Source code for comps

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -- Components
# -- comps library
# -- Python classes that creates useful parts for FreeCAD
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -- (c) Felipe Machado
# -- Area of Electronics. Rey Juan Carlos University (
# -- October-2016
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- LGPL Licence
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import FreeCAD
import Part
import logging
import os
import inspect
import Draft
import DraftGeomUtils
import DraftVecUtils
import math
#import copy;
#import Mesh;

# ---------------------- can be taken away after debugging
# directory this file is
filepath = os.getcwd()
import sys
# to get the components
# In FreeCAD can be added: Preferences->General->Macro->Macro path
# ---------------------- can be taken away after debugging

import kcomp # before, it was called mat_cte
import fcfun
import shp_clss
import fc_clss

from fcfun import V0, VX, VY, VZ, V0ROT, addBox, addCyl, addCyl_pos, fillet_len
from fcfun import VXN, VYN, VZN
from fcfun import addBolt, addBoltNut_hole, NutHole

                    format='%(%(levelname)s - %(message)s')

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#        _______       _______________________________  TotH = H
#       |  ___  |                     
#       | /   \ |      __________ HoleH = h
#       | \___/ |  __
#     __|       |__ /| __
#    |_____________|/  __ TotD = L ___________________
#     <- TotW  = W->
# hole_x: 1 the depth along X axis 
#           Hole facing X
#         0 the depth along Y axis 
#           Hole facing Y
# cx:     1 if you want the coordinates referenced to the x center of the piece
#         it can be done because it is a new shape formed from the union
# cy:     1 if you want the coordinates referenced to the y center of the piece
# upsdown:  NOT YET
#            0: Normal vertical position, referenced to 0
#            1:  z0 is the center of the hexagon (nut)
#              it can be done because it is a new shape formed from the union

class Sk (object):

     SK dimensions:
     dictionary for the dimensions
     mbolt: is mounting bolt. it corresponds to its metric
     tbolt: is the tightening bolt.
    SK12 = { 'd':12.0, 'H':37.5, 'W':42.0, 'L':14.0, 'B':32.0, 'S':5.5,
             'h':23.0, 'A':21.0, 'b': 5.0, 'g':6.0,  'I':20.0,
              'mbolt': 5, 'tbolt': 4} 

    # separation of the upper side (it is not defined). Change it
    # measured for sk12 is 1.2
    up_sep_dist = 1.2

    # tolerances for holes 
    holtol = 1.1

    def __init__(self, size, name, hole_x = 1, cx=0, cy=0):
        self.size = size = name = cx = cy

        skdict = kcomp.SK.get(size)
        if skdict == None:
            logger.warning("Sk size %d not supported", size)
            doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument
            # Total height:
            sk_z = skdict['H'];
            self.TotH = sk_z
            # Total width (Y):
            sk_w = skdict['W'];
            self.TotW = sk_w
            # Total depth (x):
            sk_d = skdict['L'];
            self.TotD = sk_d
            # Base height
            sk_base_h = skdict['g'];
            # center width
            sk_center_w = skdict['I'];
            # Axis height:
            sk_axis_h = skdict['h'];
            self.HoleH = sk_axis_h;
            # tightening bolt with added tolerances:
            # Bolt's head radius
            tbolt_head_r = (self.holtol
                            * kcomp.D912_HEAD_D[skdict['tbolt']])/2.0
            # Bolt's head lenght
            tbolt_head_l = (self.holtol
                            * kcomp.D912_HEAD_L[skdict['tbolt']] )
            # Mounting bolt radius with added tolerance
            mbolt_r = self.holtol * skdict['mbolt']/2.
            # the total dimensions: LxWxH
            # we will cut it
            total_box = addBox(x = sk_d,
                               y = sk_w,
                               z = sk_z,
                               name = "total_box",
                               cx = False, cy=True)

            # what we have to cut from the sides
            side_box_y = (sk_w - skdict['I'])/2.
            side_box_z = sk_z - skdict['g']
            side_cut_box_r = addBox (sk_d, side_box_y, side_box_z,
            side_cut_pos_r = FreeCAD.Vector(0,
            side_cut_box_r.Placement.Base = side_cut_pos_r

            side_cut_box_l= addBox (sk_d, side_box_y, side_box_z,
            side_cut_pos_l = FreeCAD.Vector(0,-sk_w/2.,skdict['g'])
            side_cut_box_l.Placement.Base = side_cut_pos_l

            # union 
            side_boxes = doc.addObject("Part::Fuse", "side_boxes")
            side_boxes.Base = side_cut_box_r
            side_boxes.Tool = side_cut_box_l

            # difference 
            sk_shape = doc.addObject("Part::Cut", "sk_shape")
            sk_shape.Base = total_box
            sk_shape.Tool = side_boxes

            # Shaft hole, its height has +2 to make it throughl L all de way
            shaft_hole = addCyl(skdict['d']/2.,

            First argument defines de position: -1, 0, h
            Second argument rotation: 90 degrees rotation in Y.
            Third argument the center of the rotation, in this case,
                  it is in the cylinder
            axis at the base of the cylinder 
            shaft_hole.Placement = FreeCAD.Placement(

            # the upper sepparation
            up_sep = addBox( sk_d +2,
                             sk_z-skdict['h'] +1,
            up_sep_pos = FreeCAD.Vector(-1,
            up_sep.Placement.Base = up_sep_pos

            #Tightening bolt shaft hole, its height has +2 to make it
            #throughl L all de way
            #skdict['tbolt'] is the diameter of the bolt: (M..) M4, ...
            #tbolt_head_r: is the radius of the tightening bolt's head
            #(including tolerance), which its bottom either
            #- is at the middle point between
            #  - A: the total height :sk_z
            #  - B: the top of the shaft hole: skdict['h']+skdict['d']/2
            #  - so the result will be (A + B)/2
            #or it is aligned with the top of the 12mm shaft, whose height is: 
            #    skdict['h']+skdict['d']/2
            tbolt_shaft = addCyl(skdict['tbolt']/2,skdict['I']+2,
            tbolt_shaft_pos = FreeCAD.Vector(sk_d/2.,
                            #(sk_z + skdict['h']+skdict['d']/2.)/2.)
            tbolt_shaft.Placement = FreeCAD.Placement(tbolt_shaft_pos,

            # Head of the thigthening bolt
            tbolt_head = addCyl(tbolt_head_r,tbolt_head_l+1, "tbolt_head")
            tbolt_head_pos = FreeCAD.Vector(sk_d/2.,
                           #(sk_z + skdict['h']+skdict['d']/2.)/2.)
            tbolt_head.Placement = FreeCAD.Placement(tbolt_head_pos,

            #Make an union of all these parts

            fuse_shaft_holes = doc.addObject("Part::MultiFuse",
            fuse_shaft_holes.Shapes = [tbolt_head,
                                       up_sep, shaft_hole]

            #Cut from the sk_shape

            sk_shape_w_holes = doc.addObject("Part::Cut", "sk_shape_w_holes")
            sk_shape_w_holes.Base = sk_shape
            sk_shape_w_holes.Tool = fuse_shaft_holes

            #Mounting bolts
            mbolt_sh_r = addCyl(mbolt_r,skdict['g']+2., "mbolt_sh_r")
            mbolt_sh_l = addCyl(mbolt_r,skdict['g']+2., "mbolt_sh_l")

            mbolt_sh_r_pos = FreeCAD.Vector(sk_d/2,

            mbolt_sh_l_pos = FreeCAD.Vector(sk_d/2,

            mbolt_sh_r.Placement.Base = mbolt_sh_r_pos
            mbolt_sh_l.Placement.Base = mbolt_sh_l_pos

            # Equivalent expresions to the ones above
            #mbolt_sh_l.Placement = FreeCAD.Placement(mbolt_sh_l_pos, v0rot, v0)
            #mbolt_sh_r.Placement = FreeCAD.Placement(mbolt_sh_r_pos, v0rot, v0)

            mbolts_sh = doc.addObject("Part::Fuse", "mbolts_sh")
            mbolts_sh.Base = mbolt_sh_r
            mbolts_sh.Tool = mbolt_sh_l

            # Instead of moving all the objects from the begining. I do it here
            # so it is easier, and since a new object will be created, it is
            # referenced correctly
            # Now, it is centered on Y, having the width on X, hole facing X
            # on the positive side of X
            if hole_x == 1:
                # this is how it is, no rotation
                rot = FreeCAD.Rotation(VZ,0)
                if cx == 1: #we want centered on X,bring back the half of depth
                    xpos = -self.TotD/2.
                    xpos = 0 # how it is
                if cy == 1: # centered on Y, how it is
                    ypos = 0
                    ypos = self.TotW/2.0 # bring forward the width
            else: # hole facing Y
                rot = FreeCAD.Rotation (VZ,90)
                # After rotating, it is centered on X, 
                if cx == 1: # centered on X, how it is
                    xpos = 0
                    xpos = self.TotW /2.0
                if cy == 1: # we want centered on Y, bring back
                    ypos = - self.TotD/2.0
                    ypos = 0

            sk_shape_w_holes.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector (xpos, ypos, 0)
            mbolts_sh.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector (xpos, ypos, 0)
            sk_shape_w_holes.Placement.Rotation = rot
            mbolts_sh.Placement.Rotation = rot

            sk_final = doc.addObject("Part::Cut", name)
            sk_final.Base = sk_shape_w_holes
            sk_final.Tool = mbolts_sh

            self.fco = sk_final   # the FreeCad Object

[docs]class Sk_dir (object): # Similar to Sk, but in any direction """ SK dimensions: dictionary for the dimensions :: mbolt: is mounting bolt. it corresponds to its metric tbolt: is the tightening bolt. SK12 = { 'd':12.0, 'H':37.5, 'W':42.0, 'L':14.0, 'B':32.0, 'S':5.5, 'h':23.0, 'A':21.0, 'b': 5.0, 'g':6.0, 'I':20.0, 'mbolt': 5, 'tbolt': 4} :: fc_axis_h : ___:___ _______________________________ tot_h | ___ | | / \ | __________ HoleH = h | \___/ | __ __| |__ /| __ |_____________|/ __ TotD = L ___________________ ___:___ ___ | ___ | |...| | / 2 \ | 3 1 |.....> fc_axis_d | \_*_/ | |...| ____| |____ |___| 8_:5_____4_____::_|..fc_axis_w 6_7_|....... fc_axis_d : : : : :... tot_w .......: :...: tot_d Parameters ---------- fc_axis_h : FreeCAD.Vector Axis on the height direction fc_axis_d : FreeCAD.Vector Axis on the depth (rod) direction fc_axis_w : FreeCAD.Vector Width (perpendicular) dimension, only useful if I finally include the tightening bolt, or if ref_wc != 1 ref_hr : int * 1: reference at the Rod Height dimension (rod center): points 1, 2, 3 * 0: reference at the base: points 4, 5 ref_wc : int * 1: reference at the center on the width dimension (fc_axis_w) points: 2, 4, * 0: reference at one of the bolt holes, point 5 * -1: reference at one end. point 8 ref_dc : int * 1: reference at the center of the depth dimension (fc_axis_d) points: 1,7 * 0: reference at one of the ends on the depth dimension points 3, 6 pillow : int * 1 to make it the same height of a pillow block pos : FreeCAD.Vector Placement wfco : int * 1 to create a FreeCAD Object tol : float Tolerance of the axis name : str FreeCAD Object name Returns ------- FreeCAD Object FreeCAD Object of a shaft holder """ # separation of the upper side (it is not defined). Change it # measured for sk12 is 1.2 up_sep_dist = 1.2 # tolerances for holes holtol = 1.1 def __init__(self, size, fc_axis_h = VZ, fc_axis_d = VX, fc_axis_w = V0, ref_hr = 1, ref_wc = 1, ref_dc = 1, pillow = 0, #make it the same height of a pillow block pos = V0, wfco = 1, tol = 0.3, name= "shaft_holder"): self.size = size self.wfco = wfco = name self.pos = pos self.tol = tol self.ref_hr = ref_hr self.ref_wc = ref_wc self.ref_dc = ref_dc doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument if pillow == 0: skdict = kcomp.SK.get(size) else: skdict = kcomp.PILLOW_SK.get(size) if skdict == None: logger.error("Sk size %d not supported", size) # normalize de axis axis_h = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(fc_axis_h,1) axis_d = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(fc_axis_d,1) if fc_axis_w == V0: axis_w = axis_h.cross(axis_d) else: axis_w = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(fc_axis_w,1) axis_h_n = axis_h.negative() axis_d_n = axis_d.negative() axis_w_n = axis_w.negative() # Total height: sk_h = skdict['H']; self.tot_h = sk_h # Total width (Y): sk_w = skdict['W']; self.tot_w = sk_w # Total depth (x): sk_d = skdict['L']; self.tot_d = sk_d # Base height sk_base_h = skdict['g']; # center width sk_center_w = skdict['I']; # Axis height: sk_axis_h = skdict['h']; self.axis_h = sk_axis_h; # Mounting bolts separation sk_mbolt_sep = skdict['B'] # tightening bolt with added tolerances: tbolt_d = skdict['tbolt'] # Bolt's head radius tbolt_head_r = (self.holtol * kcomp.D912_HEAD_D[skdict['tbolt']])/2.0 # Bolt's head lenght tbolt_head_l = (self.holtol * kcomp.D912_HEAD_L[skdict['tbolt']] ) # Mounting bolt radius with added tolerance mbolt_r = self.holtol * skdict['mbolt']/2. if ref_hr == 1: # distance vectors on axis_h ref2rod_h = V0 ref2base_h = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_h, -sk_axis_h) else: ref2rod_h = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_h, sk_axis_h) ref2base_h = V0 if ref_wc == 1: # distance vectors on axis_w ref2cen_w = V0 ref2bolt_w = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_w, -sk_mbolt_sep/2.) ref2end_w = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_w, -sk_w/2.) elif ref_wc == 0: ref2cen_w = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_w, sk_mbolt_sep/2.) ref2bolt_w = V0 ref2end_w = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_w, -(sk_w-sk_mbolt_sep)/2.) else: # ref_wc == -1 at the end on the width dimension ref2cen_w = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_w, sk_w/2.) ref2bolt_w = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_w, (sk_w-sk_mbolt_sep)/2.) if ref_dc == 1: # distance vectors on axis_d ref2cen_d = V0 ref2end_d = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_d, -sk_d/2.) else: ref2cen_d = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_d, sk_d/2.) ref2end_d = V0 basecen_pos = pos + ref2base_h + ref2cen_w + ref2cen_d # Making the tall box: shp_tall = fcfun.shp_box_dir (box_w = sk_center_w, box_d = sk_d, box_h = sk_h, fc_axis_w = axis_w, fc_axis_h = axis_h, fc_axis_d = axis_d, cw = 1, cd= 1, ch=0, pos = basecen_pos) # Making the wide box: shp_wide = fcfun.shp_box_dir (box_w = sk_w, box_d = sk_d, box_h = sk_base_h, fc_axis_w = axis_w, fc_axis_h = axis_h, fc_axis_d = axis_d, cw = 1, cd= 1, ch=0, pos = basecen_pos) shp_sk = shp_tall.fuse(shp_wide) doc.recompute() shp_sk = shp_sk.removeSplitter() holes = [] # Shaft hole, rodcen_pos = pos + ref2rod_h + ref2cen_w + ref2cen_d rod_hole = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr(r= size/2. +self.tol, h = sk_d, normal = axis_d, ch = 1, xtr_top = 1, xtr_bot = 1, pos = rodcen_pos) holes.append(rod_hole) # the upper sepparation shp_topopen = fcfun.shp_box_dir_xtr ( box_w = self.up_sep_dist, box_d = sk_d, box_h = sk_h-sk_axis_h, fc_axis_w = axis_w, fc_axis_h = axis_h, fc_axis_d = axis_d, cw = 1, cd= 1, ch=0, xtr_h = 1, xtr_d = 1, xtr_nd = 1, pos = rodcen_pos) holes.append(shp_topopen) # Tightening bolt hole # tbolt_d is the diameter of the bolt: (M..) M4, ... # tbolt_head_r: is the radius of the tightening bolt's head # (including tolerance), which its bottom either #- is at the middle point between # - A: the total height :sk_h # - B: the top of the shaft hole: axis_h + size/2. # - so the result will be (A + B)/2 # tot_h - (axis_h + size/2.) # _______..A........................ # | ___ |.B.......+ rodtop2top_dist = sk_h - (axis_h + size/2.) # | / \ |.......+ size/2. # | \___/ | : # __| |__ + axis_h # |_____________|....: rodtop2top_dist = sk_h - (sk_axis_h + size/2.) tbolt_pos = ( rodcen_pos + DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_w, sk_center_w/2.) + DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_h, size/2.) + DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_h, rodtop2top_dist/2.)) shp_tbolt = fcfun.shp_bolt_dir(r_shank= tbolt_d/2., l_bolt = sk_center_w, r_head = tbolt_head_r, l_head = tbolt_head_l, hex_head = 0, xtr_head = 1, xtr_shank = 1, support = 0, fc_normal = axis_w_n, fc_verx1 = axis_h, pos = tbolt_pos) holes.append(shp_tbolt) #Mounting bolts cen2mbolt_w = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_w, sk_mbolt_sep/2.) for w_pos in [cen2mbolt_w.negative(), cen2mbolt_w]: mbolt_pos = basecen_pos + w_pos mbolt_hole = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr(r= mbolt_r, h = sk_d, normal = axis_h, ch = 0, xtr_top = 1, xtr_bot = 1, pos = mbolt_pos) holes.append(mbolt_hole) shp_holes = fcfun.fuseshplist(holes) shp_sk = shp_sk.cut(shp_holes) self.shp = shp_sk if wfco == 1: # a freeCAD object is created fco = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", name ) fco.Shape = self.shp self.fco = fco def color (self, color = (1,1,1)): if self.wfco == 1: self.fco.ViewObject.ShapeColor = color else: logger.debug("Object with no fco")
#doc =FreeCAD.newDocument() #h_sk = Sk_dir (size = 8, # fc_axis_h = VX, # fc_axis_d = VZ, # fc_axis_w = V0, # ref_hr = 0, # ref_wc = 0, # ref_dc = 0, # pillow = 0, # pos = V0, # tol = 0.3, # wfco = 1, # name= "sk8_tol03") # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Creates a Misumi Aluminun Profile 30x30 Series 6 Width 8 # length: the length of the profile # axis 'x', 'y' or 'z' # 'x' will along the x axis # 'y' will along the y axis # 'z' will be vertical # cx: 1 if you want the coordinates referenced to the x center of the piece # it can be done because it is a new shape formed from the union # cy: 1 if you want the coordinates referenced to the y center of the piece # cz: 1 if you want the coordinates referenced to the z center of the piece # ATTRIBUTES: # fco: The freecad object # Sk: The sketch of the aluminum profile class MisumiAlu30s6w8 (object): # filename of Aluminum profile sketch skfilename = "misumi_profile_hfs_serie6_w8_30x30.FCStd" ALU_W = 30.0 ALU_Wh = ALU_W / 2.0 # half of it def __init__ (self, length, name, axis = 'x', cx=False, cy=False, cz=False): doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument self.length = length = name self.axis = axis = cx = cy = cz # filepath path = os.getcwd() #logging.debug(path) self.skpath = path + '/../../freecad/comps/' doc_sk = FreeCAD.openDocument(self.skpath + self.skfilename) list_obj_alumprofile = [] for obj in doc_sk.Objects: #if (hasattr(obj,'ViewObject') and obj.ViewObject.isVisible() # and hasattr(obj,'Shape') and len(obj.Shape.Faces) > 0 ): # # len(obj.Shape.Faces) > 0 to avoid sketches # list_obj_alumprofile.append(obj) if len(obj.Shape.Faces) == 0: orig_alumsk = obj FreeCAD.ActiveDocument = doc self.Sk = doc.addObject("Sketcher::SketchObject", 'sk_' + name) self.Sk.Geometry = orig_alumsk.Geometry print (orig_alumsk.Geometry) print (orig_alumsk.Constraints) self.Sk.Constraints = orig_alumsk.Constraints self.Sk.ViewObject.Visibility = False FreeCAD.closeDocument(doc_sk.Name) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument = doc #otherwise, clone will not work doc.recompute() # The sketch is on plane XY, facing Z if axis == 'x': self.Dir = (length,0,0) # rotation on Y rot = FreeCAD.Rotation(VY,90) if cx == True: xpos = - self.length / 2.0 else: xpos = 0 if cy == True: ypos = 0 else: ypos = self.ALU_Wh # half of the aluminum profile width if cz == True: zpos = 0 else: zpos = self.ALU_Wh elif axis == 'y': self.Dir = (0,length,0) # rotation on X rot = FreeCAD.Rotation(VX,-90) if cx == True: xpos = 0 else: xpos = self.ALU_Wh if cy == True: ypos = - self.length / 2.0 else: ypos = 0 if cz == True: zpos = 0 else: zpos = self.ALU_Wh elif axis == 'z': self.Dir = (0,0,length) # no rotation rot = FreeCAD.Rotation(VZ,0) if cx == True: xpos = 0 else: xpos = self.ALU_Wh if cy == True: ypos = 0 else: ypos = self.ALU_Wh if cz == True: zpos = - self.length / 2.0 else: zpos = 0 else: logging.debug ("wrong argument") self.Sk.Placement.Rotation = rot self.Sk.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(xpos,ypos,zpos) alu_extr = doc.addObject("Part::Extrusion", name) alu_extr.Base = self.Sk alu_extr.Dir = self.Dir alu_extr.Solid = True self.fco = alu_extr # the FreeCad Object # ----------- class RectRndBar --------------------------------------------- # Creates a rectangular bar with rounded edges, and with the posibility # to be hollow # # Base: the length of the base of the rectangle # Height: the length of the height of the rectangle # Length: the length of the bar, the extrusion # Radius: the radius of the rounded edges (fillet) # Thick: the thikness of the bar (hollow bar) # If it is zero or larger than base or # height, it will be full # inrad_same : True: inradius = radius. When the radius is very small # False: inradius = radius - thick # axis 'x', 'y' or 'z' # direction of the bar # 'x' will along the x axis # 'y' will along the y axis # 'z' will be vertical # baseaxis 'x', 'y' or 'z' # in which axis the base is on. Cannot be the same as axis # cx: 1 if you want the coordinates referenced to the x center of the piece # it can be done because it is a new shape formed from the union # cy: 1 if you want the coordinates referenced to the y center of the piece # cz: 1 if you want the coordinates referenced to the z center of the piece # attributes: # inRad : radius of the inner radius # inBase : lenght of the inner rectangle # inHeight : height of the inner rectangle # hollow : True, if it is hollow, False if it is not # face : the face has been extruded # fco : FreeCad Object class RectRndBar (object): def __init__ (self, Base, Height, Length, Radius, Thick = 0, inrad_same = False, axis = 'x', baseaxis = 'y', name = "rectrndbar", cx=False, cy=False, cz=False): doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument self.Base = Base self.Height = Height self.Length = Length self.Radius = Radius self.Thick = Thick self.inrad_same = inrad_same = name self.axis = axis self.baseaxis = baseaxis = cx = cy = cz self.inBase = Base - 2 * Thick self.inHeight = Height - 2 * Thick if Thick == 0 or Thick >= Base or Thick >= Height: self.Thick = 0 self.hollow = False self.inRad = 0 self.inrad_same = False self.inBase = 0 self.inHeight = 0 else : self.hollow = True if inrad_same == True: self.inRad = Radius else: if Radius > Thick: self.inRad = Radius - Thick else: self.inRad = 0 # a rectangle, with no rounded edges (inside) wire_ext = fcfun.shpRndRectWire (x=Base, y=Height, r=Radius, zpos= Length/2.0) face_ext = Part.Face(wire_ext) if self.hollow == True: wire_int = fcfun.shpRndRectWire (x=self.inBase, y=self.inHeight, r=self.inRad, zpos= Length/2.0) face_int = Part.Face(wire_int) face = face_ext.cut(face_int) else: face = face_ext # is not hollow self.face = face # Rotate and extrude in the appropiate direction # now is facing Z, I use vec2 if axis == 'x': # rotate to Z, the 1 or -1 makes the extrusion different vec2 = (1,0,0) dir_extr = FreeCAD.Vector(Length,0,0) elif axis == 'y': vec2 = (0,1,0) dir_extr = FreeCAD.Vector(0,Length,0) elif axis == 'z': vec2 = (0,0,1) dir_extr = FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,Length) if baseaxis == 'x': vec1 = (1,0,0) elif baseaxis == 'y': vec1 = (0,1,0) elif baseaxis == 'z': vec1 = (0,0,1) vrot = fcfun.calc_rot (vec1,vec2) vdesp = fcfun.calc_desp_ncen ( Length = self.Base, Width = self.Height, Height = self.Length , vec1 = vec1, vec2 = vec2, cx = cx, cy=cy, cz=cz) face.Placement.Base = vdesp face.Placement.Rotation = vrot shp_extr = face.extrude(dir_extr) rndbar = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", name) rndbar.Shape = shp_extr self.fco = rndbar # ----------- end class RectRndBar ---------------------------------------- # ----------- class AluProf --------------------------------------------- # Creates a generic aluminum profile # :----- width ----: # : slot : # : :--: : # :______: :______: # | __| |__ | # | |\ \ / /| | # |_| \ \____/ / |_| ........... # | | ...... insquare # | ( ) | ......indiam : # _ | ____ | ..............: # | | / / \ \ | | # | |/ /_ _\ \| | .... # |______| |______| ....thick # # width: the Width of the profile, it is squared # length: the length of the bar, the extrusion # thick: the thickness of the side # slot: the width of the rail # insquare: the width of the inner square # indiam: the diameter of the inner hole. If 0, there is no hole # axis 'x', 'y' or 'z' # direction of the bar # 'x' will be along the x axis # 'y' will be along the y axis # 'z' will be vertical # cx: 1 if you want the coordinates referenced to the x center of the piece # it can be done because it is a new shape formed from the union # cy: 1 if you want the coordinates referenced to the y center of the piece # cz: 1 if you want the coordinates referenced to the z center of the piece # attributes: # the arguments and # ax_center : 1 if the profile is centered along its axis. 0 if not # face : the face that has been extruded # shp : the shape # fco : the freecad object # How rotation y movement works # Initial # Y # : # : # _ : _ # |_|_:_|_| # ........|.:.|........ X # _|_:_|_ # |_| : |_| # : # : # : # # # Final axis = 'x' -> Rotation -90 on axis Y: pitch -90 # Z cx = 0 # : cy = 0 -> Translation Y: width/2 # : cz = 1 -> Translation Z: 0 # : # :_ _ # |_|___|_| # ..........:.|...|........ Y # :_|___|_ # |_| |_| # : # : # : # # # Final axis = 'x' -> Rotation -90 on axis Y: pitch -90 # Z cx = 0 # : cy = 0 -> Translation Y: width/2 # : cz = 0 -> Translation Z: width/2 # : # :_ _ # |_|___|_| # : | | # :_|___|_ # ..........|_|...|_|.......Y # : # : # : # # # # class AluProf (object): def __init__ (self, width, length, thick, slot, insquare, indiam, axis = 'x', name = "genaluprof", cx=False, cy=False, cz=False): doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument self.width = width self.length = length self.thick = thick self.slot = slot = name self.insquare = insquare self.indiam = indiam = name self.axis = axis self.fcvec_axis = fcfun.getfcvecofname(axis) = cx = cy = cz fcvec_axis = self.fcvec_axis # vectors of the points vecpoints = fcfun.aluprof_vec (width, thick, slot, insquare) doc.recompute() # wire Face wire_aluprof = fcfun.wire_sim_xy (vecpoints) # if it is not centered on X, and the axis doesn't go along X if cx == 0 and axis != 'x': posx = width/2. else: posx = 0 if cy == 0 and axis != 'y': posy = width/2. else: posy = 0 if cz == 0 and axis != 'z': posz = width/2. else: posz = 0 if axis == 'x': ax_center = cx elif axis == 'y': ax_center = cy elif axis == 'z': ax_center = cz else: ax_center = 0 logger.error("axis %s not defined. Supported: 'x', 'y', 'z', axis") self.ax_center = ax_center doc.recompute() pos = FreeCAD.Vector(posx,posy,posz) # Position vec_axis = fcfun.getfcvecofname(axis) face_ext = Part.Face(wire_aluprof) # since vec2 of calc_rot is referenced to VNZ, vec_facenomal is negated vec_naxis = DraftVecUtils.neg(vec_axis) vrot = fcfun.fc_calc_rot(V0, vec_naxis) face_ext.Placement.Rotation = vrot face_ext.Placement.Base = pos # inner hole if indiam > 0 : hole = Part.makeCircle (indiam/2., # Radius pos, # Position vec_axis) # direction wire_hole = Part.Wire(hole) face_hole = Part.Face(wire_hole) face_profile = face_ext.cut(face_hole) else: face_profile = face_ext shp_profile = fcfun.shp_extrud_face ( face = face_profile, length = length, vec_extr_axis = vec_axis, centered = ax_center) self.shp = shp_profile fco_profile = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", name) fco_profile.Shape = shp_profile self.fco = fco_profile self.defaluline() def color (self, color = (1,1,1)): self.fco.ViewObject.ShapeColor = color linecol = [] for col_i in color: if col_i < 0.2: linecol.append(0.) else: linecol.append(col_i - 0.2) print (str(linecol)) self.fco.ViewObject.LineColor = tuple(linecol) print(str(color) + ' - ' + str(self.fco.ViewObject.LineColor)) def linecolor (self, color = (1,1,1)): self.fco.ViewObject.LineColor = color def linewidth (self, width = 1.): self.fco.ViewObject.LineWidth = width def defaluline (self): self.fco.ViewObject.LineColor = (0.5,0.5,0.5) self.fco.ViewObject.LineWidth = 1. # ----------- class AluProf_dir --------------------------------------------- class AluProf_dir (object): """ Creates a generic aluminum profile in any direction :: :----- width ----: : slot : : :--: : :______: :______: | __| |__ | | |\ \ / /| | |_| \ \____/ / |_| ........... | | ...... insquare | ( ) | ......indiam : _ | ____ | ..............: | | / / \ \ | | | |/ /_ _\ \| | .... |______| |______| ....thick Parameters ---------- width : float The Width of the profile, it is squared length : float The length of the bar, the extrusion thick : float The thickness of the side slot : float The width of the rail insquare : float The width of the inner square indiam : float The diameter of the inner hole. If 0, there is no hole fc_axis_l : FreeCAD.Vector axis on the length direction fc_axis_w : FreeCAD.Vector axis on the width direction fc_axis_p : FreeCAD.Vector axis on the other width direction (perpendicular) can be V0 if ref_p = 1 ref_l : int Reference (zero) on the fc_axis_l * 1: reference at the center * 2: reference at the end, the other end will be on the direction of fc_axis_l ref_w : int Reference (zero) on the fc_axis_w * 1: reference at the center * 2: reference at the side, the other end side will be on the direction of fc_axis_w ref_p : int Reference (zero) on the fc_axis_p * 1: reference at the center * 2: reference at the side, the other end side will be on the direction of fc_axis_p xtr_l : float if >0 it will be that extra length on the direction of fc_axis_l I dont think it is useful for a profile, but since it is easy to do, I just do it xtr_nl : float if >0 it will be that extra height on the opositve direction of fc_axis_l pos : FreeCAD.Vector FreeCAD vector of the position wfco : int 1 a freecad object will be created. 0: only a shape name : str Name of the freecad object Attributes ---------- face : The face that has been extruded shp : The shape fco : The freecad object :: ref_w = 1 ; ref_p = 1 fc_axis_w : : _ : _ |_|_:_|_| ........|.:.|........ fc_axis_p _|_:_|_ |_| : |_| : : : ref_w = 1 ; ref_p = 2 fc_axis_w : : : :_ _ |_|___|_| ..........:.|...|........ fc_axis_p :_|___|_ |_| |_| : : : """ # # Final axis = 'x' -> Rotation -90 on axis Y: pitch -90 # Z cx = 0 # : cy = 0 -> Translation Y: width/2 # : cz = 0 -> Translation Z: width/2 # : # :_ _ # |_|___|_| # : | | # :_|___|_ # ..........|_|...|_|.......Y # : # : # : # # # # def __init__ (self, width, length, thick, slot, insquare, indiam, fc_axis_l = VX, fc_axis_w = VY, fc_axis_p = V0, ref_l = 0, ref_w = 1, ref_p = 1, xtr_l=0, xtr_nl=0, pos = V0, wfco = 1, name = "aluprof"): doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument self.width = width self.length = length self.thick = thick self.slot = slot = name self.insquare = insquare self.indiam = indiam = name self.wfco = wfco self.pos = pos # normalize the axis axis_l = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(fc_axis_l,1) axis_w = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(fc_axis_w,1) if fc_axis_p == V0: axis_p = axis_l.cross(axis_w) else: axis_p = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(fc_axis_p,1) axis_l_n = axis_l.negative() self.axis_l = axis_l self.axis_w = axis_w self.axis_p = axis_p # getting the base position if ref_l == 1: # move the postion half of the height down base_pos = pos + DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_l_n, length/2. + xtr_nl) else: base_pos = pos + DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_l_n, xtr_nl) # Get the center position if ref_w == 2: ref2center_w = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_w, width/2.) else: ref2center_w = V0 if ref_p == 2: ref2center_p = DraftVecUtils.scale(axis_p, width/2.) else: ref2center_p = V0 basecen_pos = base_pos + ref2center_w + ref2center_p shp_alu_wire = fcfun.shp_aluwire_dir (width, thick, slot, insquare, fc_axis_x = axis_w, fc_axis_y = axis_p, ref_x = 1, #already centered ref_y = 1, #already centered pos = basecen_pos) # make a face of the wire shp_alu_face = Part.Face (shp_alu_wire) # inner hole if indiam > 0 : hole = Part.makeCircle (indiam/2., # Radius basecen_pos, # Position axis_l) # direction wire_hole = Part.Wire(hole) face_hole = Part.Face(wire_hole) shp_alu_face = shp_alu_face.cut(face_hole) # extrude it dir_extrud = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(axis_l, length + xtr_nl + xtr_l) shp_aluprof = shp_alu_face.extrude(dir_extrud) self.shp = shp_aluprof if wfco == 1: fco_aluprof = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", name) fco_aluprof.Shape = shp_aluprof self.fco = fco_aluprof self.defaluline() def color (self, color = (1,1,1)): self.fco.ViewObject.ShapeColor = color linecol = [] for col_i in color: #print (str(col_i)) if col_i < 0.2: linecol.append(0.) else: linecol.append(col_i - 0.2) #print (str(linecol)) self.fco.ViewObject.LineColor = tuple(linecol) #print(str(color) + ' - ' + str(self.fco.ViewObject.LineColor)) #print(str(linecol)) def linecolor (self, color = (1,1,1)): self.fco.ViewObject.LineColor = color def linewidth (self, width = 1.): self.fco.ViewObject.LineWidth = width def defaluline (self): self.fco.ViewObject.LineColor = (0.5,0.5,0.5) self.fco.ViewObject.LineWidth = 1. # ----------- end class AluProf_dir ---------------------------------------- # Function that having a dictionary of the aluminum profile, just calls # the class AluProf, def getaluprof ( aludict, length, axis = 'x', name = "genaluprof", cx=False, cy=False, cz=False): h_aluprof = AluProf ( width=aludict['w'], length = length, thick = aludict['t'], slot = aludict['slot'], insquare = aludict['insq'], indiam = aludict['indiam'], axis = axis, name = name, cx=cx, cy=cy, cz=cz) return (h_aluprof) # Function that having a dictionary of the aluminum profile, just calls # the class AluProf_dir, def getaluprof_dir ( aludict, length, fc_axis_l = VX, fc_axis_w = VY, fc_axis_p = V0, ref_l = 0, ref_w = 1, ref_p = 1, xtr_l=0, xtr_nl=0, pos = V0, wfco = 1, name = "aluprof"): h_aluprof = AluProf_dir ( width=aludict['w'], length = length, thick = aludict['t'], slot = aludict['slot'], insquare = aludict['insq'], indiam = aludict['indiam'], fc_axis_l = fc_axis_l, fc_axis_w = fc_axis_w, fc_axis_p = fc_axis_p, ref_l = ref_l, ref_w = ref_w, ref_p = ref_p, xtr_l = xtr_l, xtr_nl = xtr_nl, pos = pos, wfco = wfco, name = name) return (h_aluprof) #doc =FreeCAD.newDocument() #h_aluprof = getaluprof_dir(aludict= kcomp.ALU_MOTEDIS_20I5, # length=50, # fc_axis_l = FreeCAD.Vector(1,1,0), # fc_axis_w = FreeCAD.Vector(-1,1,0), # fc_axis_p = V0, # ref_l = 1, ref_w = 2, ref_p = 2, # xtr_l=0, xtr_nl=0, pos = FreeCAD.Vector(1,2,4), # wfco = 1, name = "aluprof") #cls_aluprof = getaluprof(aludict= kcomp.ALU_MOTEDIS_20I5, # length=80) # #cls_aluprof = getaluprof(aludict= kcomp.ALU_MOTEDIS_20I5, # axis = 'z', # length=100) # #cls_aluprof = getaluprof(aludict= kcomp.ALU_MOTEDIS_20I5, # length=40, # axis = 'y', # cx=True, cy=False, cz=False) ## #h_aluprof = getaluprof(aludict= kcomp.ALU_MAKERBEAM_10, # length=60, # axis = 'y', # cx=True, cy=False, cz=True) # #h_aluprof = getaluprof(aludict= kcomp.ALU_MAKERBEAM_15, # length=50, # axis = 'x', # cx=True, cy=True, cz=True) # # ----------- class ShpAluProf --------------------------------------------- class ShpAluProf (shp_clss.Obj3D): """ Creates a shape of a generic aluminum profile in any direction :: :----- width ----: : slot : : :--: : :______: :______: | __| |__ | | |\ \ / /| | |_| \ \____/ / |_| ........... | | ...... insquare | ( ) | ......indiam : _ | ____ | ..............: | | / / \ \ | | | |/ /_ _\ \| | .... |______| |______| ....thick Parameters: ----------- width: float Width of the profile, it is squared depth: float (depth) length of the bar, the extrusion thick: float Thickness of the side slot: float Width of the rail slot insquare: float Width of the inner square indiam: float Diameter of the inner hole. If 0, there is no hole xtr_d: float If >0 it will be that extra depth (length) on the direction of axis_d xtr_nd: float If >0 it will be that extra depth (length) on the opositve direction of axis_d can be V0 if pos_h = 0 axis_d : FreeCAD.Vector Axis along the length (depth) direction axis_w : FreeCAD.Vector Axis along the width direction axis_h = axis on the other width direction (perpendicular) Axis along the width direction pos_d: int Location of pos along axis_d (see drawing) 0: start point, counting xtr_nd, if xtr_nd == 0 -> pos_d 0 and 1 will be the same * 1: start point, not counting xtr_nd * 2: middle point not conunting xtr_nd and xtr_d * 3: middle point conunting xtr_nd and xtr_d * 4: end point, not counting xtr_d * 5: end point considering xtr_d pos_w: int Location of pos along axis_w (see drawing). Symmetric, negative indexes means the other side * 0: at the center of symmetry * 1: at the inner square * 2: at the interior side of the outer part of the rail (thickness of the4 side * 3: at the end of the profile along axis_w pos_h: int Same as pos_w pos : FreeCAD.Vector Position of point defined by pos_d, pos_w, pos_h Attributes: ----------- pos_o: FreeCAD.Vector origin, at pos_d=pos_w=pos_h = 0 Shown in the drawing with a o :: axis_h : xtr_nd depth xtr_d : .+..........+.........+.. : : : : : _ : _ :__:________________:___: |_|_:_|_| |_______________________| | o.|........ axis_w o |....... axis_d _|___|_ |_______________________| |_| |_| |_______________________| 0 123 0 1 23 4 5 ||| : : :: : end || end : : :: end not counting xtr_d || : : : || : : : middle point considering total | thickness : : : length (xtr_nd + depth + xtr_d) | : : : inner square : : middle poit considering depth only : : : start point, not counting xtr_nd : start point, counting xtr_nd :______: :______: | __| |__ | | |\ \ / /| | |_| \ \____/ / |_| ........... | | ...... insquare | ( ) | ......indiam : _ | ____ | ..............: | | / / \ \ | | | |/ /_ _\ \| | .... |______| |______| ....thick 0 1 2 3 pos_w = pos_h """ def __init__ (self, width, depth, thick, slot, insquare, indiam, xtr_d=0, xtr_nd=0, axis_d = VX, axis_w = VY, axis_h = V0, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos = V0): # either axis_w or axis_h can be V0, but not both if (axis_w is None) or (axis_w == V0): if (axis_h is None) or (axis_h == V0): logger.error('Either axis_w or axis_h must be defined') logger.warning('getting a random perpendicular verctor') axis_w = fcfun.get_fc_perpend1(axis_d) else: axis_w = axis_h.cross(axis_d) if (axis_h is None) or (axis_h == V0): axis_h = axis_d.cross(axis_w) shp_clss.Obj3D.__init__(self, axis_d, axis_w, axis_h) # save the arguments as attributes: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for i in args: if not hasattr(self,i): setattr(self, i, values[i]) self.d0_cen = 0 self.w0_cen = 1 # symmetric self.h0_cen = 1 # symmetric # total length (depth) self.tot_d = xtr_nd + depth + xtr_d # vectors from the origin to the points along axis_d: self.d_o[0] = V0 # origin self.d_o[1] = self.vec_d(xtr_nd) #if xtr_nd= 0: same as d_o[0] # middle point, not considering xtr_nd and xtr_d self.d_o[2] = self.vec_d(xtr_nd + depth/2.) # middle point considering xtr_nd and xtr_d self.d_o[3] = self.vec_d(self.tot_d /2.) self.d_o[4] = self.vec_d(xtr_nd + depth) self.d_o[5] = self.vec_d(self.tot_d) # vectors from the origin to the points along axis_w: # symmetric: negative self.w_o[0] = V0 # center: origin self.w_o[1] = self.vec_w(-insquare/2.) self.w_o[2] = self.vec_w(-(width/2. - thick)) self.w_o[3] = self.vec_w(-width/2.) # vectors from the origin to the points along axis_h: # symmetric: negative self.h_o[0] = V0 # center: origin self.h_o[1] = self.vec_h(-insquare/2.) self.h_o[2] = self.vec_h(-(width/2. - thick)) self.h_o[3] = self.vec_h(-width/2.) # calculates the position of the origin, and keeps it in attribute pos_o self.set_pos_o() shp_alu_wire = fcfun.shp_aluwire_dir (width, thick, slot, insquare, fc_axis_x = self.axis_w, fc_axis_y = self.axis_h, ref_x = 1, # pos_o is centered ref_y = 1, # pos_o is centered pos = self.pos_o) # make a face of the wire shp_alu_face = Part.Face (shp_alu_wire) # inner hole if indiam > 0 : hole = Part.makeCircle (indiam/2., # Radius self.pos_o, # Position self.axis_d) # direction wire_hole = Part.Wire(hole) face_hole = Part.Face(wire_hole) shp_alu_face = shp_alu_face.cut(face_hole) # extrude it dir_extrud = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(self.axis_d, self.tot_d) shp_aluprof = shp_alu_face.extrude(dir_extrud) self.shp = shp_aluprof
[docs]class PartAluProf (fc_clss.SinglePart, ShpAluProf): """ Integration of a ShpAluProf object into a PartAluProf object, so it is a FreeCAD object that can be visualized in FreeCAD Instead of using all the arguments of ShpAluProf, it will use a dictionary Parameters ---------- depth : float (depth) length of the bar, the extrusion aluprof_dict : dictionary Dictionary with all the information about the profile in there are some dictionaries that can be used, they are not exact -- same as ShpAluProf xtr_d : float If >0 it will be that extra depth (length) on the direction of axis_d xtr_nd : float If >0 it will be that extra depth (length) on the opositve direction of axis_d can be V0 if pos_h = 0 axis_d : FreeCAD.Vector Axis along the length (depth) direction axis_w : FreeCAD.Vector Axis along the width direction axis_h : FreeCAD.Vector Axis along the width direction pos_d : int Location of pos along axis_d (see drawing) * 0: start point, counting xtr_nd, if xtr_nd == 0 -> pos_d 0 and 1 will be the same * 1: start point, not counting xtr_nd * 2: middle point not conunting xtr_nd and xtr_d * 3: middle point conunting xtr_nd and xtr_d * 4: end point, not counting xtr_d * 5: end point considering xtr_d pos_w : int Location of pos along axis_w (see drawing). Symmetric, negative indexes means the other side * 0: at the center of symmetry * 1: at the inner square * 2: at the interior side of the outer part of the rail (thickness of the4 side) * 3: at the end of the profile along axis_w pos_h : int Same as pos_w pos : FreeCAD.Vector Position of point defined by pos_d, pos_w, pos_h model_type : int Kind of model * 1: dimensional model: it can be printed to assemble a model,but the part will not work as defined. For example, if printed this aluminum profile will not work as defined, and also, it is not exact name : str Name of the object """ def __init__( self, depth, aluprof_dict, xtr_d=0, xtr_nd=0, axis_d = VX, axis_w = VY, axis_h = V0, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos = V0, model_type = 1, # dimensional model name = ''): default_name = ( 'aluprof_w' + str(int(aluprof_dict['w'])) + 'l_' + str(int(xtr_nd + depth + xtr_d))) self.set_name (name, default_name, change=0) ShpAluProf.__init__(self, width = aluprof_dict['w'], depth = depth, thick = aluprof_dict['t'], slot = aluprof_dict['slot'], insquare = aluprof_dict['insq'], indiam = aluprof_dict['indiam'], xtr_d = xtr_d, xtr_nd = xtr_nd, axis_d = axis_d, axis_w = axis_w, axis_h = axis_h, pos_d = pos_d, pos_w = pos_w, pos_h = pos_h, pos = pos) # creation of the part fc_clss.SinglePart.__init__(self) # save the arguments as attributes: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for i in args: if not hasattr(self,i): setattr(self, i, values[i]) self.set_line_width(1.) self.set_point_size(1.) self.set_line_color((.2, .2, .2))
#AluProf = PartAluProf(depth = 200, # #aluprof_dict = kcomp.ALU_MOTEDIS_30B8, # aluprof_dict = kcomp.ALU_MAKERBEAM_15, # #xtr_d=10, xtr_nd=20, # axis_d = VX, axis_w = VY, axis_h = V0, # #pos_d = 3, pos_w = 1, pos_h = -2, # pos = V0) # ----------- NEMA MOTOR # Creates NEMA motor including its hole to cut the piece where is going # to be embebbed. # ARGUMENTS: # size: size of the motor: 11, 14, 17, 23, 34 or 42 # length: length of the motor # shaft_l: length of the motor shaft # chmf: the chamfer of the corners, as it were a radius # 0: no chamfer # circle_r: the radius of the little circle on the base of the shaft. # if 0, not defined, I will take the half of the bolt separation # circle_h: the height of the circle. If cero, no circle # rshaft_l: length of the motor the rear shaft. 0 if it doesn't have # bolt_depth: depth of the bolts holes inside the motor. # bolt_out: length of the bolts holes outside the motor # container: 1: if you want to have a container to make a hole to fit it in # a piece # normal: direction of the shaft # pos : position of the base of the shaft. Not considering the circle that # usually is on the base of the shaft # ATTRIBUTES: all the arguments, and: # shaft_d: diameter of the motor shaft # fco: the FreeCad Object of the motor # shp_cont: the container of the motor. To cut other pieces. It is a shape # not a FreeCad Object (fco) # fco_cont: Having problems with shapes and fco. So I will do it with fco # instead of shapes To cut other pieces. # Make decision about how to finally do it # base_place: position of the 2 elements: All of them have the same base # position. # It is (0,0,0) when initialized, it has to be changed using the # function base_place # Bolts need to be debugged, for some cases they don't work properly # _____ ______ # |_____| ______+ extra: 1 mm # | | | # |_____| + bolt_out # | | | # __|_|_____ _____j # | : : + bolt_depth # | :_: _____| # | # class NemaMotor (object): """ Not recommended for new designs, see ShpNemaMotor and PartNemaMotor """ def __init__ (self, size, length, shaft_l, circle_r, circle_h, name = "nemamotor", chmf = 1, rshaft_l=0, bolt_depth = 3, bolt_out = 2, container=1, normal = VZ, pos = V0): doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument self.base_place = (0,0,0) self.size = size self.width = kcomp.NEMA_W[size] self.length = length self.shaft_l = shaft_l self.shaft_d = kcomp.NEMA_SHAFT_D[size] self.circle_r = circle_r self.circle_h = circle_h self.chmf = chmf self.rshaft_l = rshaft_l self.bolt_depth = bolt_depth self.bolt_out = bolt_out self.container = container nnormal = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(normal,1) self.normal = nnormal self.pos = pos nemabolt_d = kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_D[size] self.nemabolt_d = nemabolt_d mtol = kcomp.TOL - 0.1 lnormal = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(nnormal,length) neg_lnormal = DraftVecUtils.neg(lnormal) # motor shape v1 = FreeCAD.Vector(self.width/2.-chmf, self.width/2.,0) v2 = FreeCAD.Vector(self.width/2., self.width/2.-chmf,0) motorwire = fcfun.wire_sim_xy([v1,v2]) # motor wire normal is VZ # DraftVecUtils doesnt work as well # rot = DraftVecUtils.getRotation(VZ, nnormal) # the order matter VZ, nnormal. It seems it doent matter VZ or VZN # this is valid: #rot = DraftGeomUtils.getRotation(VZ,nnormal) #print rot rot = FreeCAD.Rotation(VZ,nnormal) print(rot) motorwire.Placement.Rotation = rot motorwire.Placement.Base = pos motorface = Part.Face(motorwire) shp_motorbox = motorface.extrude(neg_lnormal) # shaft shape if rshaft_l == 0: # no rear shaft shp_shaft = fcfun.shp_cyl ( r=self.shaft_d/2., h= shaft_l, normal = nnormal, pos = pos) else: rshaft_posend = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(neg_lnormal, rshaft_l+length) shp_shaft = fcfun.shp_cyl ( r = self.shaft_d/2., h = shaft_l + rshaft_l + length, normal = nnormal, pos = pos + rshaft_posend) shp_motorshaft = shp_motorbox.fuse(shp_shaft) # Bolt holes # AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA # There is something wrong with the position of these bolts # bhole00_pos = FreeCAD.Vector(-kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, # -kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, # -bolt_depth) + pos # bhole01_pos = FreeCAD.Vector(-kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, # kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, # -bolt_depth) + pos # bhole10_pos = FreeCAD.Vector( kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, # -kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, # -bolt_depth) + pos # bhole11_pos = FreeCAD.Vector( kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, # kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, # -bolt_depth) + pos # bhole00_posrot = DraftVecUtils.rotate(bhole00_pos, rot.Angle, rot.Axis) # bhole01_posrot = DraftVecUtils.rotate(bhole01_pos, rot.Angle, rot.Axis) # bhole10_posrot = DraftVecUtils.rotate(bhole10_pos, rot.Angle, rot.Axis) # bhole11_posrot = DraftVecUtils.rotate(bhole11_pos, rot.Angle, rot.Axis) # shp_bolt00 = fcfun.shp_cyl ( # r=kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_D[size]/2.+kcomp.TOL/2., # h=bolt_depth + shaft_l, # normal = nnormal, # pos= bhole00_posrot) # shp_bolt01 = fcfun.shp_cyl ( # r=kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_D[size]/2.+kcomp.TOL/2., # h=bolt_depth + shaft_l, # normal = nnormal, # pos= bhole01_posrot) # shp_bolt10 = fcfun.shp_cyl ( # r=kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_D[size]/2.+kcomp.TOL/2., # h=bolt_depth + shaft_l, # normal = nnormal, # pos= bhole10_posrot) # shp_bolt11 = fcfun.shp_cyl ( # r=kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_D[size]/2.+kcomp.TOL/2., # h=bolt_depth + shaft_l, # normal = nnormal, # pos= bhole11_posrot) # shp_bolts = shp_bolt00.multiFuse([shp_bolt01, shp_bolt10, shp_bolt11]) # list of shapes to make a fusion of the container shp_contfuselist = [] # shp_contfuselist.append(shp_bolts) b2hole00_pos = FreeCAD.Vector(-kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, -kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, -bolt_depth) b2hole01_pos = FreeCAD.Vector(-kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, -bolt_depth) b2hole10_pos = FreeCAD.Vector( kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, -kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, -bolt_depth) b2hole11_pos = FreeCAD.Vector( kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2, -bolt_depth) b2hole00 = addBolt ( r_shank = nemabolt_d/2. + mtol/2., l_bolt = bolt_out + bolt_depth, r_head = kcomp.D912_HEAD_D[nemabolt_d]/2. + mtol/2., l_head = kcomp.D912_HEAD_L[nemabolt_d] + mtol, hex_head = 0, extra =1, support=1, headdown = 0, name ="b2hole00") b2hole01 = Draft.clone(b2hole00) b2hole01.Label = "b2hole01" b2hole10 = Draft.clone(b2hole00) b2hole10.Label = "b2hole10" b2hole11 = Draft.clone(b2hole00) b2hole11.Label = "b2hole11" b2hole00.ViewObject.Visibility=False b2hole01.ViewObject.Visibility=False b2hole10.ViewObject.Visibility=False b2hole11.ViewObject.Visibility=False b2hole00.Placement.Base = b2hole00_pos b2hole01.Placement.Base = b2hole01_pos b2hole10.Placement.Base = b2hole10_pos b2hole11.Placement.Base = b2hole11_pos # it doesnt work if dont recompute here! probably the clones doc.recompute() b2holes_list = [b2hole00, b2hole01, b2hole10, b2hole11] # not an efficient way, either use shapes or fco, but not both shp_b2holes = b2hole00.Shape.multiFuse([b2hole01.Shape, b2hole10.Shape, b2hole11.Shape]) b2holes = doc.addObject("Part::MultiFuse", "b2holes") b2holes.Shapes = b2holes_list b2holes.ViewObject.Visibility=False shp_b2holes.Placement.Base = pos shp_b2holes.Placement.Rotation = rot shp_contfuselist.append(shp_b2holes) # Circle on the base of the shaft if circle_r == 0: calcircle_r = kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[size]/2. else: calcircle_r = circle_r if circle_h != 0: shp_circle = fcfun.shp_cyl ( r=calcircle_r, h= circle_h + 1, #supperposition for union normal = nnormal, #supperposition for union pos = pos - nnormal) # fmotor: fused motor shp_fmotor = shp_motorshaft.fuse(shp_circle) else: shp_fmotor = shp_motorshaft #fmotor = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", "fmotor") #fmotor.Shape = shp_fmotor #shp_motor = shp_fmotor.cut(shp_bolts) shp_motor = shp_fmotor.cut(shp_b2holes) # container if container == 1: # 2*TOL to make sure it fits v1 = FreeCAD.Vector(self.width/2.-chmf/2. + 2*kcomp.TOL, self.width/2. + 2*kcomp.TOL, 0) v2 = FreeCAD.Vector(self.width/2.+ 2*kcomp.TOL, self.width/2.-chmf/2. + 2*kcomp.TOL,0) cont_motorwire = fcfun.wire_sim_xy([v1,v2]) cont_motorwire.Placement.Rotation = rot cont_motorwire.Placement.Base = pos cont_motorface = Part.Face(cont_motorwire) shp_contmotor_box = cont_motorface.extrude(neg_lnormal) # the container is much wider than the shaft if rshaft_l == 0: # no rear shaft shp_contshaft = fcfun.shp_cyl ( r=calcircle_r + kcomp.TOL, h= shaft_l + 1, normal = nnormal, pos = pos - nnormal ) else: shp_contshaft = fcfun.shp_cyl ( r=calcircle_r + kcomp.TOL, h= shaft_l + rshaft_l + length, normal = nnormal, pos = pos + rshaft_posend) shp_contfuselist.append(shp_contshaft) shp_contmotor = shp_contmotor_box.multiFuse(shp_contfuselist) else: shp_contmotor = shp_motor # we put the same shape doc.recompute() #fco_motor = doc.addObject("Part::Cut", name) #fco_motor.Base = fmotor #fco_motor.Tool = b2holes fco_motor = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", name) fco_motor.Shape = shp_motor self.fco = fco_motor self.shp_cont = shp_contmotor doc.recompute() # Move the motor and its container def BasePlace (self, position = (0,0,0)): self.base_place = position self.fco.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(position) #self.shp_cont.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(position) self.fco_cont.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(position) #doc =FreeCAD.newDocument() # Revisar este caso AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA # con los bolts #nm = NemaMotor(size=17, length=40, shaft_l=24, circle_r = 0, # circle_h=2, name='nema17', chmf=2., # rshaft_l = 10, bolt_depth = 3, bolt_out=5, # #normal= FreeCAD.Vector(1,-0.75,1), pos = FreeCAD.Vector(0,5,2)) # normal= FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,-1), pos = FreeCAD.Vector(-2,5,2)) # ----------- NEMA MOTOR class ShpNemaMotor (shp_clss.Obj3D): """ Creates a shape of a Nema Motor It can be a shape to cut the piece where it may be embedded :: axis_h : : 2 ............................ | | : | | + shaft_l ___|1|___............. : _____|____0____|_____......:..circle_h.: | :: 3 :: | : .. h=3 bolt_depth | | : | | : | | + base_l | | : | | : | | : |__________4__________|.....: : : : : : : : : :+ rear_shaft_l (optional) : : : :01...2..3..4.....:...........axis_d (same as axis_w) axis_h:5 axis_w : : __________:__________..... / \....: chmf_r | O O | | _ | | . . | | ( ( ) ) |........axis_d | . . | | - | | O O | \_____________________/ : : :.....................: + motor_w (same as d): Nema size in inches /10 pos_o (origin) is at pos_h=0, pos_d=pos_w=0 Parameters: ----------- nema_size : int Nema size of the motor. Nema 17 means that the front is 1.7 inches each side (it is a square) base_l : float, Length (height) of the base shaft_l = float, Length (height) of the shaft, including the small cylinder (circle) at the base shaft_r = float, Radius of the shaft, if not defined, it will take the dimension defined in kcomp circle_r : float, Radius of the cylinder (circle) at the base of the shaft if 0 or circle_h = 0 -> no cylinder circle_h : float, Height of the cylinder at the base of the shaft if 0 or circle_r = 0 -> no cylinder chmf_r : float, Chamfer radius of the chamfer along the base length (height) rear_shaft_l : float, Length of the rear shaft, 0 : no rear shaft bolt_depth : 3., Depth of the bolt holes of the motor bolt_out : 0, Length of the bolts to be outside (to make holes), in case of a shape to cut cut_extra : 0, In case that the shape is to make a hole for the motor, it will have an extra size to make it fit. If 0, no extra size axis_d : FreeCAD.Vector Depth vector of coordinate system axis_w : FreeCAD.Vector Width vector of coordinate system axis_h : FreeCAD.Vector Height vector of coordinate system pos_d : int Location of pos along the axis_d (0,1,2,3,4), see drawing * 0: at the axis of the shaft * 1: at the radius of the shaft * 2: at the end of the circle(cylinder) at the base of the shaft * 3: at the bolts * 4: at the end of the piece pos_w : int Same as pos_d pos_h : int Location of pos along the axis_h (0,1,2,3,4,5), see drawing * 0: at the base of the shaft (not including the circle at the base of the shaft) * 1: at the end of the circle at the base of the shaft * 2: at the end of the shaft * 3: at the end of the bolt holes * 4: at the bottom base * 5: at the end of the rear shaft, if no rear shaft, it will be the same as pos_h = 4 pos : FreeCAD.Vector Position of the motor, at the point defined by pos_d, pos_w, pos_h Attributes: ---------- """ def __init__ (self, nema_size = 17, base_l = 32., shaft_l = 24., shaft_r = 0, circle_r = 11., circle_h = 2., chmf_r = 1, rear_shaft_l=0, bolt_depth = 3., bolt_out = 2, cut_extra = 0, axis_d = VX, axis_w = None, axis_h = VZ, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 1, pos = V0): if (axis_w is None) or (axis_w == V0): axis_w = axis_h.cross(axis_d) shp_clss.Obj3D.__init__(self, axis_d, axis_w, axis_h) # save the arguments as attributes: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for i in args: if not hasattr(self,i): setattr(self, i, values[i]) self.motor_w = kcomp.NEMA_W[nema_size] if shaft_r == 0: self.shaft_d = kcomp.NEMA_SHAFT_D[nema_size] self.shaft_r = self.shaft_d /2. shaft_r = self.shaft_r self.nemabolt_sep = kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_SEP[nema_size] nemabolt_d = kcomp.NEMA_BOLT_D[nema_size] self.nemabolt_d = nemabolt_d self.nemabolt_r = nemabolt_d/2. mtol = kcomp.TOL - 0.1 if circle_r == 0 or circle_h == 0: # No circle circle_r = 0 circle_h = 0 self.circle_r = 0 self.circle_h = 0 self.h0_cen = 0 self.d0_cen = 1 # symmetrical self.w0_cen = 1 # symmetrical # vectors from the origin to the points along axis_h: self.h_o[0] = V0 # base of the shaft: origin self.h_o[1] = self.vec_h(self.circle_h) self.h_o[2] = self.vec_h(self.shaft_l) #includes circle_h self.h_o[3] = self.vec_h(-bolt_depth) self.h_o[4] = self.vec_h(-self.base_l) self.h_o[5] = self.vec_h(-self.base_l -self.rear_shaft_l) # vectors from the origin to the points along axis_d: # these are negative because actually the pos_d indicates a negative # position along axis_d (this happens when it is symmetrical) self.d_o[0] = V0 self.d_o[1] = self.vec_d(-self.shaft_r) self.d_o[2] = self.vec_d(-self.circle_r) self.d_o[3] = self.vec_d(-self.nemabolt_sep/2.) self.d_o[4] = self.vec_d(-self.motor_w/2.) # position along axis_w (similar to axis_d) self.w_o[0] = V0 self.w_o[1] = self.vec_w(-self.shaft_r) self.w_o[2] = self.vec_w(-self.circle_r) self.w_o[3] = self.vec_w(-self.nemabolt_sep/2.) self.w_o[4] = self.vec_w(-self.motor_w/2.) # calculates the position of the origin, and keeps it in attribute pos_o self.set_pos_o() # ---------- building of the piece ------------------ # -------- base of the motor # if cut_extra, there will be extra at each side, since the piece # is built from the center of symmetry, it will be equally extended # on each side shp_base = fcfun.shp_box_dir(box_w = self.motor_w + 2*cut_extra, box_d = self.motor_w + 2*cut_extra, box_h = self.base_l, fc_axis_w = self.axis_w, fc_axis_d = self.axis_d, fc_axis_h = self.axis_h, cw = 1, cd = 1, ch = 0, pos = self.get_pos_h(4)) shp_base = fcfun.shp_filletchamfer_dir (shp_base, self.axis_h, fillet = 0, radius = chmf_r) shp_base = shp_base.removeSplitter() fuse_list = [] holes_list = [] # --------- bolts (holes or extensions if cut_extra > 0) for pt_d in (-3,3): for pt_w in (-3,3): if cut_extra == 0: # there will be holes for the bolts # pos_h=3 is at the end of the hole for the bolts bolt_pos = self.get_pos_dwh(pt_d,pt_w,3) shp_hole = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr (r = self.nemabolt_r, h = bolt_depth, normal = self.axis_h, ch = 0, xtr_top = 1, xtr_bot = 0, pos = bolt_pos) holes_list.append(shp_hole) else: # the bolts will protude to make holes in the shape to cut # pos_h=0 is at the the base of the shaft bolt_pos = self.get_pos_dwh(pt_d,pt_w,0) shp_hole = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr (r = self.nemabolt_r, h = bolt_out, normal = self.axis_h, ch = 0, xtr_top = 0, xtr_bot = 1, pos = bolt_pos) fuse_list.append(shp_hole) if cut_extra == 0: shp_holes = fcfun.fuseshplist(holes_list) shp_base = shp_base.cut(shp_holes) shp_base = shp_base.removeSplitter() # -------- circle (flat cylinder) at the base of the shaft # could add cut_extra to circle_h or circle_r, but it can be # set in the arguments if circle_r > 0 and circle_h > 0: shp_circle = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr(r = circle_r, h = circle_h, normal = self.axis_h, ch = 0, # not centered xtr_top = 0, # no extra at top xtr_bot = 1, # extra to fuse pos = self.pos_o) fuse_list.append(shp_circle) # ------- Shaft shp_shaft = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr(r = self.shaft_r, h = self.shaft_l, normal = self.axis_h, ch = 0, # not centered xtr_top = 0, # no extra at top xtr_bot = 1, # extra to fuse # shaft length stats from the base # not from the circle pos = self.pos_o) fuse_list.append(shp_shaft) if rear_shaft_l > 0: shp_rearshaft = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr(r = self.shaft_r, h = self.rear_shaft_l, normal = self.axis_h, ch = 0, # not centered xtr_top = 1, # to fuse xtr_bot = 0, # no extra at bottom pos = self.get_pos_h(5)) fuse_list.append(shp_rearshaft) shp_motor = shp_base.multiFuse(fuse_list) shp_motor = shp_motor.removeSplitter() self.shp = shp_motor #doc =FreeCAD.newDocument() #snm = ShpNemaMotor( # cut_extra = 1, # pos_d = 2, # pos_w = 1, # pos_h = 1, #) class PartNemaMotor (fc_clss.SinglePart, ShpNemaMotor): """ Integration of a ShpNemaMotor objecto into a PartNemaMotor object so it will create a FreeCAD object that can be shown in FreeCAD GUI See ShpNemaMotor to get info about the parameters """ def __init__( self, nema_size = 17, base_l = 32., shaft_l = 20., shaft_r = 0, circle_r = 11., circle_h = 2., chmf_r = 1, rear_shaft_l=0, bolt_depth = 3., bolt_out = 2., cut_extra = 0, axis_d = VX, axis_w = None, axis_h = VZ, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos = V0, name = ''): default_name = 'nema' + str(nema_size) + '_motor_l' + str(int(base_l)) self.set_name (name, default_name, change = 0) # First the shape is created ShpNemaMotor.__init__(self, nema_size = nema_size, base_l = base_l, shaft_l = shaft_l, shaft_r = shaft_r, circle_r = circle_r, circle_h = circle_h, chmf_r = chmf_r, rear_shaft_l = rear_shaft_l, bolt_depth = bolt_depth, bolt_out = bolt_out, cut_extra = cut_extra, axis_d = axis_d, axis_w = axis_w, axis_h = axis_h, pos_d = pos_d, pos_w = pos_w, pos_h = pos_h, pos = pos) # Second, the part is created fc_clss.SinglePart.__init__(self) # Save the arguments that have not been created yet frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for i in args: if not hasattr(self,i): setattr(self, i, values[i]) self.model_type = 1 # Dimensional model # ---------- class LinBearing ---------------------------------------- # Creates a cylinder with a thru-hole object # it also creates a copy of the cylinder without the hole, but a little # bit larger, to be used to cut other shapes where this cylinder will be # This will be useful for linear bearing/bushings container # r_ext: external radius, # r_int: internal radius, # h: height # name # axis: 'x', 'y' or 'z' # 'x' will along the x axis # 'y' will along the y axis # 'z' will be vertical # h_disp: displacement on the height. # if 0, the base of the cylinder will be on the plane # if -h/2: the plane will be cutting h/2 # r_tol : What to add to r_ext for the container cylinder # h_tol : What to add to h for the container cylinder, half on each side # ARGUMENTS: # bearing: the fco (FreeCAD object) of the bearing # bearing_cont: the fco (FreeCAD object) of the container bearing. # to cut it # base_place: position of the 3 elements: All of them have the same base # position. # It is (0,0,0) when initialized, it has to be changed using the # function base_place class LinBearing (object): def __init__ (self, r_ext, r_int, h, name, axis = 'z', h_disp = 0, r_tol = 0, h_tol = 0): self.base_place = (0,0,0) self.r_ext = r_ext self.r_int = r_int self.h = h = name self.axis = axis self.h_disp = h_disp self.r_tol = r_tol self.h_tol = h_tol bearing = fcfun.addCylHole (r_ext = r_ext, r_int = r_int, h= h, name = name, axis = axis, h_disp = h_disp) self.bearing = bearing bearing_cont = fcfun.addCyl_pos (r = r_ext + r_tol, h= h + h_tol, name = name + "_cont", axis = axis, h_disp = h_disp - h_tol/2.0) # Hide the container self.bearing_cont = bearing_cont if bearing_cont.ViewObject != None: bearing_cont.ViewObject.Visibility=False # Move the bearing and its container def BasePlace (self, position = (0,0,0)): self.base_place = position self.bearing.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(position) self.bearing_cont.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(position) # ---------- class LinBearingClone ---------------------------------------- # Creates an object that is like LinBearing, but it has clones of it # instead of original Cylinders # h_bearing: is a LinBearing object. It has the h to indicate that it is # a handler, not a FreeCAD object. To get to the FreeCad object # take the attributes: bearing and bearing_cont (container) # name : name of the objects, depending on namadd, it will add it # to the original or not # namadd : 1: add to the original name # 0: creates a new name class LinBearingClone (LinBearing): def __init__ (self, h_bearing, name, namadd = 1): self.base_place = h_bearing.base_place self.r_ext = h_bearing.r_ext self.r_int = h_bearing.r_int self.h = h_bearing.h if namadd == 1: = + "_" + name else: = name self.axis = h_bearing.axis self.h_disp = h_bearing.h_disp self.r_tol = h_bearing.r_tol self.h_tol = h_bearing.h_tol bearing_clone = Draft.clone(h_bearing.bearing) bearing_clone.Label = self.bearing = bearing_clone bearing_cont_clone = Draft.clone(h_bearing.bearing_cont) bearing_cont_clone.Label = + "_cont" self.bearing_cont = bearing_cont_clone if bearing_cont_clone.ViewObject != None: bearing_cont_clone.ViewObject.Visibility=False # ---------- class T8Nut ---------------------- # T8 Nut of a leadscrew # nutaxis: where the nut is going to be facing # 'x', '-x', 'y', '-y', 'z', '-z' # # __ # |__| # |__| # ______| |_ # |___________| # |___________| ------- nutaxis = 'x' # |_______ _| # |__| # |__| # |__| # # | # ------ this is the zero. Plane YZ=0 class T8Nut (object): NutL = kcomp.T8N_L FlangeL = kcomp.T8N_FLAN_L ShaftOut = kcomp.T8N_SHAFT_OUT LeadScrewD = kcomp.T8N_D_T8 LeadScrewR = LeadScrewD / 2.0 # Hole for the nut and the lead screw ShaftD = kcomp.T8N_D_SHAFT_EXT ShaftR = ShaftD / 2.0 FlangeD = kcomp.T8N_D_FLAN FlangeR = FlangeD / 2.0 # hole for the M3 bolts to attach the nut to the housing FlangeBoltHoleD = kcomp.T8N_BOLT_D FlangeBoltDmetric = int(kcomp.T8N_BOLT_D) # Diameter where the Flange Screws are located FlangeBoltPosD = kcomp.T8N_D_BOLT_POS def __init__ (self, name, nutaxis = 'x'): doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument = name self.nutaxis = nutaxis flange_cyl = addCyl_pos (r = self.FlangeR, h = self.FlangeL, name = "flange_cyl", axis = 'z', h_disp = - self.FlangeL) shaft_cyl = addCyl_pos ( r = self.ShaftR, h = self.NutL, name = "shaft_cyl", axis = 'z', h_disp = - self.NutL + self.ShaftOut) holes_list = [] leadscrew_hole = addCyl_pos ( r = self.LeadScrewR, h = self.NutL + 2, name = "leadscrew_hole", axis = 'z', h_disp = - self.NutL + self.ShaftOut -1) holes_list.append (leadscrew_hole) flangebolt_hole1 = addCyl_pos ( r = self.FlangeBoltHoleD/2.0, h = self.FlangeL + 2, name = "flangebolt_hole1", axis = 'z', h_disp = - self.FlangeL -1) flangebolt_hole1.Placement.Base.x = self.FlangeBoltPosD /2.0 holes_list.append (flangebolt_hole1) flangebolt_hole2 = addCyl_pos ( r = self.FlangeBoltHoleD/2.0, h = self.FlangeL + 2, name = "flangebolt_hole2", axis = 'z', h_disp = - self.FlangeL -1) flangebolt_hole2.Placement.Base.x = - self.FlangeBoltPosD /2.0 holes_list.append (flangebolt_hole2) flangebolt_hole3 = addCyl_pos ( r = self.FlangeBoltHoleD/2.0, h = self.FlangeL + 2, name = "flangebolt_hole3", axis = 'z', h_disp = - self.FlangeL -1) flangebolt_hole3.Placement.Base.y = self.FlangeBoltPosD /2.0 holes_list.append (flangebolt_hole3) flangebolt_hole4 = addCyl_pos ( r = self.FlangeBoltHoleD/2.0, h = self.FlangeL + 2, name = "flangebolt_hole4", axis = 'z', h_disp = - self.FlangeL -1) flangebolt_hole4.Placement.Base.y = - self.FlangeBoltPosD /2.0 holes_list.append (flangebolt_hole4) nut_holes = doc.addObject("Part::MultiFuse", "nut_holes") nut_holes.Shapes = holes_list nut_cyls = doc.addObject("Part::Fuse", "nut_cyls") nut_cyls.Base = flange_cyl nut_cyls.Tool = shaft_cyl if nutaxis == 'x': vrot = FreeCAD.Rotation (VY,90) elif nutaxis == '-x': vrot= FreeCAD.Rotation (VY,-90) elif nutaxis == 'y': vrot= FreeCAD.Rotation (VX,-90) elif nutaxis == '-y': vrot = FreeCAD.Rotation (VX,90) elif nutaxis == '-z': vrot = FreeCAD.Rotation (VX,180) else: # nutaxis =='z' no rotation vrot = FreeCAD.Rotation (VZ,0) nut_cyls.Placement.Rotation = vrot nut_holes.Placement.Rotation = vrot t8nut = doc.addObject("Part::Cut", "t8nut") t8nut.Base = nut_cyls t8nut.Tool = nut_holes # recompute before color doc.recompute() t8nut.ViewObject.ShapeColor = fcfun.YELLOW self.fco = t8nut # the FreeCad Object # ---------- class T8NutHousing ---------------------- # Housing for a T8 Nut of a leadscrew # nutaxis: where the nut is going to be facing # 'x', '-x', 'y', '-y', 'z', '-z' # boltface_axis: where the bolts are going to be facing # it cannot be the same axis as the nut # 'x', '-x', 'y', '-y', 'z', '-z' # cx, cy, cz, if it is centered on any of the axis class T8NutHousing (object): Length = kcomp.T8NH_L Width = kcomp.T8NH_W Height = kcomp.T8NH_H # separation between the bolts that attach to the moving part BoltLenSep = kcomp.T8NH_BoltLSep BoltWidSep = kcomp.T8NH_BoltWSep # separation between the bolts to the end BoltLen2end = (Length - BoltLenSep)/2 BoltWid2end = (Width - BoltWidSep)/2 # Bolt dimensions, that attach to the moving part: M4 x 7 BoltD = kcomp.T8NH_BoltD BoltR = BoltD / 2.0 BoltL = kcomp.T8NH_BoltL + kcomp.TOL # Hole for the nut and the leadscrew ShaftD = kcomp.T8N_D_SHAFT_EXT + kcomp.TOL # I don't know the tolerances ShaftR = ShaftD / 2.0 FlangeD = kcomp.T8N_D_FLAN + kcomp.TOL # I don't know the tolerances FlangeR = FlangeD / 2.0 FlangeL = kcomp.T8N_FLAN_L + kcomp.TOL FlangeBoltD = kcomp.T8NH_FlanBoltD FlangeBoltR = FlangeBoltD / 2.0 FlangeBoltL = kcomp.T8NH_FlanBoltL + kcomp.TOL # Diameter where the Flange Bolts are located FlangeBoltPosD = kcomp.T8N_D_BOLT_POS def __init__ (self, name, nutaxis = 'x', screwface_axis = 'z', cx = 1, cy= 1, cz = 0): = name self.nutaxis = nutaxis self.screwface_axis = screwface_axis = cx = cy = cz doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument # centered so it can be rotated without displacement, and everything # will be in place housing_box = fcfun.addBox_cen (self.Length, self.Width, self.Height, name= name + "_box", cx=True, cy=True, cz=True) hole_list = [] leadscr_hole = addCyl_pos (r=self.ShaftR, h= self.Length + 1, name = "leadscr_hole", axis = 'x', h_disp = -self.Length/2.0-1) hole_list.append(leadscr_hole) nutflange_hole = addCyl_pos (r=self.FlangeR, h= self.FlangeL + 1, name = "nutflange_hole", axis = 'x', h_disp = self.Length/2.0 - self.FlangeL) hole_list.append(nutflange_hole) # bolts to attach the nut flange to the housing # M3 x 10 boltflange_l = addCyl_pos (r = self.FlangeBoltR, h = self.FlangeBoltL + 1, name = "boltflange_l", axis = 'x', h_disp = self.Length/2.0 - self.FlangeL - self.FlangeBoltL) boltflange_l.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(0, - self.FlangeBoltPosD / 2.0, ) hole_list.append(boltflange_l) boltflange_r = addCyl_pos (r = self.FlangeBoltR, h = self.FlangeBoltL + 1, name = "boltflange_r", axis = 'x', h_disp = self.Length/2.0 - self.FlangeL - self.FlangeBoltL) boltflange_r.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector (0, self.FlangeBoltPosD / 2.0, 0) hole_list.append(boltflange_r) # bolts to attach the housing to the moving part # M4x7 boltface_1 = fcfun.addCyl_pos (r = self.BoltR, h = self.BoltL + 1, name="boltface_1", axis = 'z', h_disp = -self.Height/2 -1) boltface_1.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector ( - self.Length/2.0 + self.BoltLen2end, - self.Width/2.0 + self.BoltWid2end, 0) hole_list.append (boltface_1) boltface_2 = fcfun.addCyl_pos (r = self.BoltR, h = self.BoltL + 1, name="boltface_2", axis = 'z', h_disp = -self.Height/2 -1) boltface_2.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector( self.BoltLenSep /2.0, - self.Width/2.0 + self.BoltWid2end, 0) hole_list.append (boltface_2) boltface_3 = fcfun.addCyl_pos (r = self.BoltR, h = self.BoltL + 1, name="boltface_3", axis = 'z', h_disp = -self.Height/2 -1) boltface_3.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector ( - self.Length/2.0 + self.BoltLen2end, self.BoltWidSep /2.0, 0) hole_list.append (boltface_3) boltface_4 = fcfun.addCyl_pos (r = self.BoltR, h = self.BoltL + 1, name="boltface_4", axis = 'z', h_disp = -self.Height/2 -1) boltface_4.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector( self.BoltLenSep /2.0, self.BoltWidSep /2.0, 0) hole_list.append (boltface_4) nuthouseholes = doc.addObject ("Part::MultiFuse", "nuthouse_holes") nuthouseholes.Shapes = hole_list # rotation vector calculation if nutaxis == 'x': vec1 = (1,0,0) elif nutaxis == '-x': vec1 = (-1,0,0) elif nutaxis == 'y': vec1 = (0,1,0) elif nutaxis == '-y': vec1 = (0,-1,0) elif nutaxis == 'z': vec1 = (0,0,1) elif nutaxis == '-z': vec1 = (0,0,-1) if screwface_axis == 'x': vec2 = (1,0,0) elif screwface_axis == '-x': vec2 = (-1,0,0) elif screwface_axis == 'y': vec2 = (0,1,0) elif screwface_axis == '-y': vec2 = (0,-1,0) elif screwface_axis == 'z': vec2 = (0,0,1) elif screwface_axis == '-z': vec2 = (0,0,-1) vrot = fcfun.calc_rot (vec1,vec2) vdesp = fcfun.calc_desp_ncen ( Length = self.Length, Width = self.Width, Height = self.Height, vec1 = vec1, vec2 = vec2, cx = cx, cy=cy, cz=cz) housing_box.Placement.Rotation = vrot nuthouseholes.Placement.Rotation = vrot housing_box.Placement.Base = vdesp nuthouseholes.Placement.Base = vdesp t8nuthouse = doc.addObject ("Part::Cut", "t8nuthouse") t8nuthouse.Base = housing_box t8nuthouse.Tool = nuthouseholes self.fco = t8nuthouse # the FreeCad Object # ---------- class MisumiMinLeadscrewNut ---------------------- # L = lead :.flan_cut. # : : # __ ..... flan_d : _______ : # |..| :/ \: # |..| ---- bolt_pos_d | O O | bolt_d # ______| | .... sh_ext_d | ___ | # |......|..| .... | / \ | # |......|..| .... T (thread_d) | | | | # |______| | | \___/ | # : |..| | | # : |..| | O O | # : |__|...... .\ _____ /. # : : : . : . # : : : . : . # : : : . : . # : : : . : . # : : : :bolt_ang . # : : : # : : +------ this is the zero. Plane YZ=0 # : : : # : :..: # : + flan_h # :...H.....: # # # Z # : # : this is rounded # __: : _______ : # |..| Y :/ \: # |..| / | O O | # ______| | / | ___ | This is flat # | | |/ | / \ | # -|------|--|----- nutaxis (X) | | x--|-|------ Y # |______| | | \_:_/ | cutaxis (z) # |..| | : | # |..| | O : O | # |__| \ __:__ / # : : # : : # + Zero. Plane YZ=0 -Z roundflan_axis (-Z) (also (Z) # : # -Z (roundflan_axis # # Parameters # - thread_d: thread diameter # - sh_ext_d: exterior diameter of the nut shaft # - flan_d : diameter of flange # - H : height (or length) of the nut # - flan_cut: Cut of the flange (compact nut) # - bolt_pos_d: Diameter of the position of the bolt holes # - bolt_d: Diameter of the position of the bolt holes # - bolt_ang: Angle of the position of the bolts, referred to the vertical # in degrees # - nutaxis: 'x', '-x', 'y', '-y', 'z', '-z': axis of the leadscrew. # Positive or negative will change the orientation: # ___ # nutaxis = 'z' | | # : __| |__ # ____:____ . . |_________| . . . z = 0 # |__ __| : # | | : # |___| nutaxis = '-z' # # # - cutaxis: 'x', 'y', 'z' : axis parallel the cut of the flange. # it doesn't matter positive or negative, because it is symmetrical # But it would not be an error # # Z # : # : # / : \ # | : | cutaxis = 'z' # | : | # | :..|...... Y # | | # | | # | | # \ _ / # # # - axis_pos: position of the nut along its axis. The position is independent # on the sign of nutaxis. So the sign it is not referenced to # the sign of nutaxis class MisMinLScrNut (object): def __init__ (self, thread_d, sh_ext_d, flan_d, H, flan_h, flan_cut, bolt_pos_d, bolt_d, bolt_ang = 30, nutaxis='x', cutaxis = '-z', name='lscrew_nut', axis_pos = 0): self.thread_d = thread_d self.sh_ext_d = sh_ext_d self.flan_d = flan_d self.H = H self.flan_h = flan_h self.flan_cut = flan_cut self.bolt_pos_d = bolt_pos_d self.bolt_d = bolt_d self.bolt_ang = bolt_ang self.bolt_ang_rad = math.radians(bolt_ang) self.nutaxis = nutaxis self.cutaxis = cutaxis # to make it independent on the orientation of the nut if nutaxis == '-x' or nutaxis == '-y' or nutaxis == '-z': ax_pos_sign = - axis_pos else: ax_pos_sign = axis_pos self.ax_pos_sign = ax_pos_sign doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument basepos = FreeCAD.Vector(ax_pos_sign, 0,0) # Flange Cylinder flange_cyl = fcfun.shp_cyl (r= flan_d/2., h= flan_h, normal = VXN, pos = basepos) # Box that will make the intersection with the flange to make the cut # Since the nut axis is on X, that will be the flan_h # the Cut is on Y flange_box = fcfun.shp_boxcen ( x = flan_h, y = flan_cut, z = flan_d, cx=0, cy=1, cz=1, pos = FreeCAD.Vector(-flan_h+ax_pos_sign,0,0)) flange_cut = flange_cyl.common(flange_box) # Nut Cylinder nut_cyl = fcfun.shp_cyl (r = sh_ext_d/2, h = H, normal = VXN, pos = basepos) nut_shape = nut_cyl.fuse(flange_cut) # ----------------- Hole for the thread thread_hole = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr ( r = thread_d/2, h = H , normal = VXN, ch = 0, xtr_top = 1, xtr_bot = 1, pos = basepos) # -------- Holes in the flange for the bolts # Position on Axis Z, It will be rotated 30 degrees bolthole_pos_z = FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,bolt_pos_d/2.) # the 4 angles that rotate bolthole_pos_z : angle = self.bolt_ang_rad rot_angles = [angle, -angle, angle + math.pi, -angle + math.pi] bolthole_list = [] for angle_i in rot_angles: bolthole_pos_i = DraftVecUtils.rotate(bolthole_pos_z, angle_i, VX) bolthole_i = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr (r=bolt_d/2., h=flan_h, normal= VXN, ch=0, xtr_top=1, xtr_bot=1, pos = bolthole_pos_i + basepos) bolthole_list.append(bolthole_i) # fusion of holes nutholes = thread_hole.multiFuse(bolthole_list) # rotation of the nut and the holes before the cut vrot = fcfun.calc_rot(fcfun.getvecofname(nutaxis), fcfun.getvecofname(cutaxis)) nutholes.Placement.Rotation = vrot nut_shape.Placement.Rotation = vrot shp_lscrewnut = nut_shape.cut(nutholes) shp_lscrewnut = shp_lscrewnut.removeSplitter() # Creation of the FreeCAD Object fco_lscrewnut = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", name) fco_lscrewnut.Shape = shp_lscrewnut self.fco = fco_lscrewnut self.shp = shp_lscrewnut # creates a misumi miniature leadscrew nut using a dictionary from kcomp def get_mis_min_lscrnut (nutdict, nutaxis='x', cutaxis='-z', name='lscrew_nut', axis_pos = 0): h_lscrew = MisMinLScrNut ( thread_d = nutdict['T'], sh_ext_d = nutdict['sh_ext_d'], flan_d = nutdict['flan_d'], H = nutdict['H'], flan_h = nutdict['flan_h'], flan_cut = nutdict['flan_cut'], bolt_pos_d = nutdict['bolt_pos_d'], bolt_d = nutdict['bolt_d'], bolt_ang = nutdict['bolt_ang'], nutaxis = nutaxis, cutaxis = cutaxis, name = name, axis_pos = axis_pos) return h_lscrew #get_mis_min_lscrnut (kcomp.MIS_LSCRNUT_C_L1_T4, # nutaxis = 'y', # cutaxis = 'x', # name = 'lscrew_nut', # axis_pos = 10) # -------------------- FlexCoupling # Creates a flexible Shaft Coupling # ARGUMENTS: # ds: diameter of the smaller shaft # dl: diameter of the larger shaft # ctype: rb, xb # axis: 'x', 'y' or 'z' # 'x' will along the x axis # 'y' will along the y axis # 'z' will be vertical # center: 1, 0: centered or not on the axis # larg_neg: 1, 0: if the large diameter is on the negative side or not # ATTRIBUTES # The arguments and: # length: Length of the coupler # diam: External diameter of the coupler # fco: The freecad object class FlexCoupling (object): def __init__ (self, ds, dl, ctype='rb', name='flexcoupling', axis='z', center = 1, larg_neg = 1): doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument self.ds = ds self.dl = ds self.ctype = ctype self.axis = axis = center self.larg_neg = larg_neg = name if ctype == 'rb': self.length = kcomp.FLEXSC_RB_L[(ds,dl)] self.diam = kcomp.FLEXSC_RB_D[(ds,dl)] else: logger.error('Type not yet defined') # Shape of the larger diameter if larg_neg == 1: hpos_larg = -self.length/2 hpos_smal = 0 else: hpos_larg = -1 # superposition hpos_smal = -self.length/2 shp_dl = fcfun.shp_cylhole (self.diam/2., dl/2., self.length/2.+1, axis=axis, h_disp = hpos_larg) shp_ds = fcfun.shp_cylhole (self.diam/2., ds/2., self.length/2., axis=axis, h_disp = hpos_smal) shp_FlexCoupling = shp_dl.fuse(shp_ds) doc.recompute() fco_FlexCoupling = doc.addObject ("Part::Feature", name) fco_FlexCoupling.Shape = shp_FlexCoupling self.fco = fco_FlexCoupling # ---------------------- LinGuide ----------------------------------- # ---------------------- LinGuideRail ------------------------------- # Makes the Rail of a linear guide # Arguments: # rail_l : length of the rail # rail_w : width of the rail # rail_h : height of the rail # bolt_lsep : separation between bolts on the length dimension # bolt_wsep : separation between bolts on the width dimension, it it is 0 # there is only one bolt # bolt_d : diameter of the hole for the bolt # bolth_d : diameter of the hole for the head of the bolt # bolth_h : heigth of the hole for the head of the bolt # boltend_sep : separation on one end, from the bolt to the end # axis_l : the axis where the lenght of the rail is: 'x', 'y', 'z' # axis_b : the axis where the base of the rail is pointing: # 'x', 'y', 'z', '-x', '-y', '-z', # It will be centered on the width axis, and zero on the length and height # Optional holes for the bolts, that go beyon the rail to cut 3D printed pieces. # to be designed. Zero if you dont want to have them # bolthole_d: diameter of the hole # bolthole_l: length of the hole # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET, NOW ONLY ON THE DIRECTION OF AXIS_B (SAME): # bolthole_dir: direction of the hole, it would be: # 'same' same direction of axis_b # 'opp' oposite direction of axis_b # 'both' both directions # bolthole_nutd: diameter of the nut # bolthole_nuth: length of the nut (including the head) # name : name of the freecad object # Attributes: # The Arguments and: # ###shp_face_rail : the shape of the face of the section of the rail # shp_plainrail : the shape of the plain rail # nbolt_l : number of bolts lines (can be pairs, counted as one) on the l # direction # fco : the freecad object of the rail class LinGuideRail (object): def __init__ (self, rail_l, rail_w, rail_h, bolt_lsep, bolt_wsep, bolt_d, bolth_d, bolth_h, boltend_sep = 0, axis_l = 'x', axis_b = '-z', name='linguiderail', bolthole_d = 0, bolthole_l = 0, bolthole_dir = 0, bolthole_nutd = 0, bolthole_nuth = 0): self.base_place = (0,0,0) self.rail_l = rail_l self.rail_w = rail_w self.rail_h = rail_h self.bolt_lsep = bolt_lsep self.bolt_wsep = bolt_wsep self.bolt_d = bolt_d self.bolth_d = bolth_d self.bolth_h = bolth_h self.axis_l = axis_l self.axis_b = axis_b doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument shp_face_rail = fcfun.shp_face_lgrail(rail_w, rail_h, axis_l, axis_b) #self.shp_face_rail = shp_face_rail # vector on the direction of the rail length. Extrusion vdir_l = fcfun.getfcvecofname(axis_l) vdir_extr = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(vdir_l, rail_l) shp_plainrail = shp_face_rail.extrude(vdir_extr) self.shp_plainrail = shp_plainrail if boltend_sep != 0: nbolt_l = (rail_l - boltend_sep) // bolt_lsep #integer division self.boltend_sep = boltend_sep else: # leave even distance # number of bolt lines, on the length axis nbolt_l = rail_l // bolt_lsep # integer division #dont use % in case is not int rail_rem = rail_l - nbolt_l * bolt_lsep # separation between the bolt and the end self.boltend_sep = rail_rem / 2. # there will be one bolt more than nbolt_l self.nbolt_l = nbolt_l + 1 # bolt holes bolth_posz = rail_h - bolth_h doc.recompute() if bolt_wsep == 0: # just one bolt hole per line shp_boltshank = fcfun.shp_cyl(r=bolt_d/2., h=rail_h-bolth_h+2, normal=VZ, pos=FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,-1)) shp_bolthead = fcfun.shp_cyl(r=bolth_d/2., h=bolth_h+1, normal=VZ, pos=FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,bolth_posz)) shp_bolt = shp_boltshank.fuse(shp_bolthead) if bolthole_d != 0: fco_bolthole = addBolt(bolthole_d/2., bolthole_l, bolthole_nutd/2., bolthole_nuth, hex_head = 1, extra=1, support=1, headdown = 1, name= name +"_bolthole") else: shp_boltshank1 = fcfun.shp_cyl(r=bolt_d/2., h=rail_h-bolth_h+2, normal=VZ, pos= FreeCAD.Vector(0,bolt_wsep/2.,-1)) shp_bolthead1 = fcfun.shp_cyl(r=bolth_d/2., h=bolth_h+1, normal=VZ, pos=FreeCAD.Vector(0,bolt_wsep/2.,bolth_posz)) shp_bolt1 = shp_boltshank1.fuse(shp_bolthead1) shp_boltshank2 = fcfun.shp_cyl(r=bolt_d/2., h=rail_h-bolth_h+2, normal=VZ, pos=FreeCAD.Vector(0,-bolt_wsep/2.,-1)) shp_bolthead2 = fcfun.shp_cyl(r=bolth_d/2., h=bolth_h+1, normal=VZ, pos=FreeCAD.Vector(0,-bolt_wsep/2.,bolth_posz)) shp_bolt2 = shp_boltshank2.fuse(shp_bolthead2) shp_bolt = shp_bolt2.fuse(shp_bolt1) if bolthole_d != 0: fco_bolthole1 = addBolt(bolthole_d/2., bolthole_l, bolthole_nutd/2., bolthole_nuth, hex_head = 1, extra=1, support=1, headdown = 1, name =name+"_bolthole_1") fco_bolthole1.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(0,bolt_wsep/2.,0) fco_bolthole2 = addBolt(bolthole_d/2., bolthole_l, bolthole_nutd/2., bolthole_nuth, hex_head = 1, extra=1, support=1, headdown = 1, name =name +"_bolthole_2") fco_bolthole2.Placement.Base =FreeCAD.Vector(0,-bolt_wsep/2.,0) fco_bolthole = doc.addObject("Part::Fuse",name+"_bolthole") fco_bolthole.Base = fco_bolthole1 fco_bolthole.Tool = fco_bolthole2 # Rotation of the bolt holes vrot = fcfun.calc_rot(fcfun.getvecofname(axis_l), fcfun.getvecofname(axis_b)) shp_bolt.Placement.Rotation = vrot doc.recompute() # replicate the bolt holes: boltpos = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(vdir_l, self.boltend_sep) addpos = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(vdir_l, bolt_lsep) shp_bolt.Placement.Base = boltpos if bolthole_d != 0: vdir_b = fcfun.getfcvecofname(axis_b) bolthole_posz = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(vdir_b, rail_h) fco_bolthole.Placement.Base = boltpos + bolthole_posz fco_bolthole.Placement.Rotation = vrot bolthole_list = [ fco_bolthole ] shp_bolt_list = [] # starts on 0, because it is one more bolt than nbolt for ibolt in range(0, int(nbolt_l)): boltpos += addpos shp_bolt_i = shp_bolt.copy() shp_bolt_i.Placement.Base = boltpos shp_bolt_list.append(shp_bolt_i) if bolthole_d != 0: fco_bolthole_clone = Draft.clone(fco_bolthole) fco_bolthole_clone.Label = fco_bolthole.Label + str(ibolt) fco_bolthole_clone.Placement.Base = boltpos + bolthole_posz bolthole_list.append(fco_bolthole_clone) shp_bolts = shp_bolt.multiFuse(shp_bolt_list) shp_rail = shp_plainrail.cut(shp_bolts) if bolthole_d != 0: fco_bolthole = doc.addObject("Part::MultiFuse", name + "_bolt_hole") fco_bolthole.Shapes = bolthole_list fco_bolthole.ViewObject.Visibility = False self.fco_bolthole = fco_bolthole doc.recompute() fco_rail = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", name) fco_rail.Shape = shp_rail self.fco = fco_rail def BasePlace (self, position = (0,0,0)): self.base_place = position self.fco.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(position) # a dictionary is used with the constants. Defined in # hl = f_linguiderail(200, kcomp.SEBWM16_R, 'y', '-z') def f_linguiderail (rail_l, d_rail, axis_l, axis_b, boltend_sep = 0, name ='linguiderail'): if boltend_sep == 0: boltends = d_rail['boltend_sep'] else: boltends = boltend_sep h_lgrail = LinGuideRail(rail_l = rail_l, rail_w = d_rail['rw'], rail_h = d_rail['rh'], bolt_lsep = d_rail['boltlsep'], bolt_wsep = d_rail['boltwsep'], bolt_d = d_rail['boltd'], bolth_d = d_rail['bolthd'], bolth_h = d_rail['bolthh'], boltend_sep = boltends, axis_l = axis_l, axis_b = axis_b, name = name) return h_lgrail # a dictionary is used with the constants. Defined in # Includes the bolt holes (BH) to pass through another 3D piece def f_linguiderail_bh (rail_l, d_rail, axis_l, axis_b, boltend_sep = 0, bolthole_d = 0, bolthole_l = 0, bolthole_dir = 0, bolthole_nutd = 0, bolthole_nuth = 0, name ='linguiderail'): if boltend_sep == 0: boltends = d_rail['boltend_sep'] else: boltends = boltend_sep h_lgrail = LinGuideRail(rail_l = rail_l, rail_w = d_rail['rw'], rail_h = d_rail['rh'], bolt_lsep = d_rail['boltlsep'], bolt_wsep = d_rail['boltwsep'], bolt_d = d_rail['boltd'], bolth_d = d_rail['bolthd'], bolth_h = d_rail['bolthh'], boltend_sep = boltends, axis_l = axis_l, axis_b = axis_b, bolthole_d = bolthole_d, bolthole_l = bolthole_l, bolthole_dir = bolthole_dir, bolthole_nutd = bolthole_nutd, bolthole_nuth = bolthole_nuth, name = name) return h_lgrail #hl = f_linguiderail_bh(200, kcomp.SEBWM16_R, 'y', '-z', # bolthole_d = 2 * kcomp.M3_SHANK_R_TOL, # bolthole_l = 10., # bolthole_dir = 'same', # bolthole_nutd = 2 * kcomp.M3_NUT_R_TOL, # bolthole_nuth = 2 * kcomp.M3_NUT_L, # name = 'linguiderail' ) # ---------------------- ShpLinGuideRail ------------------------------- class ShpLinGuideRail (shp_clss.Obj3D): """ Creates a shape of a linear guide rail The linear guide rail has a dent, but it is just to show the shape, the dimensions are not exact :: axis_h : : : :bolth_d ....:.+... : : : ___:____3____:___................... | : : | :bolth_h : | :....2....: |....: : \ : : / A little dent to see that it is a rail / : 1 : \ ..... : | : : | : :+ rail_h | : : | + rail_h/2. : | : : | : : |______:_o_:______|.....:...........:...... axis_w : : 0 : 1 2 : : : : : :...: : : bolt_d : : : :.................: + rail_w bolt_wsep: if 0, only one hole (common) ...+... : : _________o_________..................... |: :| : : |: :| :+ boltend_sep : |: ( ) 1 ( ) :|---- : |: :| : : |: :| :+ bolt_lsep : |: :| : : |: :| : :+ rail_d |: ( ) :|---- : |: 2 :| only one bolt (either case, not like this |: :| : |: :| : |: :| : |: (3) :| : |: :| : |: :| : |:_______4_______:|.....................:...axis_w : : : : v axis_d Parameters: ----------- rail_d : float Length (depth) of the rail rail_w : float Width of the rail rail_h : float Height of the rail bolt_lsep : float Separation between bolts on the depth (length) dimension bolt_wsep : float Separation between bolts on the width dimension, 0: there is only one bolt bolt_d : float Diameter of the hole for the bolt bolth_d : float Diameter of the hole for the head of the bolt bolth_h : float Heigth of the hole for the head of the bolt boltend_sep : float Separation on one end, from the bolt to the end 0: evenly distributed axis_d : FreeCAD.Vector The axis along the depth (lenght) of the rail axis_w : FreeCAD.Vector The axis along the width of the rail axis_h : FreeCAD.Vector The axis along the height of the rail, pointing up pos_d : int Location of pos along axis_d (see drawing) 0: at the beginning of the rail 1: at the first bolt hole 2: at the middle of the rail (not necessary at a bolt hole) 3: at the last bolt hole 4: at the end of the rail pos_w : int Location of pos along axis_w (see drawing). Symmetric, negative indexes means the other side 0: at the center of symmetry 1: at the bolt holes (only make sense if there are 2 bolt holes) otherwise it will be like pos_w = 0 2: at the end of the rail along axis_w pos_h : int Location of pos along axis_h (see drawing) 0: at the bottom 1: at the middle (it is not a specific place) 1: at the bolt head 3: at the top end pos : FreeCAD.Vector Position at the point defined by pos_d, pos_w, pos_h """ def __init__ (self, rail_d, rail_w, rail_h, bolt_lsep, bolt_wsep, bolt_d, bolth_d, bolth_h, boltend_sep = 0, axis_d = VX, axis_w = V0, axis_h = VZ, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos = V0): if (axis_w is None) or (axis_w == V0): axis_w = axis_h.cross(axis_d) shp_clss.Obj3D.__init__(self, axis_d, axis_w, axis_h) # save the arguments as attributes: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for i in args: if not hasattr(self,i): setattr(self, i, values[i]) self.d0_cen = 0 self.w0_cen = 1 # symmetric self.h0_cen = 0 # calculation of the number of bolt holes along axis_d if boltend_sep != 0: nbolt_l = (rail_d - boltend_sep) // bolt_lsep #integer division rail_rem = rail_d - boltend_sep - nbolt_l * bolt_lsep if rail_rem > bolth_d: # one bolt more nbolt_l = nbolt_l + 1 self.boltend_sep = boltend_sep else: # leave even distance # number of bolt lines, on the depth (length) axis nbolt_l = rail_d // bolt_lsep # integer division #dont use % in case is not int rail_rem = rail_d - nbolt_l * bolt_lsep if rail_rem > 2* bolth_d : # one bolt more nbolt_l = nbolt_l + 1 # separation between the bolt and the end self.boltend_sep = rail_rem / 2. else: self.boltend_sep = (bolt_lsep + rail_rem) / 2. self.nbolt_l = int(nbolt_l) # vectors from the origin to the points along axis_d: self.d_o[0] = V0 # origin self.d_o[1] = self.vec_d(self.boltend_sep) self.d_o[2] = self.vec_d(rail_d/2.) self.d_o[3] = self.vec_d((self.nbolt_l-1)*bolt_lsep + self.boltend_sep) self.d_o[4] = self.vec_d(rail_d) # vectors from the origin to the points along axis_w: # symmetric: negative self.w_o[0] = V0 # base: origin self.w_o[1] = self.vec_w(-bolt_wsep/2.) #if 0: same as w_o[0] self.w_o[2] = self.vec_w(-rail_w/2.) # vectors from the origin to the points along axis_h: self.h_o[0] = V0 # base: origin self.h_o[1] = self.vec_h(rail_h/2.) self.h_o[2] = self.vec_h(rail_h - bolth_h) self.h_o[3] = self.vec_h(rail_h) # calculates the position of the origin, and keeps it in attribute pos_o self.set_pos_o() wire_rail = fcfun.wire_lgrail( rail_w = rail_w, rail_h = rail_h, axis_w = self.axis_w, axis_h = self.axis_h, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos = self.pos_o) # make a face of the wire shp_face_rail = Part.Face(wire_rail) shp_plainrail = shp_face_rail.extrude(self.vec_d(rail_d)) holes_list = [] # bolt holes bolthole_pos = self.get_pos_dwh(1,0,3) for i in range (0,self.nbolt_l): if bolt_wsep == 0: # just one bolt shp_bolt = fcfun.shp_bolt_dir (r_shank = bolt_d/2., l_bolt = rail_h, r_head = bolth_d/2., l_head = bolth_h, xtr_head = 1, xtr_shank = 1, support = 0, fc_normal = self.axis_h.negative(), pos_n = 0, pos = bolthole_pos) holes_list.append(shp_bolt) else: for i in (-1,1): bolthole_pos_i = bolthole_pos + self.get_pos_w(i) shp_bolt = fcfun.shp_bolt_dir (r_shank = bolt_d/2., l_bolt = rail_h, r_head = bolth_d/2., l_head = bolth_h, xtr_head = 1, xtr_shank = 1, support = 0, fc_normal = self.axis_h.negative(), pos_n = 0, pos = bolthole_pos_i) holes_list.append(shp_bolt) bolthole_pos = bolthole_pos + self.vec_d(bolt_lsep) shp_holes = fcfun.fuseshplist(holes_list) shp_rail = shp_plainrail.cut(shp_holes) shp_rail = shp_rail.removeSplitter() self.shp = shp_rail #shp_lgrail = ShpLinGuideRail( rail_d = 79., rail_w=40., rail_h=20., # bolt_lsep=20., bolt_wsep=15, bolt_d=3., # bolth_d=5., bolth_h=2., boltend_sep = 10, # axis_d = VX, axis_w = V0, axis_h = VZ, # pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, # pos = V0) class PartLinGuideRail (fc_clss.SinglePart, ShpLinGuideRail): """ Integration of a ShpLinGuideRail object into a PartLinGuideRail object, so it is a FreeCAD object that can be visualized in FreeCAD Instead of using all the arguments of ShpLinGuideRail, it will use a dictionary Parameters: ----------- rail_d : float Length (depth) of the rail rail_dict : dictionary Dictionary with all the information about the rail in there are some dictionaries of linear guide rails that can be used boltend_sep : float Separation on one end, from the bolt to the end it can be given by the dictionary as a default value >0: the value that will be take 0: evenly distributed <0: value from the dictionary axis_d : FreeCAD.Vector The axis along the depth (lenght) of the rail axis_w : FreeCAD.Vector The axis along the width of the rail axis_h : FreeCAD.Vector The axis along the height of the rail, pointing up pos_d : int Location of pos along axis_d (see drawing of ShpLinGuideRail) 0: at the beginning of the rail 1: at the first bolt hole 2: at the middle of the rail (not necessary at a bolt hole) 3: at the last bolt hole 4: at the end of the rail pos_w : int Location of pos along axis_w (see drawing). Symmetric, negative indexes means the other side 0: at the center of symmetry 1: at the bolt holes (only make sense if there are 2 bolt holes) otherwise it will be like pos_w = 0 2: at the end of the rail along axis_w pos_h : int Location of pos along axis_h (see drawing of ShpLinGuideRail) 0: at the bottom 1: at the middle (it is not a specific place) 1: at the bolt head 3: at the top end pos : FreeCAD.Vector Position at the point defined by pos_d, pos_w, pos_h """ def __init__ (self, rail_d, rail_dict, boltend_sep = 0, axis_d = VX, axis_w = V0, axis_h = VZ, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos = V0, model_type = 1, # dimensional model, name = ''): default_name = rail_dict['name'] self.set_name (name, default_name, change=0) if boltend_sep == 0: boltends = 0 elif boltend_sep < 0: boltends = rail_dict['boltend_sep'] else: boltends = boltend_sep # creation of the shape ShpLinGuideRail.__init__(self, rail_d = rail_d, rail_w = rail_dict['rw'], rail_h = rail_dict['rh'], bolt_lsep = rail_dict['boltlsep'], bolt_wsep = rail_dict['boltwsep'], bolt_d = rail_dict['boltd'], bolth_d = rail_dict['bolthd'], bolth_h = rail_dict['bolthh'], boltend_sep = boltends, axis_d = axis_d, axis_w = axis_w, axis_h = axis_h, pos_d = pos_d, pos_w = pos_w, pos_h = pos_h, pos = pos) # creation of the part fc_clss.SinglePart.__init__(self) # save the arguments as attributes: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for i in args: if not hasattr(self,i): setattr(self, i, values[i]) #doc = FreeCAD.newDocument() #partLinGuideRail = PartLinGuideRail ( # rail_d = 100., # rail_dict = kcomp.SEBWM16_R, # boltend_sep = 0, # axis_d = VX, axis_w = V0, axis_h = VZ, # pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, # pos = V0) # ---------------------- LinGuideBlock ------------------------------- # Creates the block of the linear guide # Arguments: # block_l: Total length of the block # block_ls: Small length of the block. Usually there is a plastic end, for # lubricant or whatever # block_w: Total Width of the block # block_ws: Small width of the block (the plastic end) # linguide_h: Height of the linear guide. Total, Rail + Block # bolt_lsep: separation of the bolts, on the length direction # bolt_wsep: separation of the bolts, on the width direction # bolt_d: diameter of the hole of the bolt # bolt_l: length of the hole. if 0, it is a thru-hole # h_lgrail: handler of the linear guide rail # block_pos_l: position of the block relative to the rail. From 0 to 1 # Attributes: # axis_l: direction of the rail: 'x', 'y', 'z' # axis_b: direction of the bottom of the rail: 'x', '-x', 'y', '-y', 'z', '-z' # # __________________ _____________ # __|__________________|__ ___ | # | | | | # | 0 --- bolt_wsep --- 0 | | | # | : | | | # | : | + block_ls + block_l # | + bolt_lsep | | | # | : | | | # | 0 0 | | | # |________________________| ___| | # |__________________| ______________| # # | | | | # | |____ block_ws ____| | # |_______ block_w ________| # class LinGuideBlock (object): def __init__ (self, block_l, block_ls, block_w, block_ws, block_h, linguide_h, bolt_lsep, bolt_wsep, bolt_d, bolt_l, h_lgrail, block_pos_l, name): doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument self.base_place = (0,0,0) self.block_l = block_l self.block_ls = block_ls self.block_w = block_w self.block_ws = block_ws self.block_h = block_h self.linguide_h = linguide_h self.bolt_lsep = bolt_lsep self.bolt_wsep = bolt_wsep self.bolt_d = bolt_d if bolt_l == 0: self.bolt_l = block_h else: self.bolt_l = bolt_l self.h_lgrail = h_lgrail self.block_pos_l = block_pos_l shp_plainrail = h_lgrail.shp_plainrail self.axis_l = h_lgrail.axis_l self.axis_b = h_lgrail.axis_b blockend_l = (block_l - block_ls)/2. b_pos=FreeCAD.Vector(block_pos_l,0,linguide_h-block_h) # central block shp_cen_bl_box = fcfun.shp_boxcen(x=block_ls, y=block_w, z=block_h, cx= 0, cy=1, cz=0, pos=b_pos) # bolt holes boltpos_z = linguide_h+1 if bolt_l == 0: bolt_h = self.bolt_l + 2 else: bolt_h = self.bolt_l + 1 #if bolt_l == 0: #boltpos_z = linguide_h-block_h-1 #else: # boltpos_z = linguide_h-block_h boltpos00 = FreeCAD.Vector(block_pos_l + block_ls/2- bolt_lsep/2, -bolt_wsep/2.,boltpos_z) shp_bolt00=fcfun.shp_cyl (r=bolt_d/2., h=bolt_h, normal=VZN, pos = boltpos00) boltpos01 = FreeCAD.Vector(block_pos_l + block_ls/2+ bolt_lsep/2, -bolt_wsep/2.,boltpos_z) shp_bolt01=fcfun.shp_cyl (r=bolt_d/2., h=bolt_h, normal=VZN, pos = boltpos01) boltpos10 = FreeCAD.Vector(block_pos_l + block_ls/2- bolt_lsep/2, bolt_wsep/2.,boltpos_z) shp_bolt10=fcfun.shp_cyl (r=bolt_d/2., h=bolt_h, normal=VZN, pos = boltpos10) boltpos11 = FreeCAD.Vector(block_pos_l + block_ls/2+ bolt_lsep/2, bolt_wsep/2.,boltpos_z) shp_bolt11=fcfun.shp_cyl (r=bolt_d/2., h=bolt_h, normal=VZN, pos = boltpos11) shp_bolts = shp_bolt00.multiFuse([shp_bolt01,shp_bolt10, shp_bolt11]) shp_cen_blhole = shp_cen_bl_box.cut(shp_bolts) # end blocks bbot_pos=FreeCAD.Vector(block_pos_l-blockend_l,0,linguide_h-block_h) shp_botend_bl_box = fcfun.shp_boxcen(x=blockend_l, y=block_ws, z=block_h, cx= 0, cy=1, cz=0, pos=bbot_pos) btop_pos=FreeCAD.Vector(block_pos_l+block_ls,0,linguide_h-block_h) shp_topend_bl_box = fcfun.shp_boxcen(x=blockend_l, y=block_ws, z=block_h, cx= 0, cy=1, cz=0, pos=btop_pos) shp_bl_box = shp_cen_blhole.multiFuse([shp_botend_bl_box, shp_topend_bl_box]) vrot = fcfun.calc_rot(fcfun.getvecofname(self.axis_l), fcfun.getvecofname(self.axis_b)) shp_bl_box.Placement.Rotation = vrot shp_bl = shp_bl_box.cut(shp_plainrail) doc.recompute() fco_bl = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", name + '_block') fco_bl.Shape = shp_bl self.fco = fco_bl def BasePlace (self, position = (0,0,0)): self.base_place = position self.fco.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(position) # ---------------------- f_linguide ------------------------------- # Arguments: # rail_l: length of the linear guide # dlg: a dictionary is used for the constants. Defined in # axis_l : the axis where the lenght of the rail is: 'x', 'y', 'z' # axis_b : the axis where the base of the rail is pointing: # boltend_sep : separation on one end, from the bolt to the end # bl_pos : Position of the block, relative to the length: 0. to 1. # hl = f_linguiderail(200, kcomp.SEBWM16_R, 'y', '-z') def f_linguide (rail_l, dlg, axis_l, axis_b, boltend_sep = 0, bl_pos = 0., name ='linguide'): print(axis_l) d_rail = dlg['rail'] if boltend_sep == 0: boltends = d_rail['boltend_sep'] else: boltends = boltend_sep h_lgrail = LinGuideRail(rail_l = rail_l, rail_w = d_rail['rw'], rail_h = d_rail['rh'], bolt_lsep = d_rail['boltlsep'], bolt_wsep = d_rail['boltwsep'], bolt_d = d_rail['boltd'], bolth_d = d_rail['bolthd'], bolth_h = d_rail['bolthh'], boltend_sep = boltends, axis_l = axis_l, axis_b = axis_b, name = name) d_block = dlg['block'] # position of the block refered to the rail # rail_l - d_block['b'] : the length of the rail - length of the block block_pos_l = bl_pos * (rail_l - d_block['bl']) h_brail = LinGuideBlock ( block_l = d_block['bl'], block_ls = d_block['bls'], block_w = d_block['bw'], block_ws = d_block['bws'], block_h = d_block['bh'], linguide_h = d_block['lh'], bolt_lsep = d_block['boltlsep'], bolt_wsep = d_block['boltwsep'], bolt_d = d_block['boltd'], bolt_l = d_block['boltl'], h_lgrail = h_lgrail, block_pos_l = block_pos_l, name = name) return h_lgrail # ---------------------- class LinGuide ------------------------------- # Arguments: # rail_l: length of the linear guide # dlg: a dictionary is used for the constants. Defined in # axis_l : the axis where the lenght of the rail is: 'x', 'y', 'z' # axis_b : the axis where the base of the rail is pointing: # boltend_sep : separation on one end, from the bolt to the end # bl_pos : Position of the block, relative to the length: 0. to 1. # hl = f_linguiderail(200, kcomp.SEBWM16_R, 'y', '-z') class LinGuide(object): def __init__ (self, rail_l, dlg, axis_l, axis_b, boltend_sep = 0, bl_pos = 0., name ='linguide'): self.base_place = (0,0,0) self.rail_l = rail_l self.dlg = dlg self.axis_l = axis_l self.axis_b = axis_b self.bl_pos = bl_pos d_rail = dlg['rail'] self.d_rail = d_rail d_block = dlg['block'] self.d_block = dlg['block'] if boltend_sep == 0: boltend_sep = d_rail['boltend_sep'] else: boltend_sep = boltend_sep self.boltend_sep = boltend_sep h_lgrail = LinGuideRail(rail_l = rail_l, rail_w = d_rail['rw'], rail_h = d_rail['rh'], bolt_lsep = d_rail['boltlsep'], bolt_wsep = d_rail['boltwsep'], bolt_d = d_rail['boltd'], bolth_d = d_rail['bolthd'], bolth_h = d_rail['bolthh'], boltend_sep = boltend_sep, axis_l = axis_l, axis_b = axis_b, name = name) self.h_lgrail = h_lgrail # position of the block refered to the rail # rail_l - d_block['b'] : the length of the rail - length of the block block_pos_l = bl_pos * (rail_l - d_block['bl']) self.block_pos_l = block_pos_l h_brail = LinGuideBlock ( block_l = d_block['bl'], block_ls = d_block['bls'], block_w = d_block['bw'], block_ws = d_block['bws'], block_h = d_block['bh'], linguide_h = d_block['lh'], bolt_lsep = d_block['boltlsep'], bolt_wsep = d_block['boltwsep'], bolt_d = d_block['boltd'], bolt_l = d_block['boltl'], h_lgrail = h_lgrail, block_pos_l = block_pos_l, name = name) self.h_brail = h_brail def BasePlace (self,position = (0,0,0)): self.base_place = position self.h_brail.BasePlace(position) self.h_lgrail.BasePlace(position) #hl = f_linguide(200, kcomp.SEB15A, 'y', '-z', #hl = f_linguide(200, kcomp.SEBWM16, 'y', '-z', # boltend_sep = 0, # bl_pos = 0.5, # #bolthole_d = 2 * kcomp.M3_SHANK_R_TOL, # #bolthole_l = 10., # #bolthole_dir = 'same', # #bolthole_nutd = 2 * kcomp.M3_NUT_R_TOL, # #bolthole_nuth = 2 * kcomp.M3_NUT_L, # name = 'linguiderail' ) #lg_nx = LinGuide (rail_l= 136., # dlg= kcomp.SEBWM16, # axis_l = 'z', # axis_b='x', # boltend_sep = 8., bl_pos=0.5, name='lg_nx') class ShpLinGuideBlock (shp_clss.Obj3D): """ Creates a shape of a linear guide rail Creates a hole for the rail, no exact shape :: axis_h : : ____________3_____________......................... |::| 2 |::|...bolt_l : : | | ____1____ | | : :+linguide_h | | | : | | | :+ block_h : | | \ : / | | : : |__|_____/ o \______|__|............:..........:..> axis_w : : : : : : : : : : : :....4....: :.........................: : + : : rail_w : : : :......................: + bolt_wsep axis_d (direction of the rail) : : _________3_________ .................... __|____:____2____:____|__ ... : | : : | : : | 0 : 1 : 0 | : : | : : : | : : | : : : | : : | : : o 1 32 4.......................> axis_w | + bolt_dsep : | : : | : : : | + block_ds : | 0 : : 0 | : :+ block_d |_______:_________:_______|....: : : |____:_________:____| ................: : : : : : :.... block_ws ....: : : : :....... block_w ........: Origin at pos_o: pos_d = pos_w = pos_h = 0 Parameters: ----------- block_d: float Total length (depth) of the block block_ds: float Small length (depth) of the block. Usually there is a plastic end, for lubricant or whatever block_w: float Total Width of the block block_ws: float Small width of the block (the plastic end) block_h: float Height of the block bolt_dsep: float Separation of the bolts, on the depth (length) direction bolt_wsep: float Separation of the bolts, on the width direction bolt_d: float Diameter of the hole of the bolt bolt_l: float Length of the hole. if 0, it is a thru-hole linguide_h: float Height of the linear guide. Total, Rail + Block if 0: there will be internal hole for the rail rail_h: float Height of the rail if 0: there will be internal hole for the rail rail_w: float Width of the rail if 0: there will be internal hole for the rail axis_d : FreeCAD.Vector The axis along the depth (lenght) of the block (and rail) axis_w : FreeCAD.Vector The axis along the width of the block axis_h : FreeCAD.Vector The axis along the height of the block, pointing up pos_d : int Location of pos along axis_d (see drawing). Symmetric, negative indexes means the other side 0: at the center (symmetric) 1: at the bolt hole 2: at the end of the smaller part of the block 3: at the end of the end of the block pos_w : int Location of pos along axis_w (see drawing). Symmetric, negative indexes means the other side 0: at the center of symmetry 1: at the inner hole of the rail 2: at the bolt holes (it can be after the smaller part of the block) 3: at the end of the smaller part of the block 4: at the end of the end of the block pos_h : int Location of pos along axis_h (see drawing) 0: at the bottom (could make more sense to have 0 at the top instead 1: at the top of the rail hole 2: at the bottom of the bolt holes, if thruholes, same as 0 3: at the top end 4: at the bottom of the rail (not the block), if the rail has been defined pos : FreeCAD.Vector Position at the point defined by pos_d, pos_w, pos_h :: axis_h : : ____________3_____________......................... |::| 2 |::| : | | ____1____ | |................ :+linguide_h | | | : | | | : : : | | \ : / | | :rail_ins_h : : |__|_____/ o \______|__|..: : : : : : : :rail_h : : : : : : : : :....4....: :.................:.......: : + : : rail_w : rail_ins_h = block_h - (linguide_h - rail_h) """ def __init__( self, block_d, block_ds, block_w, block_ws, block_h, bolt_dsep, bolt_wsep, bolt_d, bolt_l, linguide_h=0, rail_h=0, rail_w=0, axis_d = VX, axis_w = VY, axis_h = VZ, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos = V0): if (axis_w is None) or (axis_w == V0): axis_w = axis_h.cross(axis_d) shp_clss.Obj3D.__init__(self, axis_d, axis_w, axis_h) # save the arguments as attributes: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for i in args: if not hasattr(self,i): setattr(self, i, values[i]) self.d0_cen = 1 # symmetric self.w0_cen = 1 # symmetric self.h0_cen = 0 if bolt_l == 0: # thruhole self.bolt_l = block_h self.thruhole = 1 else: self.thruhole = 0 if rail_h == 0 or linguide_h == 0: self.rail_h = 0 self.linguide_h = 0 self.rail_ins_h = 0 self.rail_bot_h = 0 else: self.rail_ins_h = block_h - (linguide_h - rail_h) self.rail_bot_h = rail_h - self.rail_ins_h # vectors from the origin to the points along axis_d: self.d_o[0] = V0 # Origin (center symmetric) self.d_o[1] = self.vec_d(-self.bolt_dsep/2.) self.d_o[2] = self.vec_d(-self.block_ds/2.) self.d_o[3] = self.vec_d(-self.block_d/2.) # vectors from the origin to the points along axis_w: self.w_o[0] = V0 # Origin (center symmetric) self.w_o[1] = self.vec_w(-self.rail_w/2.) self.w_o[2] = self.vec_w(-self.bolt_wsep/2.) self.w_o[3] = self.vec_w(-self.block_ws/2.) self.w_o[4] = self.vec_w(-self.block_w/2.) # vectors from the origin to the points along axis_h: # could make more sense to have the origin at the top self.h_o[0] = V0 # Origin at the bottom self.h_o[1] = self.vec_h(self.rail_ins_h) self.h_o[2] = self.vec_h(self.block_h - self.bolt_l) self.h_o[3] = self.vec_h(self.block_h) self.h_o[4] = self.vec_h(-self.rail_bot_h) # calculates the position of the origin, and keeps it in attribute pos_o self.set_pos_o() # the main block shp_mblock = fcfun.shp_box_dir (box_w = self.block_w, box_d = self.block_ds, box_h = self.block_h, fc_axis_w = self.axis_w, fc_axis_d = self.axis_d, fc_axis_h = self.axis_h, cw = 1, cd = 1, ch = 0, pos = self.pos_o) # the extra block shp_exblock = fcfun.shp_box_dir (box_w = self.block_ws, box_d = self.block_d, box_h = self.block_h, fc_axis_w = self.axis_w, fc_axis_d = self.axis_d, fc_axis_h = self.axis_h, cw = 1, cd = 1, ch = 0, pos = self.pos_o) # fusion of these blocks shp_block = shp_mblock.fuse(shp_exblock) holes_list = [] # rail hole: if self.rail_h > 0 and rail_w > 0: wire_rail = fcfun.wire_lgrail( rail_w = rail_w, rail_h = self.rail_h, axis_w = self.axis_w, axis_h = self.axis_h, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos = self.get_pos_h(4)) face_rail = Part.Face(wire_rail) shp_rail = fcfun.shp_extrud_face (face = face_rail, length = self.block_d + 2, vec_extr_axis = self.axis_d, centered = 1) holes_list.append(shp_rail) # bolt holes: for d_i in (-1, 1): # positions of the holes along axis_d for w_i in (-2, 2): # positions of the holes along axis_w shp_bolt = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr ( r = bolt_d/2., h = self.bolt_l, normal = axis_h, ch = 0, xtr_top = 1, xtr_bot = self.thruhole, pos = self.get_pos_dwh(d_i, w_i, 2)) holes_list.append(shp_bolt) shp_holes = fcfun.fuseshplist(holes_list) shp_block = shp_block.cut(shp_holes) shp_block = shp_block.removeSplitter() self.shp = shp_block #shp_linguide_block = ShpLinGuideBlock ( # block_d = kcomp.SEB10_B['bl'], # block_ds = kcomp.SEB10_B['bls'], # block_w = kcomp.SEB10_B['bw'], # block_ws = kcomp.SEB10_B['bws'], # block_h = kcomp.SEB10_B['bh'], # # #linguide_h = kcomp.SEB10_B['lh'], # #rail_h = kcomp.SEB10_R['rh'], # #rail_w = kcomp.SEB10_R['rw'], # # bolt_dsep = kcomp.SEB10_B['boltlsep'], # bolt_wsep = kcomp.SEB10_B['boltwsep'], # bolt_d = kcomp.SEB10_B['boltd'], # bolt_l = kcomp.SEB10_B['boltl'], # # axis_d = VX, # axis_w = VY, # axis_h = VZ, # pos_d = 0, # pos_w = 0, # pos_h = 0, # pos = V0)
[docs]class PartLinGuideBlock (fc_clss.SinglePart, ShpLinGuideBlock): """ Integration of a ShpLinGuideBlock object into a PartLinGuideBlock object, so it is a FreeCAD object that can be visualized in FreeCAD Instead of using all the arguments of ShpLinGuideBlock, it will use a dictionary Parameters ---------- block_dict: dictionary Dictionary with the information about the block rail_dict: dictionary Dictionary with the information about the rail, it is not necessary, but if not provided, the block will not have the rail hole axis_d: FreeCAD.Vector The axis along the depth (lenght) of the block (and rail) axis_w: FreeCAD.Vector The axis along the width of the block axis_h: FreeCAD.Vector The axis along the height of the block, pointing up pos_d: int Location of pos along axis_d (see drawing). Symmetric, negative indexes means the other side * 0: at the center (symmetric) * 1: at the bolt hole * 2: at the end of the smaller part of the block * 3: at the end of the end of the block pos_w: int Location of pos along axis_w (see drawing). Symmetric, negative indexes means the other side * 0: at the center of symmetry * 1: at the inner hole of the rail * 2: at the bolt holes (it can be after the smaller part of the block) * 3: at the end of the smaller part of the block * 4: at the end of the end of the block pos_h: int Location of pos along axis_h (see drawing) * 0: at the bottom (could make more sense to have 0 at the top instead * 1: at the top of the rail hole * 2: at the bottom of the bolt holes, if thruholes, same as 0 * 3: at the top end * 4: at the bottom of the rail (not the block), if the rail has been defined pos: FreeCAD.Vector Position at the point defined by pos_d, pos_w, pos_h """ def __init__ (self, block_dict, rail_dict, axis_d = VX, axis_w = V0, axis_h = VZ, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos = V0, model_type = 1, # dimensional model name = ''): default_name = block_dict['name'] + '_block' self.set_name (name, default_name, change=0) if rail_dict is None: self.rail_h = 0 self.rail_w = 0 else: self.rail_h = rail_dict['rh'] self.rail_w = rail_dict['rw'] # creation of the shape ShpLinGuideBlock.__init__( self, block_d = block_dict['bl'], block_ds = block_dict['bls'], block_w = block_dict['bw'], block_ws = block_dict['bws'], block_h = block_dict['bh'], linguide_h = block_dict['lh'], rail_h = self.rail_h, rail_w = self.rail_w, bolt_dsep = block_dict['boltlsep'], bolt_wsep = block_dict['boltwsep'], bolt_d = block_dict['boltd'], bolt_l = block_dict['boltl'], axis_d = axis_d, axis_w = axis_w, axis_h = axis_h, pos_d = pos_d, pos_w = pos_w, pos_h = pos_h, pos = pos) # creation of the part fc_clss.SinglePart.__init__(self) # save the arguments as attributes: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for i in args: if not hasattr(self,i): setattr(self, i, values[i])
#doc = FreeCAD.newDocument() #partLinGuideBlock = PartLinGuideBlock ( # block_dict = kcomp.SEBWM16_B, # rail_dict = kcomp.SEBWM16_R, # axis_d = VX, axis_w = VY, axis_h = VZ, # pos_d = 0, pos_w = -2, pos_h = 0, # pos = V0) class ShpGtPulley (shp_clss.Obj3D): """ Creates a GT pulley, no exact dimensions, just for the model :: flange_d ......+...... : : :_____________:.................... |_____:_:_____|...: top_flange_h : | : : | : : | : : | :+ toothed_h : __|__:_:__|__....: : | ____:_:_____|....+ bot_flange_h : | : : | + tot_h | : : | : | : : | : |____:_:____|_....................: : : : : : :.: : : + : : shaft_d : : : :............: + base_d Parameters: ----------- pitch: float/int Distance between teeth: Typically 2mm, or 3mm n_teeth: int Number of teeth of the pulley toothed_h: float Height of the toothed part of the pulley top_flange_h: float Height (thickness) of the top flange, if 0, no top flange bot_flange_h: float Height (thickness) of the bot flange, if 0, no bottom flange tot_h: float Total height of the pulley flange_d: float Flange diameter, if 0, it will be the same as the base_d base_d: float Base diameter shaft_d: float Shaft diameter tol: float Tolerance for radius (it will substracted to the radius) twice for the diameter. Or added if a shape to substract axis_h: FreeCAD.Vector Height vector of coordinate system (this is required) axis_d: FreeCAD.Vector Depth vector of coordinate system (perpendicular to the height) can be NULL axis_w: FreeCAD.Vector Width vector of coordinate system if V0: it will be calculated using the cross product: axis_h x axis_d pos_h: int Location of pos along the axis_h (0,1,2,3,4,5) * 0: at the base * 1: at the base of the bottom flange * 2: at the base of the toothed part * 3: at the center of the toothed part * 4: at the end (top) of the toothed part * 5: at the end (top) of the pulley pos_d: int Location of pos along the axis_d (0,1,2,3,4,5,6) * 0: at the center of symmetry * 1: at the shaft radius * 2: at the inner radius * 3: at the external radius * 4: at the pitch radius (outside the toothed part) * 5: at the end of the base (not the toothed part) * 6: at the end of the flange (V0 is no flange) pos_w: int Location of pos along the axis_w (0,1,2,3,4,5,6) same as pos_d pos: FreeCAD.Vector Position of the piece The toothed part of the pulley has 2 diameters, besides there also is the pitch diameter that is external to the outer diameter (related to the belt pitch) :: tooth_outd : external diameter of the toothed part .....+..... of the pulley : : : : | | | : : | | | | | | : : | | | | | | : : | | | | | | : : | | | | | | : : | | | : : : : : :.......: : : + : : tooth_ind : internal diameter of the toothed part : : of the pulley :...............: + pitch_d = (n_teeth x pitch) / pi (diameter) | v perimeter (n_teeth x pitch) _ _ _ _ ............................... _/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_....:+ tooth_height: 0.75 + belt_height: 1.38 ....:+ PLD: 0.254 : _________________.............................: : : :...: + tooth separation 2mm (pitch) PLD: Pitch Line Distance (I think), where the tensile cord is when the belt is on a pulley, that would be the distance added to the outside diameter of the belt. What is called the pitch diameter: for a GT2 is axis_h : : _______:_______ .....5 |______:_:______|.....4 | : : | | : : |........3 | : : | ___|__:_:__|___ .....2 |______:_:______|.....1 | : : | | : : | | : : | |_____:o:_____|......0 : : : : : : 01..23456.......axis_d, axis_w pos_o (origin) is at pos_h=0, pos_d=0, pos_w=0 (marked with o) """ def __init__(self, pitch = 2., n_teeth = 20, toothed_h = 7.5, top_flange_h = 1., bot_flange_h = 0, tot_h = 16., flange_d = 15., base_d = 15., shaft_d = 5., tol = 0, axis_d = None, axis_w = None, axis_h = VZ, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos = V0): if (((axis_d is None) or (axis_d == V0)) and ((axis_w is None) or (axis_w == V0))): # both are null, we create a random perpendicular vectors axis_d = fcfun.get_fc_perpend1(axis_h) axis_w = axis_h.cross(axis_d) else: if ((axis_d is None) or (axis_d == V0)): axis_d = axis_w.cross(axis_h) elif ((axis_w is None) or (axis_w == V0)): axis_w = axis_h.cross(axis_d) # all axis are defined shp_clss.Obj3D.__init__(self, axis_d, axis_w, axis_h) if (top_flange_h > 0 or bot_flange_h > 0) and flange_d == 0: logger.debug("Flange height is not null, but diameter is null") logger.debug("Flange diameter will be the same as the base") flange_d = base_d self.flange_d = flange_flange_d # save the arguments as attributes: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for i in args: if not hasattr(self,i): setattr(self, i, values[i]) # belt dictionary: self.belt_dict = kcomp.GT[pitch] # diameters of the pulley: # pitch diameter, it is not on the pulley, but outside, on the belt self.pitch_d = n_teeth * pitch / math.pi self.pitch_r = self.pitch_d /2. # out radius and diameter, diameter at the outer part of the teeth self.tooth_out_r = self.pitch_r - self.belt_dict['PLD'] self.tooth_out_d = 2 * self.tooth_out_r # inner radius and diameter, diameter at the inner part of the teeth self.tooth_in_r = self.tooth_out_r - self.belt_dict['TOOTH_H'] self.tooth_in_d = 2 * self.tooth_in_r self.base_r = base_d / 2. self.shaft_r = shaft_d / 2. self.flange_r = flange_d / 2. # height of the base, without the toothed part and the flange self.base_h = tot_h - toothed_h - top_flange_h - bot_flange_h self.h0_cen = 0 self.d0_cen = 1 # symmetrical self.w0_cen = 1 # symmetrical # vectors from the origin to the points along axis_h: self.h_o[0] = V0 self.h_o[1] = self.vec_h(self.base_h) self.h_o[2] = self.vec_h(self.base_h + bot_flange_h) self.h_o[3] = self.vec_h(self.base_h + bot_flange_h + toothed_h/2.) self.h_o[4] = self.vec_h(self.tot_h - top_flange_h) self.h_o[5] = self.vec_h(self.tot_h) # vectors from the origin to the points along axis_d: # these are negative because actually the pos_d indicates a negative # position along axis_d (this happens when it is symmetrical) self.d_o[0] = V0 self.d_o[1] = self.vec_d(-self.shaft_r) self.d_o[2] = self.vec_d(-self.tooth_in_r) self.d_o[3] = self.vec_d(-self.tooth_out_r) self.d_o[4] = self.vec_d(-self.pitch_r) self.d_o[5] = self.vec_d(-self.base_r) self.d_o[6] = self.vec_d(-self.flange_r) # position along axis_w self.w_o[0] = V0 self.w_o[1] = self.vec_w(-self.shaft_r) self.w_o[2] = self.vec_w(-self.tooth_in_r) self.w_o[3] = self.vec_w(-self.tooth_out_r) self.w_o[4] = self.vec_w(-self.pitch_r) self.w_o[5] = self.vec_w(-self.base_r) self.w_o[6] = self.vec_w(-self.flange_r) # calculates the position of the origin, and keeps it in attribute pos_o self.set_pos_o() shp_fuse_list = [] # Cilynder with a hole, with an extra for the fusion # calculation of the extra at the bottom to make the fusion if self.bot_flange_h > 0: xtr_bot = self.bot_flange_h/2. elif self.base_d > self.tooth_out_d: xtr_bot = self.base_h/2. else: xtr_bot = 0 # external diameter (maybe later teeth will be made shp_tooth_cyl = fcfun.shp_cylhole_gen(r_out = self.tooth_out_r, r_in = self.shaft_r + tol, h = self.toothed_h, axis_h = self.axis_h, pos_h = 1, #position at the bottom xtr_top = top_flange_h/2., xtr_bot = xtr_bot, pos = self.get_pos_h(2)) shp_fuse_list.append(shp_tooth_cyl) if self.bot_flange_h > 0: # same width if self.flange_d == self.base_d: shp_base_flg_cyl = fcfun.shp_cylholedir( r_out = self.base_r, r_in = self.shaft_r + tol, h = self.base_h + self.bot_flange_h, normal = self.axis_h, pos = self.pos_o) shp_fuse_list.append(shp_base_flg_cyl) else: shp_base_cyl = fcfun.shp_cylholedir( r_out = self.base_r, r_in = self.shaft_r + tol, h = self.base_h, normal = self.axis_h, pos = self.pos_o) shp_bot_flange_cyl = fcfun.shp_cylholedir( r_out = self.flange_r, r_in = self.shaft_r + tol, h = self.bot_flange_h, normal = self.axis_h, pos = self.get_pos_h(1)) shp_fuse_list.append(shp_base_cyl) shp_fuse_list.append(shp_bot_flange_cyl) else: #no bottom flange shp_base_cyl = fcfun.shp_cylholedir( r_out = self.base_r, r_in = self.shaft_r + tol, h = self.base_h, normal = self.axis_h, pos = self.pos_o) shp_fuse_list.append(shp_base_cyl) if self.top_flange_h > 0: shp_top_flange_cyl = fcfun.shp_cylholedir( r_out = self.flange_r, r_in = self.shaft_r + tol, h = self.top_flange_h, normal = self.axis_h, pos = self.get_pos_h(4)) shp_fuse_list.append(shp_top_flange_cyl) shp_pulley = fcfun.fuseshplist(shp_fuse_list) shp_pulley = shp_pulley.removeSplitter() self.shp = shp_pulley # normal axes to print without support self.prnt_ax = self.axis_h #shpObjPulley = ShpGtPulley() #doc = FreeCAD.newDocument() #shpObjPulley = ShpGtPulley( # pitch = 2., # n_teeth = 20, # toothed_h = 7.5, # top_flange_h = 1., # bot_flange_h = 2, # tot_h = 16., # flange_d = 18., # base_d = 15., # shaft_d = 5., # tol = 0, # axis_d = VX, # axis_w = VY, # axis_h = VZ, # pos_d = 0, # pos_w = 0, # pos_h = 0, # pos = FreeCAD.Vector(3,2,10)) # class PartGtPulley (fc_clss.SinglePart, ShpGtPulley): """ Integration of a ShpGtPulley object into a PartGtPulley object, so it is a FreeCAD object that can be visualized in FreeCAD """ def __init__(self, pitch = 2., n_teeth = 20, toothed_h = 7.5, top_flange_h = 1., bot_flange_h = 0, tot_h = 16., flange_d = 15., base_d = 15., shaft_d = 5., tol = 0, axis_d = VX, axis_w = VY, axis_h = VZ, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos = V0, model_type = 1, # dimensional model name = ''): default_name = 'gt' + str(int(pitch)) + '_pulley_' + str(n_teeth) self.set_name (name, default_name, change = 0) # First the shape is created ShpGtPulley.__init__(self, pitch = pitch, n_teeth = n_teeth, toothed_h = toothed_h, top_flange_h = top_flange_h, bot_flange_h = bot_flange_h, tot_h = tot_h, flange_d = flange_d, base_d = base_d, shaft_d = shaft_d, tol = tol, axis_d = axis_d, axis_w = axis_w, axis_h = axis_h, pos_d = pos_d, pos_w = pos_w, pos_h = pos_h, pos = pos) # Then the Part fc_clss.SinglePart.__init__(self) # save the arguments as attributes: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for i in args: if not hasattr(self,i): setattr(self, i, values[i]) #doc = FreeCAD.newDocument() #partPulley = PartGtPulley( # pitch = 2., # n_teeth = 20, # toothed_h = 7.5, # top_flange_h = 1., # bot_flange_h = 2, # tot_h = 16., # flange_d = 18., # base_d = 8., # shaft_d = 5., # tol = 0, # axis_d = VX, # axis_w = VY, # axis_h = VZ, # pos_d = 0, # pos_w = 0, # pos_h = 0, # pos = FreeCAD.Vector(3,2,10))