Source code for beltcl

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -- Belt Clamp Tensioner
# -- comps library
# -- Python classes and functions to make belt tensioner in FreeCAD
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -- (c) Felipe Machado
# -- Area of Electronics. Rey Juan Carlos University (
# -- October-2016
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- LGPL Licence
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import FreeCAD
import Part
import Draft
import DraftVecUtils
import logging
import inspect
import Mesh
import MeshPart

import os
# can be taken away after debugging
# directory this file is
filepath = os.getcwd()
import sys
# to get the components
# In FreeCAD can be added: Preferences->General->Macro->Macro path

import kcomp  # import material constants and other constants
import fcfun      # import my functions for freecad
import kparts 
import shp_clss
import fc_clss

from fcfun import V0, VX, VY, VZ, V0ROT, addBox, addCyl
from kcomp import TOL

stl_dir = "/stl/"

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Belt dimensions:

# space for the 2 belts to clamp them
# the GT2 belt is 1.38mm width. 2 together facing teeth will be about 2mm
# I make it 2.8mm
# Internal Width of the Clamp Block
CB_IW = 2.8
# Width of the exterior clamp blocks (Y axis)
CB_W = 4.0
# Length of the clamp blocks (X axis)
CB_L = 12.0
# GT2 height is 6 mm, making the heigth 8mm
C_H = 8.0
# GT2 Clamp Cylinder radius
CCYL_R = 4.0
# separation between the clamp blocks and the clamp cylinder
CS = 3.0

# separation of the nut hole from the edge

# --------------------------- belt clamp and tensioner
# radius of the cylinder
#          TOPVIEW                    
#                CLAMPBLOCK          
#                    CB             
#                    ____     
#           CB_W  {  XXXX       ___
#           CB_IW {  ____      /   \
# 0,1 or 2: CB_MW {  XXXX      |   |   CCYL: CLAMPCYL 
#           CB_IW {  ____      \___/
#           CB_W  {  XXXX     
#                    CB_L  CS
#    Y A  (width)
#      |
#      |---> X (length)
# Arguments:
#  midblock: 0 or 1. It will add a none/single width middle block
#                   In the future I may consider a double middle block (2)
#  base_h:  height of the base

# Attributes:
# fco : the FreeCAD Object of the belt clamp
# fco_cont : the FreeCAD object of the belt clamp offset. To make a cut
#              on the FreeCAD object where the belt tensioner will be.

class Gt2BeltClamp (object):

    # space for the 2 belts to clamp them
    # the GT2 belt is 1.38mm width. 2 together facing teeth will be about 2mm
    # I make it 2.8mm
    # Internal Width of the Clamp Block
    CB_IW = 2.8
    # Width of the exterior clamp blocks (Y axis)
    CB_W = 4.0
    # Length of the clamp blocks (X axis)
    CB_L = 12.0
    # GT2 height is 6 mm, making the heigth 8mm
    C_H = 8.0
    # GT2 Clamp Cylinder radius
    CCYL_R = 4.0
    # separation between the clamp blocks and the clamp cylinder
    CS = 3.0

    # separation of the nut hole from the edge

    how much the rail is inside

    |   __________________________
     \                        ____ CBASERAILIND 
     /  _____ CBASE_RAIL ___
    |_________________________ CBASE_WALL _________ CBASE_H

      CBASERAILIND_SIG (it is 45 degrees). SIG: can be + or -

    if midblock > 0 this will be the indentation, 
    if midblock == 0 it will be outward, like this:
       |         |
      /           \ 
     |             |
      \           /
    CBASE_L = CB_L + CS + 2*CCYL_R

    def __init__(self, base_h, midblock, name):
        doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument
        self.base_place = (0,0,0)
        # Clamp base
        self.CBASE_H = base_h
        # divides how much is rail and how much is wall
        # It has to be greater than 1. If it is 1, there is no wall.
        # if it is 2. Half is wall, half is indent
        self.CBASE_RAIL_DIV = 1.6 #2.0
        self.CBASE_RAIL = self.CBASE_H / self.CBASE_RAIL_DIV # rail for the base
        # the part that is wall, divided by 2, because one goes at the bottom
        # and the other on top
        # rail for the base
        self.CBASE_WALL = (self.CBASE_H - self.CBASE_RAIL)/2.0 
        # Indentation, if midblock == 0, the Indentation is negative, which
        # means it will be outward, otherwise, inward
        self.CBASERAILIND = self.CBASE_RAIL/3.0

        self.midblock = midblock
        # Width of the interior/middle clamp blocks
        self.CB_MW = midblock * self.CB_W
        if midblock == 0:
            self.CBASE_W =     self.CB_IW + 2 * self.CB_W 
            self.CBASERAILIND_SIG = - self.CBASERAILIND 
            # Since the indentation is outwards, we have to add it
            self.TotW = self.CBASE_W + 2 *  self.CBASERAILIND
            # external indent, so all the internal elements have to have this
            # nternal offset. In Y axis
            self.extind = self.CBASERAILIND 
            self.CBASE_W = 2 * self.CB_IW + 2 * self.CB_W + self.CB_MW
            self.CBASERAILIND_SIG = self.CBASERAILIND 
            # Since the indentation is inward, it is just the base
            self.TotW = self.CBASE_W 
            # no external indent, so the internal elements don't have to have 
            # this internal offset
            self.extind = 0
        gt2_clamp_list = []
        # we make it using points-plane and extrusions
        #gt2_base =addBox (self.CBASE_L, self.CBASE_W, self.CBASE_H, "gt2_base")
        gt2_cb_1 = addBox (self.CB_L, self.CB_W, self.C_H+1, name + "_cb1")
        gt2_cb_1.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector (self.CBASE_L-self.CB_L,
        gt2_clamp_list.append (gt2_cb_1)
        if midblock > 0:
          gt2_cb_2 = addBox (self.CB_L, self.CB_MW, self.C_H+1, name + "_cb2")
          gt2_cb_2.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector (self.CBASE_L-self.CB_L,
		                                   self.CB_W + self.CB_IW + self.extind,
          gt2_clamp_list.append (gt2_cb_2)

        gt2_cb_3 = addBox (self.CB_L, self.CB_W, self.C_H + 1, name + "_cb3")
        gt2_cb_3.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector (self.CBASE_L-self.CB_L,
                                        self.CBASE_W - self.CB_W + self.extind,
        gt2_clamp_list.append (gt2_cb_3)
        gt2_cyl = fcfun.addCyl (self.CCYL_R,  self.C_H + 1, name + "_cyl")
        gt2_cyl.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector (self.CCYL_R, 
                                             self.CBASE_W/2 + self.extind,
        gt2_clamp_list.append (gt2_cyl)

        # base
        # calling to the method that gets a list of the points to make 
        # the polygon of the base
        #gt2_base_list = self.get_base_list_v()
        # doing this because the carriage is already printed, so I am going
        # to make the base smaller to fit. CHANGE to the upper sentence
        gt2_base_list = self.get_base_list_v(offs_y = -TOL/2, offs_z = - TOL)
        gt2_base_plane_yz = Part.makePolygon(gt2_base_list)
        gt2_base = gt2_base_plane_xy.extrude(FreeCAD.Vector(self.CBASE_L,0,0))
        gt2_base_plane_yz = doc.addObject("Part::Polygon",
                                           name + "base_plane_yz")
        gt2_base_plane_yz.Nodes = gt2_base_list
        gt2_base_plane_yz.Close = True
        gt2_base = doc.addObject("Part::Extrusion",
                                           name + "extr_base")
        gt2_base.Base = gt2_base_plane_yz
        gt2_base.Dir = (self.CBASE_L,0,0)
        gt2_base.Solid = True


        gt2_clamp_basic = doc.addObject("Part::MultiFuse", name + "clamp_base")
        gt2_clamp_basic.Shapes = gt2_clamp_list

        # creation of the same base, but with a little offset to be able to 
        # cut the piece where it will be inserted
        #gt2_baseof_list = self.get_base_list_v(offs_y = TOL, offs_z = TOL/2.0)
        gt2_baseof_list = self.get_base_list_v(offs_y = TOL, offs_z = 0)
        gt2_baseof_plane_yz = doc.addObject("Part::Polygon",
                                           name + "_baseof_plane_yz")
        gt2_baseof_plane_yz.Nodes = gt2_baseof_list
        gt2_baseof_plane_yz.Close = True
        gt2_baseof = doc.addObject("Part::Extrusion",
                                   name + "_baseof")
        gt2_baseof.Base = gt2_baseof_plane_yz
        gt2_baseof.Dir = (self.CBASE_L,0,0)
        gt2_baseof.Solid = True

        self.fco_cont = gt2_baseof

        # hole for the leadscrew bolt
        # the head is longer because it can be inserted deeper into the piece
        # so a shorter bolt will be needed
        gt2_base_lscrew = fcfun.addBolt (kcomp.M3_SHANK_R_TOL, self.CBASE_L,
                                   kcomp.M3_HEAD_R_TOL, 2.5*kcomp.M3_HEAD_L,
                                   extra = 1, support = 0,
                                   name= name + "_base_lscrew")
        gt2_base_lscrew.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector (self.CBASE_L,
                                                self.CBASE_W/2.0 + self.extind,
        gt2_base_lscrew.Placement.Rotation = FreeCAD.Rotation (VY, -90)

        # ------------ hole for a nut, also M3, for the leadscrew 
        gt2_base_lscrew_nut = doc.addObject("Part::Prism", 
                                            name + "_base_lscrew_nut")
        gt2_base_lscrew_nut.Polygon = 6
        gt2_base_lscrew_nut.Circumradius = kcomp.M3_NUT_R_TOL
        gt2_base_lscrew_nut.Height = kcomp.M3NUT_HOLE_H 
        gt2_base_lscrew_nut.Placement.Rotation = \
                  # + TOL so it will be a little bit higher, so more room
        gt2_base_lscrew_nut.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector (
                  #(self.CBASE_L-kcomp.M3_HEAD_L)/2.0 - kcomp.M3NUT_HOLE_H/2.0,
                               self.CBASE_W/2.0 + self.extind,
                               self.CBASE_H/2.0 + TOL) 
        gt2_base_lscrew_nut.Placement.Rotation = FreeCAD.Rotation (VY, 90)
        # ------------ hole to reach out the nut hole
        # X is the length: M3NUT_HOLE_H. Y is the width. M3_2APOT_TOL
        gt2_base_lscrew_nut2 = addBox (kcomp.M3NUT_HOLE_H,
                                       self.CBASE_H/2.0 + TOL,
                                       name + "_base_lscrew_nut2")
        gt2_base_lscrew_nut2.Placement.Base = (
                    #((self.CBASE_L-kcomp.M3_HEAD_L) - kcomp.M3NUT_HOLE_H)/2.0,
                       (self.CBASE_W - kcomp.M3_2APOT_TOL)/2.0 + self.extind,

        gt2_base_holes_l = [ gt2_base_lscrew,

        # fuse the holes
        gt2_clamp_holes = doc.addObject("Part::MultiFuse", name + "_clamp_hole")
        gt2_clamp_holes.Shapes = gt2_base_holes_l
        # Substract the holes 
        gt2_clamp = doc.addObject("Part::Cut", name)
        gt2_clamp.Base = gt2_clamp_basic
        gt2_clamp.Tool = gt2_clamp_holes

        self.fco = gt2_clamp   # the FreeCad Object

    def BasePlace (self, position = (0,0,0)):
        self.base_place = position
        self.fco.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(position)
        self.fco_cont.Placement.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(position)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------
    # obtains the list of vectors for the base of the clamp
    # offs_y: if zero it takes normal points
    # offs_z added because it didn't fit
    # offs_z: if zero it takes normal points
    #  CBASERAILIND_SIG <0:              CBASERAILIND_SIG > 0
    #  lv5         _________               ___________
    #  lv4        |         |             |
    #  lv3       /           \             \ 
    #  lv2      |             |             |
    #  lv1       \           /             / 
    #  lv0        |_________|             |_
    def get_base_list_v(self, offs_y = 0, offs_z = 0):

        if self.CBASERAILIND_SIG < 0:
            offs_zsig = - offs_z
            offs_zsig =  offs_z

        # Points that make the shape of the base
        # left side (offs is negative
        gt2_base_lv00 = FreeCAD.Vector (0,
                                        0 - offs_y,
        # offs_z higher when CBASERAILIND_SIG > 0
        gt2_base_lv01 = FreeCAD.Vector (0,
                                        0 - offs_y,
                                        self.CBASE_WALL + offs_zsig)
        gt2_base_lv02 = FreeCAD.Vector (
                                self.CBASERAILIND_SIG - offs_y,
                                self.CBASE_WALL + self.CBASERAILIND + offs_zsig)
        # offs_z negative (lower)
        gt2_base_lv03 = FreeCAD.Vector (0,
                            self.CBASERAILIND_SIG - offs_y,
                            self.CBASE_WALL + 2*self.CBASERAILIND - offs_zsig)
        gt2_base_lv04 = FreeCAD.Vector (0,0 - offs_y,
                                self.CBASE_WALL + self.CBASE_RAIL - offs_zsig)
        gt2_base_lv05 = FreeCAD.Vector (0,0 - offs_y,
        # right side (offs_y is positive
        gt2_base_rv00 = FreeCAD.Vector (0,
                                        self.CBASE_W + offs_y,
        gt2_base_rv01 = FreeCAD.Vector (0,
                                        self.CBASE_W + offs_y,
                                        self.CBASE_WALL + offs_zsig)
        gt2_base_rv02 = FreeCAD.Vector (0,
                               self.CBASE_W - self.CBASERAILIND_SIG + offs_y,
                               self.CBASE_WALL + self.CBASERAILIND + offs_zsig)
        gt2_base_rv03 = FreeCAD.Vector (0,
                             self.CBASE_W - self.CBASERAILIND_SIG + offs_y,
                             self.CBASE_WALL + 2*self.CBASERAILIND - offs_zsig)
        gt2_base_rv04 = FreeCAD.Vector (0,
                             self.CBASE_W + offs_y,
                             self.CBASE_WALL + self.CBASE_RAIL - offs_zsig)
        gt2_base_rv05 = FreeCAD.Vector (0,
                                        self.CBASE_W + offs_y,
        gt2_base_list = [

        # if it is negative, the indentation will be outwards, so we will
        # make the Y=0 on the most outward point, except for the offs_y
        # that will be negative when Y=0
        if self.CBASERAILIND_SIG < 0:
            addofs = FreeCAD.Vector (0, - self.CBASERAILIND_SIG,0)
            gt2_base_list = [x + addofs for x in gt2_base_list]

        return gt2_base_list
# end class Gt2BeltClamp:

# ----------- shp_topbeltclamp
# Creates a shape of a belt clamp. Just the rail and the cylinder
# just one way: 2 clamp blocks
# It is references at the end of the rail

#          TOPVIEW                    
#                CLAMPBLOCK          
#                    CB             
#                    ____       ___ 
#           CB_W  {  XXXX      /   \
#           CB_IW {  ____      |   |   CCYL: CLAMPCYL  
#           CB_W  {  XXXX      \___/
#                    CB_L  CS

def shp_topbeltclamp (railaxis = 'x', bot_norm = '-z', pos = V0, extra=1):

    cyl_posx = Gt2BeltClamp.CB_L + Gt2BeltClamp.CS + Gt2BeltClamp.CCYL_R
    height =  Gt2BeltClamp.C_H + extra

    shpcyl = fcfun.shp_cyl(r= Gt2BeltClamp.CCYL_R,
                           h= height,
                           normal = VZ,
                           pos = FreeCAD.Vector(cyl_posx,0,-extra) )

    bl_posy0 = Gt2BeltClamp.CB_IW/2.
    bl_posy1 = Gt2BeltClamp.CB_IW/2. + Gt2BeltClamp.CB_W

    # block on top
    blt_p0 = FreeCAD.Vector(0, bl_posy0, -extra)
    blt_p1 = FreeCAD.Vector(Gt2BeltClamp.CB_L , bl_posy0, -extra)
    blt_p2 = FreeCAD.Vector(Gt2BeltClamp.CB_L , bl_posy1, -extra)
    blt_p3 = FreeCAD.Vector(0 , bl_posy1, -extra)
    shp_wire_blt = Part.makePolygon([blt_p0,blt_p1,blt_p2,blt_p3, blt_p0])
    shp_face_blt = Part.Face(shp_wire_blt)
    shpblt = shp_face_blt.extrude(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,height))
    # block on bottom
    blb_p0 = FreeCAD.Vector(0 , -bl_posy1, -extra)
    blb_p1 = FreeCAD.Vector(Gt2BeltClamp.CB_L , -bl_posy1, -extra)
    blb_p2 = FreeCAD.Vector(Gt2BeltClamp.CB_L , -bl_posy0, -extra)
    blb_p3 = FreeCAD.Vector(0, -bl_posy0, -extra)
    shp_wire_blb = Part.makePolygon([blb_p0,blb_p1,blb_p2,blb_p3, blb_p0])
    shp_face_blb = Part.Face(shp_wire_blb)
    shpblb = shp_face_blb.extrude(FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,height))

    shp_clamp = shpcyl.multiFuse([shpblt, shpblb])

    vec_railaxis = fcfun.getvecofname(railaxis)
    vec_botnorm = fcfun.getvecofname(bot_norm)

    vrot = fcfun.calc_rot(vec_railaxis, vec_botnorm)

    shp_clamp.Placement.Rotation = vrot
    shp_clamp.Placement.Base = pos

    return shp_clamp (shp_clamp)

def fco_topbeltclamp (railaxis = 'x', bot_norm = '-z', pos = V0, extra=1,
                      name = "bclamp"):

    doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument
    shptopbeltclamp = shp_topbeltclamp (railaxis = railaxis,
                                        bot_norm = bot_norm,
                                        pos = pos, extra= extra)
    fcotopbeltclamp = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", name)
    fcotopbeltclamp.Shape = shptopbeltclamp

#doc = FreeCAD.newDocument()
#shp = shp_topbeltclamp (railaxis = 'x', bot_norm= '-z', pos=FreeCAD.Vector(2,0,4))

# ----------- shp_topbeltclamp_dir

[docs]class BeltClamp (object): """ Similar to shp_topbeltclamp, but with any direction, and can have a base Creates a shape of a belt clamp. Just the rail and the cylinder and may have a rectangular base just one way: 2 clamp blocks It is referenced on the base of the clamp, but it may have 5 different positions Parameters ---------- fc_fro_ax : FreeCAD.Vector FreeCAD.Vector pointing to the front, see pricture fc_top_ax : FreeCAD.Vector FreeCAD.Vector pointing to the top, see pricture base_h : float Height of the base, * if 0 and bolt_d=0: no base * if 0 and bolt_d!= 0: minimum base to have the bolt head and not touching with the belt (countersunk) if bolt_csunk > 0 base_l : float Length of the base, if base_h not 0. * if 0 and bolt_d=0: will have the minimum length, defined by the clamp * if 0 and bolt_d!=0: will have the minimum length, defined by the clamp plus the minimum separation due to the bolt holes base_w : float Width of the base, if base_h not 0. bolt_d : float Diameter of the bolts, if zero, no bolts bolt_csunk : float If the bolt is countersunk * if >0: there is a whole to countersink the head of the bolt there will be an extra height if not enough bolt_d has to be > 0 * if 0: no whole for the height, and no extra height * if >0, the size will determine the minimum height of the base, below the countersink hole ref : int Reference of the position (see picture below) extra : float If extra, it will have an extra height below the zero height, this is to be joined to some other piece wfco : int * if 1: With FreeCad Object: a freecad object is created * if 0: only the shape intol : float Internal extra tolerance to the dimension CB_IW, substracting to CB_W. If negative, makes CB_IW smaller. name : str Name of the freecad object, if created :: fc_top_ax : _____ _:_ .......... | | | : | + C_H ____|_____|_____|_:_|____.....: | :: : :: | + base_h fc_fro_ax...|_::_______________*___::_|....: CLAMPBLOCK CB * ref clamp2end clamp2end ..+... ...+... : : : : : bolt2end : bolt2end :+..+. :.+..+. : : : : : : :__:__:______________:__:__:................... | : ____ ___ | : CB_W { | : |____| / \ | : CB_IW { | O ____ | * | O | CCYL: CLAMPCYL + base_w CB_W { | |____| \___/ | : |__________________________|..................: : : : : : : : :CB_L:.CS..:.: : : + : : CCYL_R : :......... base_l .........: __________________________ | ____ ___ | CB_W { | |____| / \ | CB_IW { 4 3 2____ | 1 | 5 6 CCYL: CLAMPCYL CB_W { | |____| \___/ | |__________________________| : : :CB_L:.CS.: References: 1: cencyl: center of cylinder 2: frontclamp: front of the clamps 3: frontbolt 4: frontbase 5: backbolt 6: backbase fc_top_ax : _____ _:_ | | | : | ____|_____|_____|_:_|____ |:..: : :..:|..... fc_fro_ax...|_::_______________*___::_|....+ bolt_csunk (if not 0) """ # minimum base MIN_BASE_H = 2. def __init__(self, fc_fro_ax, fc_top_ax, base_h = 2, base_l = 0, base_w = 0, bolt_d = 3, bolt_csunk = 0, ref = 1, pos = V0, extra=1, wfco = 1, intol = 0, name = 'belt_clamp' ): doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument = name # if more tolerance is needed in the center cb_in_w = CB_IW + intol self.cb_in_w = cb_in_w cb_wall_w = CB_W - intol/2 self.cb_wall_w = cb_wall_w # normalize and get the other base vector nfro_ax = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(fc_fro_ax,1) nfro_ax_n = nfro_ax.negative() ntop_ax = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(fc_top_ax,1) ntop_ax_n = ntop_ax.negative() nsid_ax = nfro_ax.cross(ntop_ax) clamponly_l = CB_L + CS + 2 * CCYL_R clamponly_w = max((cb_in_w+2*cb_wall_w), (2*CCYL_R)) bolt2end = 0 # they will change in case they are used clamp2end = 0 if base_h == 0 and bolt_d == 0: # No base base = 0 base_l = 0 else: base = 1 if bolt_d > 0 : d_bolt = kcomp.D912[bolt_d] bolt_shank_r = d_bolt['shank_r_tol'] bolt_head_r = d_bolt['head_r_tol'] bolt_head_l = d_bolt['head_l'] # there are bolt holes, calculate the extra length needed # from the end to the clamp / cylinder bolt2end = fcfun.get_bolt_end_sep(bolt_d,hasnut=0) # bolt space on one side clamp2end = 2 * bolt2end base_min_len = clamponly_l + 2 * clamp2end if base_l < base_min_len: logger.debug("base_l too short, taking min len %s", base_min_len) base_l = base_min_len else: clamp2end = (base_l - clamponly_l) /2. bolt2end = clamp2end / 2. if bolt_csunk > 0: # there are countersunk holes for the bolts if base_h == 0: # minimum height: base_h = bolt_csunk + bolt_head_l else: # check if there is enough base height if base_h < bolt_csunk + bolt_head_l: base_h = bolt_csunk + bolt_head_l logger.debug("base_h too short,taking height %s", base_h) else: if base_h < self.MIN_BASE_H: base_h = self.MIN_BASE_H logger.debug("taking base height %s", base_h) else: # No bolt bolt2end = 0 if base_l < clamponly_l: if base_l > 0: logger.debug("base_l too short, Taking min len %s", clamponly_l) base_l = clamponly_l clamp2end = 0 else: #base larger than clamp clamp2end = (base_l - clamponly_l) /2. if base_w == 0: base_w = clamponly_w elif base_w < clamponly_w: logger.debug("base_w too short, Taking min width %s", clamponly_w) base_w = clamponly_w ### cencyl2froclamp = CB_L+CS+CCYL_R #vectors to references: # from the center of the cylinder to the front clamp vec_1to2 = DraftVecUtils.scale(nfro_ax,cencyl2froclamp) vec_2to1 = vec_1to2.negative() # from the front clamp to the front bolt vec_2to3 = DraftVecUtils.scale(nfro_ax, bolt2end) vec_3to2 = vec_2to3.negative() # Since not always there is a bolt, from the clamp vec_2to4 = DraftVecUtils.scale(nfro_ax, clamp2end) vec_4to2 = vec_2to4.negative() # from the center of the cylinder to the back bolt vec_5to1 = DraftVecUtils.scale(nfro_ax,CCYL_R) + vec_2to3 vec_1to5 = vec_5to1.negative() # from the back bolt to the back end vec_6to1 = DraftVecUtils.scale(nfro_ax,CCYL_R) + vec_2to4 vec_1to6 = vec_6to1.negative() # default values vec_tocencyl = V0 vec_tofrontclamp = V0 vec_tofrontbolt = V0 vec_tofrontbase = V0 vec_tobackbolt = V0 vec_tobackbase = V0 if ref==1: #ref on the center of the cylinder vec_tocencyl = V0 vec_tofrontclamp = vec_1to2 vec_tofrontbolt = vec_1to2 + vec_2to3 vec_tofrontbase = vec_1to2 + vec_2to4 vec_tobackbolt = vec_1to5 vec_tobackbase = vec_1to6 elif ref==2: #ref on the front of the clamps vec_tocencyl = vec_2to1 vec_tofrontclamp = V0 vec_tofrontbolt = vec_2to3 vec_tofrontbase = vec_2to4 vec_tobackbolt = vec_2to1 + vec_1to5 vec_tobackbase = vec_2to1 + vec_1to6 elif ref == 3: if clamp2end == 0 or bolt2end == 0: logger.error('reference on the bolts, there are no bolts') else: vec_tocencyl = vec_3to2 + vec_2to1 vec_tofrontclamp = vec_3to2 vec_tofrontbolt = V0 vec_tofrontbase = vec_2to3 #same as 3 to 4 vec_tobackbolt = vec_3to2 + vec_2to1 + vec_1to5 vec_tobackbase = vec_3to2 + vec_2to1 + vec_1to6 elif ref == 4: if clamp2end == 0: logger.debug('reference at the end, same as the clamps') vec_tocencyl = vec_4to2 + vec_2to1 vec_tofrontclamp = vec_4to2 vec_tofrontbolt = vec_3to2 # same as 4 to 3 vec_tofrontbase = V0 vec_tobackbolt = vec_4to2 + vec_2to1 + vec_1to5 vec_tobackbase = vec_4to2 + vec_2to1 + vec_1to6 elif ref == 5: if clamp2end == 0 or bolt2end == 0: logger.error('reference on the bolts, there are no bolts') else: vec_tocencyl = vec_5to1 vec_tofrontclamp = vec_5to1 + vec_1to2 vec_tofrontbolt = vec_5to1 + vec_1to2 + vec_2to3 vec_tofrontbase = vec_5to1 + vec_1to2 + vec_2to4 vec_tobackbolt = V0 vec_tobackbase = vec_3to2 #5to6: same as 3to2 elif ref == 6: if clamp2end == 0: logger.debug('reference at the end, same as the clamps') vec_tocencyl = vec_6to1 vec_tofrontclamp = vec_6to1 + vec_1to2 vec_tofrontbolt = vec_6to1 + vec_1to2 + vec_2to3 vec_tofrontbase = vec_6to1 + vec_1to2 + vec_2to4 vec_tobackbolt = vec_2to3 # same as 6 to 5 vec_tobackbase = V0 else: logger.error('reference out of range') if extra == 0: extra_pos = V0 else: extra_pos = DraftVecUtils.scale(ntop_ax, -extra) pos_extra = pos + extra_pos base_top_add = DraftVecUtils.scale(ntop_ax, base_h + extra) # total height of the clamp, including the base clamp_tot_h = C_H + base_h + extra # position of the clamp cylinder: clampcyl_pos = pos_extra + vec_tocencyl shp_cyl = fcfun.shp_cyl(CCYL_R, clamp_tot_h, ntop_ax, clampcyl_pos) # position of the clamp blocks, without going to the side axis clampblock_pos = pos_extra + vec_tofrontclamp clampblock_side_add = DraftVecUtils.scale(nsid_ax, (cb_in_w + cb_wall_w)/2.) clampblock_1_pos = clampblock_pos + clampblock_side_add clampblock_2_pos = clampblock_pos - clampblock_side_add shp_clampblock_1 = fcfun.shp_box_dir(box_w = cb_wall_w, box_d = CB_L, box_h = clamp_tot_h, fc_axis_h = ntop_ax, fc_axis_d = nfro_ax_n, cw=1, cd=0, ch=0, pos = clampblock_1_pos) shp_clampblock_2 = fcfun.shp_box_dir(box_w = cb_wall_w, box_d = CB_L, box_h = clamp_tot_h, fc_axis_h = ntop_ax, fc_axis_d = nfro_ax_n, cw=1, cd=0, ch=0, pos = clampblock_2_pos) shp_clamp = shp_cyl.multiFuse([shp_clampblock_1, shp_clampblock_2]) #position of the base, we will take it on the point 4 and make it not # centered if base == 1: base_pos = pos_extra + vec_tofrontbase shp_base = fcfun.shp_box_dir(box_w = base_w, box_d = base_l, box_h = base_h + extra, fc_axis_h = ntop_ax, fc_axis_d = nfro_ax_n, cw=1, cd=0, ch=0, pos = base_pos) if base_l > clamponly_l: # chamfer shp_base = fcfun.shp_filletchamfer_dir (shp_base, fc_axis=ntop_ax, fillet=1, radius= 2) # shape of the bolt holes, if there are if bolt_d > 0: pos_bolt_front = pos_extra + vec_tofrontbolt + base_top_add pos_bolt_back = pos_extra + vec_tobackbolt + base_top_add if bolt_csunk > 0 : shp_bolt_front = fcfun.shp_bolt_dir( r_shank = bolt_shank_r, l_bolt = base_h + extra, r_head = bolt_head_r, l_head = bolt_head_l, support=0, fc_normal = ntop_ax_n, pos=pos_bolt_front) shp_bolt_back = fcfun.shp_bolt_dir( r_shank = bolt_shank_r, l_bolt = base_h + extra, r_head = bolt_head_r, l_head = bolt_head_l, support=0, fc_normal = ntop_ax_n, pos=pos_bolt_back) else: # no head, just a cylinder: shp_bolt_front = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr ( r = bolt_shank_r, h = base_h + extra, normal = ntop_ax_n, ch = 0, xtr_top=1, xtr_bot=1, pos = pos_bolt_front) shp_bolt_back = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr ( r = bolt_shank_r, h = base_h + extra, normal = ntop_ax_n, ch = 0, xtr_top=1, xtr_bot=1, pos = pos_bolt_back) # fuse the bolts: shp_bolts = shp_bolt_front.fuse(shp_bolt_back) shp_base = shp_base.cut(shp_bolts) shp_clamp = shp_base.fuse(shp_clamp) doc.recompute() shp_clamp = shp_clamp.removeSplitter() self.shp = shp_clamp self.wfco = wfco if wfco == 1: # a freeCAD object is created fco_clamp = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", name ) fco_clamp.Shape = shp_clamp self.fco = fco_clamp def color (self, color = (1,1,1)): if self.wfco == 1: self.fco.ViewObject.ShapeColor = color else: logger.debug("Clamp object with no fco") # exports the shape into stl format def export_stl (self, name = ""): #filepath = os.getcwd() if not name: name = #stlPath = filepath + "/freecad/stl/" stlPath = filepath + stl_dir stlFileName = stlPath + name + ".stl" # exportStl is not working well with FreeCAD 0.17 #self.shp.exportStl(stlFileName) mesh_shp = MeshPart.meshFromShape(self.shp, LinearDeflection=kparts.LIN_DEFL, AngularDeflection=kparts.ANG_DEFL) mesh_shp.write(stlFileName) del mesh_shp
# Revisar el caso con agujeros de bolt #BeltClamp (VX, VY, base_h = 0, bolt_d=3, bolt_csunk = 2) class ShpBeltClamped (shp_clss.WireBeltClamped): """ Creates a belt from a wire of the trajectory of the belt and its section. The shape is not toothed, it is just a rough shape :: axis_w : : pulley1 pulley2 ----------------------------------- ( ) ( )--------> axis_d ---------=== ( ) ( ) ===-------- clamp1 clamp2 1 0 2 3 45 67 8 9 10 11 pos_d : : : : : : : : : :............: : : + : : clamp_sep : : : :.................................: + pull_sep_d pos_w points: axis_w : pull2 : clamp1 clamp2 2_ 3- ( 1 ) - - pull_sep_w (positive) ( 0 ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5- - - 6 ___ ...................___.............:+ clamp_pull1_w (neg) 4- 7 < ) ( > :+ clamp_w 8 ___ ...................___.............: axis_w : pull2 : clamp1 clamp2 _ - ( ) - - pull_sep_w(positive) ( ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ ...................___.............:+ clamp_pull1_w (neg) - x < ) ( > :+ clamp_w ___ ...................___.............: : : : :: : : : : : : : :cyl_r : : : : : : :...: :...: :.......: : : : + + : : + : : : clamp_cyl_sep : : + : : : : : clamp_pull2_d : : : :...: : : : : + : : :..................: clamp_d : : : + : : : clamp_sep : :...: : : + : : clamp_d : : :......: + clamp_pull1_d Section of the belt. The belt starts at point x (see upper drawing) axis_h : : _____ : _____ | 1 __:__ |.................... clamp| | : ||clamp : | | : || : | | : || :+belt_width (can be confusing) | | : || : is the width of the belt | 0| :..||........ axis_w : but in the drawing is the | | || : height | | || axis_d is pointing out of the screen | | || (to you) | |belt || : | |_____||....................: | 0 12| for now, the belt will be at this pos_w 2 because, there is alread a pos_w for the wire : : :.....: + belt_thick Parameters: ----------- pull1_dm: float Diameter of pulley 1 pull2_dm: float Diameter of pulley 2 pull_sep_d : float Separation between the 2 pulleys centers along axis_d pull_sep_w : float Separation between the 2 pulleys centers along axis_w * if positive, pulley 2 is further away in the direction of axis_w * if negative, pulley 2 is further away opposite to the direction of axis_w clamp_pull1_d : float Separation between the clamp (side closer to the center) and the center of the pulley1 along axis d clamp_pull1_w : float Separation between the center of the clamp and the center of the pulley1 along axis w clamp_pull2_d : float Separation between the clamp (side closer to the center) and the center of the pulley1 along axis d clamp_pull2_w can be calculated because the clamps are aligned along axis_d, so it will be clamp_pull1_d + pull_sep_w clamp_d : float Length of the clamp (same for each clamp) clamp_w : float Width of inner space (same for each clamp) clamp_cyl_sep : float Separation between clamp and the center of the cylinder (or the center) of the larger cylinder (when is a belt shape) cyl_r : float Radius of the cylinder for the belt, if it is not a cylinder but a shape of 2 cylinders: < ) , then the raidius of the larger one belt_width : float Width of the belt, can be consfusing becasue the width is along axis_h belt_thick : float Thickness of the belt, it doesnt take into account the teeth, or the detailed shape (contour) axis_d : FreeCAD.Vector Coordinate System Vector along the depth axis_w : FreeCAD.Vector Coordinate System Vector along the width axis_h : FreeCAD.Vector Coordinate System Vector along the height pos_d : int Location of pos along the axis_d, see drawing * 0: center of the pulley 1 * 1: end of pulley 1 * 2: end of clamp 1, closest end to pulley 1 * 3: other end of clamp 1, closest to cylinder * 4: center of cylinder (or shape < ) 1 * 5: external radius of cylinder 1 * 6: external radius of cylinder 2 * 7: center of cylinder (or shape ( > 2 * 8: end of clamp 2, closest to cylinder * 9: other end of clamp 2, closest end to pulley 2 * 10: center of pulley 2 * 11: end of pulley 2 pos_w : int Location of pos along the axis_w, see drawing * 0: center of pulley 1 * 1: center of pulley 2 * 2: end (radius) of pulley 1 along axis_w * 3: end (radius) of pulley 2 along axis_w * 4: other end (radius) of pulley 1 opposite to axis_w * 5: other end (radius) of pulley 2 opposite to axis_w * 6: clamp space, closest to the pulley * 7: center of clamp space * 8: clamp space, far away from the pulley pos_h : int Location of pos along the axis_h, see drawing * 0: center of symmetry * 1: top of the belt since it is symmetric -1 will be at the bottom of the belt pos: FreeCAD vector of the position of the reference Attributes: ----------- clamp_sep : float Separation between clamps, the closest ends """ def __init__(self, pull1_dm, pull2_dm, pull_sep_d, pull_sep_w, clamp_pull1_d, clamp_pull1_w, clamp_pull2_d, clamp_d, clamp_w, clamp_cyl_sep, cyl_r, belt_width = 6., belt_thick = 1.38, axis_d = VY, axis_w = VX, axis_h = VZ, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos=V0): shp_clss.WireBeltClamped.__init__( self, pull1_dm = pull1_dm, pull2_dm = pull2_dm, pull_sep_d = pull_sep_d, pull_sep_w = pull_sep_w, clamp_pull1_d = clamp_pull1_d, clamp_pull1_w = clamp_pull1_w, clamp_pull2_d = clamp_pull2_d, clamp_d = clamp_d, clamp_w = clamp_w, clamp_cyl_sep = clamp_cyl_sep, cyl_r = cyl_r, axis_d = axis_d, axis_w = axis_w, pos_d = pos_d, pos_w = pos_w, pos = pos) self.belt_thick = belt_thick self.belt_width = belt_width # vectors from the origin to the points along axis_h: self.h0_cen = 1 # symmetric self.axis_h = DraftVecUtils.scaleTo(axis_h,1) self.h_o[0] = V0 # origin (center symmetric) self.h_o[1] = self.vec_h(-self.belt_width/2.) print(str(self.h_o[1])) # calculates the position of the origin, and keeps it in attribute pos_o self.set_pos_o() # Four corners of the belt section # # axis_h # : # : ___ # 4_:_1| # | || # | |.....> axis_w # | || # 3___2| clamp # | # belt_sec_pt1 = self.get_pos_dwh(2,6,1) belt_sec_pt2 = self.get_pos_dwh(2,6,-1) belt_sec_pt3 = belt_sec_pt2 + self.vec_w(-belt_thick) belt_sec_pt4 = belt_sec_pt1 + self.vec_w(-belt_thick) wire_belt_sec = Part.makePolygon([belt_sec_pt1, belt_sec_pt2, belt_sec_pt3, belt_sec_pt4, belt_sec_pt1]) shp_belt = self.belt_wire.makePipeShell([wire_belt_sec],True, False,2) shp_belt = shp_belt.removeSplitter() self.shp = shp_belt # not using this yet #def get_o_to_wb (self, pos_wb): # """ returns the vector from origin of the belt section to pos_wb # wb is related to the belt # If it is symmetrical, pos_wb == 0 will be at the middle # Then, pos_wb > 0 will be the points on the positive side of axis_w # Then, pos_wb < 0 will be the points on the negative side of axis_w # """ # abs_pos_wb = abs(pos_wb) # if self.wb0_cen == 1: # if pos_wb <= 0: # try: # vec = self.wb_o[abs_pos_wb] # except KeyError: # logger.error('pos_wb key not defined ' + str(pos_wb)) # else: # return vec # else: # try: # vec_0_to_wb = (self.wb_o[0]).sub(self.wb_o[pos_wb]) #D= B-C # except KeyError: # logger.error('pos_wb key not defined ' + str(pos_wb)) # else: # vec_orig_to_wb = self.wb_o[0] + vec_0_to_wb # A = B + D # return vec_orig_to_wb # else: #pos_d == 0 is at the end, distances are calculated directly # try: # vec = self.wb_o[pos_wb] # except KeyError: # logger.error('pos_wb key not defined' + str(pos_wb)) # else: # return vec #belt = ShpBeltClamped ( # pull1_dm = 5, # pull2_dm = 6, # pull_sep_d = 80, # pull_sep_w = 0, # clamp_pull1_d = 15, # clamp_pull1_w = 5, # clamp_pull2_d = 15, # clamp_d = 5, # clamp_w = 4, # clamp_cyl_sep = 8, # cyl_r = 3, # belt_width = 6., # belt_thick = 1.38, # axis_d = VY, # axis_w = VX, # axis_h = VZ, # pos_d = 0, # pos_w = 0, # pos_h = 0, # pos=V0) class PartBeltClamped (fc_clss.SinglePart, ShpBeltClamped): """ Integration of a ShpBeltClamped object into a PartBeltClamped object Same parameters as ShpBeltClamped plus model_type name """ def __init__(self, pull1_dm, pull2_dm, pull_sep_d, pull_sep_w, clamp_pull1_d, clamp_pull1_w, clamp_pull2_d, clamp_d, clamp_w, clamp_cyl_sep, cyl_r, belt_width = 6., belt_thick = 1.38, axis_d = VY, axis_w = VX, axis_h = VZ, pos_d = 0, pos_w = 0, pos_h = 0, pos=V0, model_type = 1, # dimensional model name = ''): default_name = 'gt2_belt' self.set_name (name, default_name, change=0) ShpBeltClamped.__init__(self, pull1_dm = pull1_dm, pull2_dm = pull2_dm, pull_sep_d = pull_sep_d, pull_sep_w = pull_sep_w, clamp_pull1_d = clamp_pull1_d, clamp_pull1_w = clamp_pull1_w, clamp_pull2_d = clamp_pull2_d, clamp_d = clamp_d, clamp_w = clamp_w, clamp_cyl_sep = clamp_cyl_sep, cyl_r = cyl_r, belt_width = belt_width, belt_thick = belt_thick, axis_d = axis_d, axis_w = axis_w, axis_h = axis_h, pos_d = pos_d, pos_w = pos_w, pos_h = pos_h, pos = pos) # creation of the part fc_clss.SinglePart.__init__(self) # save the arguments as attributes: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for i in args: if not hasattr(self,i): setattr(self, i, values[i]) #belt = PartBeltClamped ( # pull1_dm = 5, # pull2_dm = 6, # pull_sep_d = 80, # pull_sep_w = 0, # clamp_pull1_d = 15, # clamp_pull1_w = 5, # clamp_pull2_d = 15, # clamp_d = 5, # clamp_w = 4, # clamp_cyl_sep = 8, # cyl_r = 3, # belt_width = 6., # belt_thick = 1.38, # axis_d = VY, # axis_w = VX, # axis_h = VZ, # pos_d = 0, # pos_w = 0, # pos_h = 1, # pos=V0)
[docs]class DoubleBeltClamp (shp_clss.Obj3D): """ Similar to BeltClamp, but in two ways Creates a shape of a double belt clamp. positions Parameters ---------- fc_fro_ax : FreeCAD.Vector FreeCAD.Vector pointing to the front, see pricture fc_top_ax : FreeCAD.Vector FreeCAD.Vector pointing to the top, see pricture base_h : float Height of the base, * if 0 and bolt_d=0: no base * if 0 and bolt_d!= 0: minimum base to have the bolt head and not touching with the belt (countersunk) if bolt_csunk > 0 base_l : float Length of the base, if base_h not 0. * if 0 and bolt_d=0: will have the minimum length, defined by the clamp * if 0 and bolt_d!=0: will have the minimum length, defined by the clamp plus the minimum separation due to the bolt holes base_w : float Width of the base, if base_h not 0. bolt_d : float Diameter of the bolts, if zero, no bolts bolt_csunk : float If the bolt is countersunk * if >0: there is a whole to countersink the head of the bolt there will be an extra height if not enough bolt_d has to be > 0 * if 0: no whole for the height, and no extra height * if >0, the size will determine the minimum height of the base, below the countersink hole ref : int Reference of the position (see picture below) extra : float If extra, it will have an extra height below the zero height, this is to be joined to some other piece wfco : int * if 1: With FreeCad Object: a freecad object is created * if 0: only the shape intol : float Internal extra tolerance to the dimension CB_IW, substracting to CB_W. If negative, makes CB_IW smaller. name : str Name of the freecad object, if created :: axis_h : _____ _:_ _:_ _____ .......... | | | : | | : | | | + C_H ____|_____|_____|_:_|_________|_:_|_____|_____|____.....: | :: : | | : :: | + base_h axis_d...|_::_______________*__|_______|__*_______________::_|.: clamp2end clamp2end ...+... ...+... : : : : : bolt2end _______ : bolt2end :+..+.: | | :+..+.: : : : | O | : : : :__:__:_______________|_______|_______________:__:__:................... | : ____ ___ ___ ____ | : CB_W { | : |____| / \ / \ |____| | : CB_IW { | O ____ | * | | * | ____ O | CCYL: CLAMPCYL + base_w CB_W { | |____| \___/ \___/ |____| | : |___________________________________________________|..................: : : : : : | | : : : : : : | O | : : :CB_L:.CS..:.: |_______| : : + : : CCYL_R : :...................... base_l .....................: _______ | | | O | _____________________|_______|______________________ | ____ ___ ___ ____ | CB_W { | |____| / \ / \ |____| | CB_IW { -4 -3 -2____ |-1 | 0 | 1 | ____2 3 4 CB_W { | |____| \___/ \___/ |____| | |___________________________________________________| | | | O | |_______| 1: center 2: center of left cylinder 3: center of right cylinder 4: front of the left clamps 5: front of the right clamps 6: left bolt 7: right bolt 8: left base 9: right base ___3___ | | | 2 | _____________________|_______|______________________ | ____ ___ ___ ____ | CB_W { | |____| . . / \ . 1 . / \ . . |____| | CB_IW { | ____ | | 0 | | ____ | CB_W { | |____| . . \___/ . -1 . \___/ . . |____| | |___________________________________________________| | | | -2 | |__-3___| 1: center 2: bolt up 3: bolt down 4: up base 5: down base """ def __init__(self, axis_h = VZ, axis_d = VX, axis_w = VY, base_h = 2, base_l = 0, base_w = 0, bolt_d = 3, bolt_csunk = 0, ref = 1, pos = V0, extra=1, wfco = 1, intol = 0, name = 'double_belt_clamp' ): doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument = name self.axis_d = axis_d self.axis_h = axis_h self.axis_w = axis_w if axis_w is None or axis_w == V0: axis_w = axis_h.cross(axis_d) shp_clss.Obj3D.__init__(self, axis_d, axis_w, axis_h) # save the arguments as attributes: frame = inspect.currentframe() args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame) for i in args: if not hasattr(self,i): setattr(self, i, values[i]) d_bolt = kcomp.D912[bolt_d] bolt_shank_r = d_bolt['shank_r_tol'] bolt_head_r = d_bolt['head_r_tol'] bolt_head_l = d_bolt['head_l'] # if more tolerance is needed in the center cb_in_w = CB_IW + intol self.cb_in_w = cb_in_w cb_wall_w = CB_W - intol/2 self.cb_wall_w = cb_wall_w clamponly_l = 2 * (CB_L + CS + 2 * CCYL_R) clamponly_w = max((cb_in_w+2*cb_wall_w), (2*CCYL_R)) # there are bolt holes, calculate the extra length needed # from the end to the clamp / cylinder bolt2end = fcfun.get_bolt_end_sep(bolt_d,hasnut=0) # bolt space on one side clamp2end = 2 * bolt2end base_min_len = clamponly_l + 3 * clamp2end if base_l < base_min_len: logger.debug("base_l too short, taking min len %s", base_min_len) base_l = base_min_len else: clamp2end = (base_l - clamponly_l) /2. bolt2end = clamp2end / 2. if base_w == 0: base_w = clamponly_w logger.debug("base_w too short, Taking min width %s", clamponly_w) elif base_w < clamponly_w: logger.debug("base_w too short, Taking min width %s", clamponly_w) base_w = clamponly_w self.base_h = base_h self.base_w = base_w self.base_l = base_l self.pos_o = pos self.pos_d = 0 self.pos_w = 0 self.pos_h = 0 chmf_r = 1. if extra == 0: extra_pos = V0 else: extra_pos = DraftVecUtils.scale(self.axis_h, -extra) pos_extra = pos + extra_pos base_top_add = DraftVecUtils.scale(self.axis_h, base_h + extra) # position centered self.d0_cen = 1 self.w0_cen = 1 self.h0_cen = 0 # position along axis_d self.d_o[0] = V0 self.d_o[1] = self.vec_d(clamp2end/2 + CCYL_R) self.d_o[2] = self.vec_d(clamp2end/2 + CCYL_R + CS + CB_L) self.d_o[3] = self.vec_d(self.base_l/2 - bolt_head_r) self.d_o[4] = self.vec_d(clamp2end/2 + CCYL_R + CS + CB_L + clamp2end) # position along axis_w self.w_o[0] = V0 self.w_o[1] = self.vec_w((cb_in_w + cb_wall_w)/2.) self.w_o[2] = self.vec_w((self.base_w + clamp2end)/2) self.w_o[3] = self.vec_w(self.base_w/2 + 2*bolt2end) # position along axis_h self.h_o[0] = V0 self.h_o[1] = self.vec_h(self.base_h) # Make the base # principal shp_base_1 = fcfun.shp_box_dir(box_w = self.base_w, box_d = self.base_l, box_h = self.base_h, fc_axis_w = self.axis_w, fc_axis_h = self.axis_h, fc_axis_d = self.axis_d, cw=1, cd=1, ch=0, # 1 centrado, 0 descentrado pos = self.pos_o) shp_base_1 = fcfun.shp_filletchamfer_dir (shp_base_1, self.axis_h, fillet = 1, radius = chmf_r) # perp shp_base_2 = fcfun.shp_box_dir(box_w = self.base_w + clamp2end + 2*bolt_head_r, box_d = 2 * bolt_head_r, box_h = self.base_h, fc_axis_w = self.axis_w, fc_axis_h = self.axis_h, fc_axis_d = self.axis_d, cw=1, cd=1, ch=0, # 1 centrado, 0 descentrado pos = self.pos_o) shp_base_2 = fcfun.shp_filletchamfer_dir (shp_base_2, self.axis_h, fillet = 1, radius = chmf_r) shp_base = fcfun.fuseshplist([shp_base_1, shp_base_2]) # make the clampblock clamp_tot_h = C_H + base_h + extra clampcyl_pos_1 = self.d_o [1] + pos_extra #clampcyl_pos_2 = self.d_o[-1] - pos_extra clampblock_side_add = DraftVecUtils.scale(self.axis_w, (cb_in_w + cb_wall_w)/2.) clampblock_1_pos = self.d_o[2] #clampblock_2_pos = self.d_o[-2] shp_cyl_1 = fcfun.shp_cyl(CCYL_R, clamp_tot_h, self.axis_h, self.get_pos_dwh(1,0,1))#self.pos + clampcyl_pos_1 + FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,self.base_h/2)) shp_clampblock_1_a = fcfun.shp_box_dir(box_w = cb_wall_w, box_d = CB_L, box_h = clamp_tot_h, fc_axis_h = self.axis_h, fc_axis_d = self.axis_d, cw=1, cd=1, ch=0, pos = self.get_pos_dwh(2,1,0))#self.pos + clampblock_1_pos + clampblock_side_add) shp_clampblock_1_b = fcfun.shp_box_dir(box_w = cb_wall_w, box_d = CB_L, box_h = clamp_tot_h, fc_axis_h = self.axis_h, fc_axis_d = self.axis_d, cw=1, cd=1, ch=0, pos = self.get_pos_dwh(2,-1,0))#self.pos + clampblock_1_pos - clampblock_side_add) shp_cyl_2 = fcfun.shp_cyl(CCYL_R, clamp_tot_h, self.axis_h, self.get_pos_dwh(-1,0,1))#self.pos + clampcyl_pos_2 - FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,self.base_h/2)) shp_clampblock_2_a = fcfun.shp_box_dir(box_w = cb_wall_w, box_d = CB_L, box_h = clamp_tot_h, fc_axis_h = self.axis_h, fc_axis_d = self.axis_d, cw=1, cd=1, ch=0, pos = self.get_pos_dwh(-2,1,0))#self.pos + clampblock_2_pos + clampblock_side_add) shp_clampblock_2_b = fcfun.shp_box_dir(box_w = cb_wall_w, box_d = CB_L, box_h = clamp_tot_h, fc_axis_h = self.axis_h, fc_axis_d = self.axis_d, cw=1, cd=1, ch=0, pos = self.get_pos_dwh(-2,-1,0))#self.pos + clampblock_2_pos - clampblock_side_add) shp_clamp = fcfun.fuseshplist([shp_cyl_1, shp_clampblock_1_a, shp_clampblock_1_b, shp_cyl_2, shp_clampblock_2_a, shp_clampblock_2_b]) # Make holes if bolt_d > 0: # pos_bolt_1 = self.pos + self.d_o[6] # pos_bolt_2 = self.pos + self.d_o[5] # pos_bolt_3 = self.pos + self.w_o[1] + pos_extra + base_top_add + FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,-self.base_h) # pos_bolt_4 = self.pos + self.w_o[2] - pos_extra - base_top_add if bolt_csunk > 0 : shp_bolt_1 = fcfun.shp_bolt_dir( r_shank = bolt_shank_r, l_bolt = base_h + extra, r_head = bolt_head_r, l_head = bolt_head_l, support=0, fc_normal = self.axis_h, pos= self.get_pos_dwh(3,0,0))#pos_bolt_1) shp_bolt_2 = fcfun.shp_bolt_dir( r_shank = bolt_shank_r, l_bolt = base_h + extra, r_head = bolt_head_r, l_head = bolt_head_l, support=0, fc_normal = self.axis_h, pos= self.get_pos_dwh(-3,0,0))#pos_bolt_2) shp_bolt_3 = fcfun.shp_bolt_dir( r_shank = bolt_shank_r, l_bolt = base_h + extra, r_head = bolt_head_r, l_head = bolt_head_l, support=0, fc_normal = self.axis_h, pos= self.get_pos_dwh(0,2,0))#pos_bolt_3) shp_bolt_4 = fcfun.shp_bolt_dir( r_shank = bolt_shank_r, l_bolt = base_h + extra, r_head = bolt_head_r, l_head = bolt_head_l, support=0, fc_normal = self.axis_h, pos= self.get_pos_dwh(0,-2,0))#pos_bolt_4) else: # no head, just a cylinder: shp_bolt_1 = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr ( r = bolt_shank_r, h = base_h + extra, normal = self.axis_h, ch = 0, xtr_top=1, xtr_bot=1, pos = self.get_pos_dwh(3,0,0))#pos_bolt_1) shp_bolt_2 = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr ( r = bolt_shank_r, h = base_h + extra, normal = self.axis_h, ch = 0, xtr_top=1, xtr_bot=1, pos = self.get_pos_dwh(-3,0,0))#pos_bolt_2) shp_bolt_3 = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr ( r = bolt_shank_r, h = base_h + extra, normal = self.axis_h, ch = 0, xtr_top=1, xtr_bot=1, pos = self.get_pos_dwh(0,2,0))#pos_bolt_3) shp_bolt_4 = fcfun.shp_cylcenxtr ( r = bolt_shank_r, h = base_h + extra, normal = self.axis_h, ch = 0, xtr_top=1, xtr_bot=1, pos = self.get_pos_dwh(0,-2,0))#pos_bolt_4) # fuse the bolts: shp_bolts = fcfun.fuseshplist([shp_bolt_1, shp_bolt_2, shp_bolt_3, shp_bolt_4]) shp_base = shp_base.cut(shp_bolts) shp = fcfun.fuseshplist([shp_base, shp_clamp]) #doc.recompute() shp = shp.removeSplitter() self.shp = shp self.wfco = wfco if wfco == 1: # a freeCAD object is created fco_clamp = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", name ) fco_clamp.Shape = shp self.fco = fco_clamp