['thread'] > self.shank_l:
            self.thread_l = self.shank_l
            self.thread_l = self.bolt_dict['thread']

        self.shank_r = self.metric/2.
        self.head_l = self.bolt_dict['head_l']
        self.head_r = self.bolt_dict['head_r']

        self.h0_cen = 0
        self.d0_cen = 1 # symmetrical
        self.w0_cen = 1 # symmetrical

        self.tot_l = self.head_l + self.shank_l

        # vectors from o (orig) along axis_h, to the pos_h points
        # h_o is a dictionary created in Obj3D.__init__
        self.h_o[0] =  V0 #origin
        self.h_o[1] =  self.vec_h(head_out)
        self.h_o[2] =  self.vec_h(self.head_l)
        self.h_o[3] =  self.vec_h(self.head_l + self.washer_thick)
        self.h_o[4] =  self.vec_h(self.tot_l - self.thread_l)
        self.h_o[5] =  self.vec_h(self.tot_l - shank_out)
        self.h_o[6] =  self.vec_h(self.tot_l)

        self.d_o[0] = V0
        if not (self.axis_d is None or self.axis_d == V0):
            # negative because is symmetric
            self.d_o[1] = self.vec_d(-self.shank_r)
            self.d_o[2] = self.vec_d(-self.head_r)
            self.d_o[3] = self.vec_d(-self.washer_ro)
        elif pos_d != 0:
            logger.error('axis_d not defined while pos_d != 0')

        self.w_o[0] = V0
        if not (self.axis_w is None or self.axis_w == V0):
            # negative because is symmetric
            self.w_o[1] = self.vec_w(-self.shank_r)
            self.w_o[2] = self.vec_w(-self.head_r)
            self.w_o[3] = self.vec_w(-self.washer_ro)
        elif pos_w != 0:
            logger.error('axis_w not defined while pos_w != 0')


        # creation of the bolt, at the origin self.pos_o:
        bolt = fc_clss.Din912Bolt(metric = metric,
                                  shank_l = self.shank_l,
                                  shank_out = shank_out,
                                  head_out = head_out,
                                  axis_h = self.axis_h,
                                  axis_d = self.axis_d,
                                  axis_w = self.axis_w,
                                  pos_h = 0, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0,
                                  pos = self.pos_o)
        # creation of the washer, at the origin at pos_h = 2, and at the end
        # of the washer, could use an if
        if wide_washer == 0:
            washer = fc_clss.Din125Washer(metric = metric,
                                          axis_h = self.axis_h,
                                          pos_h = -1, # base of cylinder
                                          pos = self.get_pos_h(2))
            washer = fc_clss.Din9021Washer(metric = metric,
                                           axis_h = self.axis_h,
                                           pos_h = -1, # base of cylinder
                                           pos = self.get_pos_h(2))
        if group == 1:
#boltwash = Din912BoltWashSet(metric = 3, shank_l = 20,
#                 wide_washer = 0,
#                 shank_l_adjust = 1, # 1: take the next larger size
#                 shank_out = 0,
#                 head_out = 0,
#                 axis_h = VZ,
#                 axis_d = None, axis_w = None,
#                 pos_h  = 0, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0,
#                 pos    = V0)

class Din934NutWashSet (fc_clss.PartsSet):
    """ A din 934 nut and a wahser set 

    metric : int (could be 2.5)
        Metric (diameter) of the bolt
    wide_washer : int
        0: normal washer (default) din 125
        1: wide washer din 9021
    axis_d_apo : int
        0: default: axis_d points to the vertex
        1: axis_d points to the center of a side
    axis_h : FreeCAD.Vector
        vector along the bolt axis
    axis_d : FreeCAD.Vector
        vector along the first vertex, a direction perpendicular to axis_h
        it is not necessary if pos_d == 0
        It can be None, but if None, axis_w has to be None
        vector along the radius, a direction perpendicular to axis_h
    axis_w : FreeCAD.Vector
        vector along the other radius, a direction perpendicular to axis_h
        and axis_d
        it is not necessary if pos_w == 0
        It can be None
    pos_h : int
        location of pos along axis_h
        0: at the base of the washer
        1: end of the washer, beginning of the nut
        2: end of the nut
    pos_d : int
        location of pos along axis_d (symmetric)
        0: pos is at the central axis
        1: radius of the hole
        2: apotheme
        3: circumradius
        4: radius of the washer
    pos_w : int
        location of pos along axis_d (symmetric)
        0: pos is at the central axis
        1: radius of the hole
        2: apotheme
        3: circumradius
        4: radius of the washer

    group : int
        1: make a group
        0: leave as individual componentes
    pos : FreeCAD.Vector
        Position of the cylinder, taking into account where the center is

                                     : metric/2
                                     : :
                                     : :
                         2       ____:____                :
                                |  : | :  |               + head_l
                                |  : | :  |               :
                    .... 1  ____|__:_:_:__|____           :
      washer_thick  :      |       : : :       |          :
                    :... 0 |_______:_:_:_______|...........axis_d
                                     0 1 23    4
                                     :    :    :
                                     :....:    :
                                     :  +      :
                                     : head_r  :
                                     :         :
                                        + washer_ro

    def __init__(self, metric,
                 wide_washer = 0,
                 axis_d_apo = 0,
                 axis_h = VZ,
                 axis_d = None, axis_w = None,
                 pos_h  = 0, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0,
                 pos    = V0,
                 group  = 1, # 1: make a group
                 name = ''):

        default_name = 'd934' + str(int(metric))
        self.set_name (name, default_name, change=0)

                          axis_d = axis_d, axis_w = axis_w, axis_h = axis_h)

        frame = inspect.currentframe()
        args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame)
        for i in args:
            if not hasattr(self,i): # so we keep the attributes by CylHole
                setattr(self, i, values[i])

        self.nut_dict = kcomp.D934[metric]

        self.nut_h = self.nut_dict['l']
        self.nut_ro = self.nut_dict['circ_r']
        # either or the next, not exact
        #self.nut_apo = self.nut_dict['a2']/2.
        self.nut_apo = self.nut_ro * 0.866 # cos 30

        if wide_washer == 0:
            self.washer_dict = kcomp.D125[metric]
            self.washer_dict = kcomp.D9021[metric]

        self.washer_thick = self.washer_dict['t']
        self.washer_do = self.washer_dict['do']
        self.washer_ro = self.washer_do/2.

        self.h0_cen = 0
        self.d0_cen = 1 # symmetrical
        self.w0_cen = 1 # symmetrical

        self.tot_h = self.nut_h + self.washer_thick

        # vectors from o (orig) along axis_h, to the pos_h points
        # h_o is a dictionary created in Obj3D.__init__
        self.h_o[0] =  V0 #origin
        self.h_o[1] =  self.vec_h(self.washer_thick)
        self.h_o[2] =  self.vec_h(self.washer_thick + self.nut_h)

        self.d_o[0] = V0
        if not (self.axis_d is None or self.axis_d == V0):
            # negative because is symmetric
            self.d_o[1] = self.vec_d(-metric/2.)
            self.d_o[2] = self.vec_d(-self.nut_apo)
            self.d_o[3] = self.vec_d(-self.nut_ro)
            self.d_o[4] = self.vec_d(-self.washer_ro)
        elif pos_d != 0:
            logger.error('axis_d not defined while pos_d != 0')

        self.w_o[0] = V0
        if not (self.axis_w is None or self.axis_w == V0):
            # negative because is symmetric
            self.w_o[1] = self.vec_w(-metric/2.)
            self.w_o[2] = self.vec_w(-self.nut_apo)
            self.w_o[3] = self.vec_w(-self.nut_ro)
            self.w_o[4] = self.vec_w(-self.washer_ro)
        elif pos_w != 0:
            logger.error('axis_w not defined while pos_w != 0')


        # creation of the nut, at pos h = 1
        nut = fc_clss.Din934Nut(metric = metric,
                                axis_d_apo = axis_d_apo,
                                axis_h = self.axis_h,
                                axis_d = self.axis_d,
                                axis_w = self.axis_w,
                                pos_h = -1, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0,
                                pos = self.get_pos_h(1))
        # creation of the washer, at the origin , and at the end
        # of the washer, could use an if
        if wide_washer == 0:
            washer = fc_clss.Din125Washer(metric = metric,
                                          axis_h = self.axis_h,
                                          pos_h = -1, # base of cylinder
                                          pos = self.pos_o)
            washer = fc_clss.Din9021Washer(metric = metric,
                                           axis_h = self.axis_h,
                                           pos_h = -1, # base of cylinder
                                           pos = self.pos_o)
        if group == 1:
#nut_wash = Din934NutWashSet(metric =4,
#                 wide_washer = 0,
#                 axis_d_apo = 1,
#                 axis_h = VZ,
#                 axis_d = VX, axis_w = None,
#                 pos_h  = 2, pos_d = 2, pos_w = 0,
#                 pos    = V0,
#                 group  = 1, # 1: make a group
#                 name = '')

[docs]class NemaMotorPulleySet (fc_clss.PartsSet): """ Set composed of a Nema Motor and a pulley Number positions of the pulley will be after the positions of the motor :: axis_h : : _______:_______ .....11 <-> 5 |______:_:______|.....10 <-> 4 | : : | | : : |........9 <-> 3 | : : | ___|__:_:__|___ .....8 <-> 2 |______:_:______|.....7 <-> 1 | : : | | : : | | : : | |_____:o:_____|......6 <-> 0 (for the pulley) : : : : : : 0...56789.......axis_d, axis_w | 01 23456 (for the pulley) axis_h : : 2 ............................ | | : | | + shaft_l ___|1|___............. : _____|____0____|_____......:..circle_h.: | :: 3 :: | : | | : | | : | | + base_l | | : | | : | | : |__________4__________|.....: : : : : : : : : :+ rear_shaft_l (optional) :5: : 01...2..3..4.....:...........axis_d (same as axis_w) | | | | | | | v | | | end of the motor | | v | | bolt holes | V | radius of the circle (cylinder) v radius of the shaft axis_w : : __________:__________..... / \....: chmf_r | O O | | _ | | . . | | ( ( ) ) |........axis_d | . . | | - | | O O | \_____________________/ : : :.....................: + motor_w (same as d): Nema size in inches /10 pos_o (origin) is at pos_d=0, pos_w=0, pos_h=1 Parameters ---------- nema_size: dict List of sizes defines in kcomps NEMA motor dimensions. base_l: float, Length (height) of the base shaft_l: float, Length (height) of the shaft, including the small cylinder (circle) at the base shaft_r: float, Radius of the shaft, if not defined, it will take the dimension defined in kcomp circle_r: float, Radius of the cylinder (circle) at the base of the shaft if 0 or circle_h = 0 -> no cylinder circle_h: float, Height of the cylinder at the base of the shaft if 0 or circle_r = 0 -> no cylinder chmf_r: float, Chamfer radius of the chamfer along the base length (height) rear_shaft_l: float Length of the rear shaft, 0 : no rear shaft bolt_depth: float Depth of the bolt holes of the motor pulley_pitch: float/int Distance between teeth: Typically 2mm, or 3mm pulley_n_teeth: int Number of teeth of the pulley pulley_toothed_h: float Height of the toothed part of the pulley pulley_top_flange_h: float Height (thickness) of the top flange, if 0, no top flange pulley_bot_flange_h: float Height (thickness) of the bot flange, if 0, no bottom flange pulley_tot_h: float Total height of the pulley pulley_flange_d: float Flange diameter, if 0, it will be the same as the base_d pulley_base_d: float Base diameter pulley_tol: float Tolerance for radius (it will substracted to the radius) twice for the diameter. Or added if a shape to substract pulley_pos_h : float position in mm of the pulley along the shaft * 0: it is at the base of the shaft * -1: the top of the pulley will be aligned with the end of the shaft axis_d: FreeCAD.Vector Depth vector of coordinate system (perpendicular to the height) axis_w: FreeCAD.Vector Width vector of coordinate system if V0: it will be calculated using the cross product: axis_h x axis_d axis_h: FreeCAD.Vector Height vector of coordinate system pos_d: int location of pos along the axis_d see drawing * Locations coinciding with the motor * 0: at the axis of the shaft * 1: at the radius of the shaft * 2: at the end of the circle(cylinder) at the base of the shaft * 3: at the bolts * 4: at the end of the piece * Locations of the pulley * 5: at the inner radius * 7: at the external radius * 7: at the pitch radius (outside the toothed part) * 8: at the end of the base (not the toothed part) * 9: at the end of the flange (V0 is no flange) pos_w: int location of pos along the axis_w see drawing * Same locations of pos_d pos_h: int location of pos along the axis_h, see drawing * 0: at the base of the shaft (not including the circle at the base of the shaft) * 1: at the end of the circle at the base of the shaft * 2: at the end of the shaft * 3: at the end of the bolt holes * 4: at the bottom base * 5: at the end of the rear shaft, if no rear shaft, it will be the same as pos_h = 4 * 6: at the base of the pulley * 7: at the base of the bottom flange of the pulley * 8: at the base of the toothed part of the pulley * 9: at the center of the toothed part of the pulley * 10: at the end (top) of the toothed part of the pulley * 11: at the end (top) of the pulley of the pulley pos : FreeCAD.Vector Position of the model name: str Object name """ def __init__ (self, # motor parameters nema_size = 17, base_l = 32., shaft_l = 24., shaft_r = 0, circle_r = 11., circle_h = 2., chmf_r = 1, rear_shaft_l=0, bolt_depth = 3., # pulley parameters pulley_pitch = 2., pulley_n_teeth = 20, pulley_toothed_h = 7.5, pulley_top_flange_h = 1., pulley_bot_flange_h = 0, pulley_tot_h = 16., pulley_flange_d = 15., pulley_base_d = 15., pulley_tol = 0, pulley_pos_h = -1, # general parameters axis_d = VX, axis_w = None, axis_h = VZ, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 1, pos = V0, group = 1, name = ''): default_name = 'nema' + str(nema_size) + '_pulley_set' self.set_name (name, default_name, change=0) if (axis_w is None) or (axis_w == V0): axis_w = axis_h.cross(axis_d) fc_clss.PartsSet.__init__(self, axis_d = axis_d, axis_w = axis_w, axis_h = axis_h) # save the arguments as attributes: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for i in args: if not hasattr(self,i): setattr(self, i, values[i]) # pos_w = 0 and pos_d are at the center, pos_h self.d0_cen = 1 #symmetric self.w0_cen = 1 #symmetric self.h0_cen = 0 # creation of the motor, we don't know all the relative positions # so we create it at pos_d=pos_w = 0, pos_h = 1 nema_motor = comps.PartNemaMotor ( nema_size = nema_size, base_l = base_l, shaft_l = shaft_l, shaft_r = shaft_r, circle_r = circle_r, circle_h = circle_h, chmf_r = chmf_r, rear_shaft_l= rear_shaft_l, bolt_depth = bolt_depth, bolt_out = 0, cut_extra = 0, axis_d = self.axis_d, axis_w = self.axis_w, axis_h = self.axis_h, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos = pos) self.append_part(nema_motor) nema_motor.parent = self self.shaft_r = nema_motor.shaft_r self.circle_r = nema_motor.circle_r self.circle_h = nema_motor.circle_h # creation of the pulley. Locate it at pos_d,w,h = 0 gt_pulley = comps.PartGtPulley ( pitch = pulley_pitch, n_teeth = pulley_n_teeth, toothed_h = pulley_toothed_h, top_flange_h = pulley_top_flange_h, bot_flange_h = pulley_bot_flange_h, tot_h = pulley_tot_h, flange_d = pulley_flange_d, base_d = pulley_base_d, shaft_d = 2 * self.shaft_r, tol = 0, axis_d = self.axis_d, axis_w = self.axis_w, axis_h = self.axis_h, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos = pos, model_type = 1) # dimensional model if pulley_pos_h < 0: #top of the pulley aligned with top of the shaft # shaft_l includes the length of the circle pulley_pos_h = shaft_l - gt_pulley.tot_h if pulley_pos_h < 0: pulley_pos_h = 0 self.pulley_pos_h = pulley_pos_h elif pulley_pos_h + gt_pulley.base_h > shaft_l: logger.warning("pulley seems to be out of the shaft") self.append_part(gt_pulley) gt_pulley.parent = self # conversions of the relative points from the parts to the total set self.d_o[0] = nema_motor.d_o[0] # V0 self.d_o[1] = nema_motor.d_o[1] self.d_o[2] = nema_motor.d_o[2] self.d_o[3] = nema_motor.d_o[3] self.d_o[4] = nema_motor.d_o[4] self.d_o[5] = gt_pulley.d_o[2] self.d_o[6] = gt_pulley.d_o[3] self.d_o[7] = gt_pulley.d_o[4] self.d_o[8] = gt_pulley.d_o[5] self.d_o[9] = gt_pulley.d_o[6] self.w_o[0] = nema_motor.w_o[0] # V0 self.w_o[1] = nema_motor.w_o[1] self.w_o[2] = nema_motor.w_o[2] self.w_o[3] = nema_motor.w_o[3] self.w_o[4] = nema_motor.w_o[4] self.w_o[5] = gt_pulley.w_o[2] self.w_o[6] = gt_pulley.w_o[3] self.w_o[7] = gt_pulley.w_o[4] self.w_o[8] = gt_pulley.w_o[5] self.w_o[9] = gt_pulley.w_o[6] self.h_o[0] = nema_motor.h_o[0] # V0 (origin) base of the shaft self.h_o[1] = nema_motor.h_o[1] # end of the circle self.h_o[2] = nema_motor.h_o[2] # end of the shaft self.h_o[3] = nema_motor.h_o[3] # bottom end of the bolt holes self.h_o[4] = nema_motor.h_o[4] # bottom of the base self.h_o[5] = nema_motor.h_o[5] # rear shaft # position of the base of the shaft (including the circle) # + nema_motor.h_o[0] = V0 (not needed) # relative position of the base of the pulley: V0 (not needed) # + gt_pulley.h_o[0] = V0 -> base of the pulley # distance from the base of the shaft (circle included) to the base # of the pulley: # + self.vec_h(self.pulley_pos_h): #self.h_o[6] = ( nema_motor.h_o[0] + gt_pulley.h_o[0] # + self.vec_h(self.pulley_pos_h)) self.h_o[6] = self.vec_h(self.pulley_pos_h) self.h_o[7] = self.h_o[6] + gt_pulley.h_o[1] self.h_o[8] = self.h_o[6] + gt_pulley.h_o[2] self.h_o[9] = self.h_o[6] + gt_pulley.h_o[3] self.h_o[10] = self.h_o[6] + gt_pulley.h_o[4] self.h_o[11] = self.h_o[6] + gt_pulley.h_o[5] # check if the pulley is on top of the shaft or not: if self.h_o[11].Length > self.h_o[5].Length: self.tot_h = self.h_o[11].Length + self.h_o[0].Length else: self.tot_h = self.h_o[5].Length + self.h_o[0].Length self.set_pos_o(adjust = 1) self.set_part_place(nema_motor) self.set_part_place(gt_pulley, self.get_o_to_h(6)) self.place_fcos() if group == 1: self.make_group() def get_nema_motor(self): """ gets the nema motor""" part_list = self.get_parts() for part_i in part_list: if isinstance(part_i, PartNemaMotor): return part_i def get_gt_pulley(self): """ gets the gt2 pulley""" part_list = self.get_parts() for part_i in part_list: if isinstance(part_i, comps.PartGtPulley): return part_i
#motor_pulley = NemaMotorPulleySet(pulley_pos_h = 10, # rear_shaft_l = 10, # axis_d = VZ, # axis_w = VY, # axis_h = VX, # pos_d = 2, # pos_w = 0, # pos_h = 4, # pos = V0, # ) class NemaMotorPulleyHolderSet (fc_clss.PartsSet): """ Set composed of a Nema Motor with a pulley and the holder of the motor Number positions of the pulley will be after the positions of the motor axis_h : : _______:_______ .....13 <-> 5 |______:_:______|.....12 <-> 4 | : : | | : : |........11 <-> 3 | : : | ___|__:_:__|___ .....10 <-> 2 |______:_:______|..... <-> 1 (not used) | : : | | : : | | : : | |_____:o:_____|......9 <-> 0 (for the pulley) : : : : : : 0...567.......axis_d, axis_w (pos_d for motor_pulley) | 234 (correspondence with the pulley) 2: inner radius 3: external radius 4: pitch radius 5, 6: base and flange not defined here axis_h : : 6 ............................ | | : | | + shaft_l ___|5|___............. : _____|____1____|_____......:..circle_h.: (same as 3 in the holder) | :: :: | : | | : | | : | | + base_l | | : | | : | | : |__________7__________|.....: : : : : : : : : :+ rear_shaft_l (optional) : : : :8:...............:...........axis_d (same as axis_w) axis_w : : __________:__________..... / \....: chmf_r | O O | | _ | | . . | | ( ( ) ) |........axis_d | . . | | - | | O O | \_____________________/ : : :.....................: + motor_w (same as d): Nema size in inches /10 axis_d : ________5_________ 9: belt pitch radius || || 8: belt outer radius || O 4_ O || 7: belt inner radius || / \ || 6: shaft_radius || | 3 | || || \ / || 10: shaft radius || O 2_ O || 11: belt inner radius, 12:belt outer r; 13: pitch r ||_______1________|| ..... ||_______o____::__|| ..... wall_thick.....> axis_w 0 1 2 3 (axis_w) 4567 |||| |||7: belt pitch radius ||| ||6 : belt outer radius || |5 : belt inner radius | 4: shaft radius (along axis_w is symmetrical: negative number will get the other side) axis_h (for the holder is pointing to the opposite direction) : : : ________0_________ ....................................> axis_w | :: : : :: | : |__::__:_1__:__::__|.................... : || ||....+ motor_min_h : : || || 2 || || : +tot_h || || || || + motor_max_h : || || || || : : || || 3 || ||...................: : ||_______4________||..................................: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :..........: : : bolt_wall_sep : : : : : :.....tot_w........: pos_h: int location along axis_h 0 : top of the holder 1 : top inner wall: top of motor body 2 : top end of the rail 3 : bottom end of the rail 4 : bottom end of the rail 5 : end of the motor circle (cylinder) 6 : end of the shaft 7 : base of motor body 8 : rear shaft 9 : base of pulley 10: bottom of pulley toothed part 11: middle of pulley toothed part 12: top of pulley toothed part 13: end of pulley """ def __init__ (self, # motor parameters nema_size = 17, motor_base_l = 32., motor_shaft_l = 24., motor_shaft_r = 0, motor_circle_r = 11., motor_circle_h = 2., motor_chmf_r = 1, motor_rear_shaft_l=0, motor_bolt_depth = 3., # pulley parameters pulley_pitch = 2., pulley_n_teeth = 20, pulley_toothed_h = 7.5, pulley_top_flange_h = 1., pulley_bot_flange_h = 0, pulley_tot_h = 16., pulley_flange_d = 15., pulley_base_d = 15., pulley_tol = 0, pulley_pos_h = -1, # holder parameters hold_wall_thick = 4., hold_motorside_thick = 4., hold_reinf_thick = 4., hold_rail_min_h =10., hold_rail_max_h =20., hold_rail = 1, # if there is a rail or not at the profile side hold_motor_xtr_space = 2., # counting on one side hold_bolt_wall_d = 4., # Metric of the wall bolts hold_bolt_wall_sep = 0, # optional hold_chmf_r = 1., # general parameters axis_d = VX, axis_w = None, axis_h = VZ, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 1, pos = V0, group = 0, name = ''): default_name = 'nema_' + str(nema_size) + 'holer_motor_pulley_set' self.set_name (name, default_name, change=0) if (axis_w is None) or (axis_w == V0): axis_w = axis_h.cross(axis_d) fc_clss.PartsSet.__init__(self, axis_d = axis_d, axis_w = axis_w, axis_h = axis_h) # save the arguments as attributes: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for i in args: if not hasattr(self,i): setattr(self, i, values[i]) # pos_w = 0 is at the center self.d0_cen = 0 self.w0_cen = 1 #symmetric self.h0_cen = 0 # creation of the motor with pulley nema_motor_pulley = NemaMotorPulleySet ( # motor parameters nema_size = nema_size, base_l = motor_base_l, shaft_l = motor_shaft_l, shaft_r = motor_shaft_r, circle_r = motor_circle_r, circle_h = motor_circle_h, chmf_r = motor_chmf_r, rear_shaft_l = motor_rear_shaft_l, bolt_depth = motor_bolt_depth, # pulley parameters pulley_pitch = pulley_pitch, pulley_n_teeth = pulley_n_teeth, pulley_toothed_h = pulley_toothed_h, pulley_top_flange_h = pulley_top_flange_h, pulley_bot_flange_h = pulley_bot_flange_h, pulley_tot_h = pulley_tot_h, pulley_flange_d = pulley_flange_d, pulley_base_d = pulley_base_d, pulley_tol = pulley_tol, pulley_pos_h = pulley_pos_h, # general parameters axis_d = axis_d, axis_w = axis_w, axis_h = axis_h, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos = pos) self.append_part(nema_motor_pulley) nema_motor_pulley.parent = self nema_holder = parts.PartNemaMotorHolder( nema_size = nema_size, wall_thick = hold_wall_thick, motorside_thick = hold_motorside_thick, reinf_thick = hold_reinf_thick, motor_min_h = hold_rail_min_h, motor_max_h = hold_rail_max_h, rail = hold_rail, motor_xtr_space = hold_motor_xtr_space, bolt_wall_d = hold_bolt_wall_d, bolt_wall_sep = hold_bolt_wall_sep, chmf_r = hold_chmf_r, axis_h = axis_h.negative(), #pointing down axis_d = axis_d, axis_w = axis_w, #pos_h = 0, # at the point of union with the motor pos_h = 0, # at the point of union with the motor pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos = pos) self.append_part(nema_holder) nema_holder.parent = self self.d_o[0] = nema_holder.d_o[0] # end that is attatched to the profile self.d_o[1] = nema_holder.d_o[1] # inside the wall that is attached self.d_o[2] = nema_holder.d_o[2] # bolt holes closed to the wall self.d_o[3] = nema_holder.d_o[3] # at the motor axis self.d_o[4] = nema_holder.d_o[4] # bolt holes away from the wall self.d_o[5] = nema_holder.d_o[5] # the other end, opposite to the wall # not sure which order to take # taking first away from the wall # axis -v shaft radius self.d_o[6] = nema_holder.d_o[3] + nema_motor_pulley.d_o[1] # axis -v belt inner radius self.d_o[7] = nema_holder.d_o[3] + nema_motor_pulley.d_o[5] # axis -v belt external radius self.d_o[8] = nema_holder.d_o[3] + nema_motor_pulley.d_o[6] # axis -v belt pitch radius self.d_o[9] = nema_holder.d_o[3] + nema_motor_pulley.d_o[7] # then, taking those closer to the the wall # axis -v shaft radius self.d_o[10] = nema_holder.d_o[3] + nema_motor_pulley.d_o[1].negative() # axis -v belt inner radius self.d_o[11] = nema_holder.d_o[3] + nema_motor_pulley.d_o[5].negative() # axis -v belt external radius self.d_o[12] = nema_holder.d_o[3] + nema_motor_pulley.d_o[6].negative() # axis -v belt pitch radius self.d_o[13] = nema_holder.d_o[3] + nema_motor_pulley.d_o[7].negative() # symmetric self.w_o[0] = nema_holder.w_o[0] # motor axis self.w_o[1] = nema_holder.w_o[1] # rail (or wall bolt holes) self.w_o[2] = nema_holder.w_o[2] # bolt holes for the motor self.w_o[3] = nema_holder.w_o[3] # end of the piece self.w_o[4] = nema_motor_pulley.w_o[4] # shaft radius self.w_o[5] = nema_motor_pulley.w_o[5] # belt inner radius self.w_o[6] = nema_motor_pulley.w_o[6] # belt outer radius self.w_o[7] = nema_motor_pulley.w_o[7] # belt pitch radius self.h_o[0] = nema_holder.h_o[0] # top of the holder self.h_o[1] = nema_holder.h_o[1] # top inner wall: top of motor body self.h_o[2] = nema_holder.h_o[2] # top end of the rail self.h_o[3] = nema_holder.h_o[3] # bottom end of the rail self.h_o[4] = nema_holder.h_o[4] # bottom end of the rail # end of the motor circle (cylinder): self.h_o[5] = self.h_o[1] + nema_motor_pulley.h_o[1] self.h_o[6] = self.h_o[1] + nema_motor_pulley.h_o[2] #end of the shaft self.h_o[7] = self.h_o[1] + nema_motor_pulley.h_o[4] #base of motor body self.h_o[8] = self.h_o[1] + nema_motor_pulley.h_o[5] #rear shaft self.h_o[9] = self.h_o[1] + nema_motor_pulley.h_o[5] #base of pulley # bottom of pulley toothed part self.h_o[10] = self.h_o[1] + nema_motor_pulley.h_o[8] # middle of pulley toothed part self.h_o[11] = self.h_o[1] + nema_motor_pulley.h_o[9] # top of pulley toothed part self.h_o[12] = self.h_o[1] + nema_motor_pulley.h_o[10] # end of pulley self.h_o[13] = self.h_o[1] + nema_motor_pulley.h_o[11] self.set_pos_o(adjust = 1) self.set_part_place(nema_holder) self.set_part_place(nema_motor_pulley, self.get_o_to_h(1) +self.get_o_to_d(3)) self.place_fcos() if group == 1: self.make_group() def get_nema_holder(self): """ gets the nema holder""" part_list = self.get_parts() for part_i in part_list: if isinstance(part_i, PartNemaMotorHolder): return part_i def get_nema_motor_pulley(self): """ gets the nema motor pulley set""" part_list = self.get_parts() for part_i in part_list: if isinstance(part_i, NemaMotorPulleySet): return part_i #doc = FreeCAD.newDocument() #nemamotorpullhold = NemaMotorPulleyHolderSet( # hold_bolt_wall_sep = 40., # axis_d = VX, # axis_w = VY, # axis_h = VZ, # pos_d = 1, # pos_w = 3, # pos_h = 1, # pos = V0 # )